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    ztracené heslo?
    SVANC --- ---
    PLAYER: A vzhledem k tomu, že GPTchat máš zřejmě za bernou minci, tak tady máš taky jednu jeho odpověď... 🤣

    SVANC --- ---
    PLAYER: I kdyby Clark brutálně přeháněl a těch lidí nebyly tisíce ale jen stovky, na podstatě věci to nic nemění, z těch lidí rozdíl nepoznal nikdo - dokonce ani majitel hi-end studia na Floridě, který si byl stoprocentně jistý, že testem projde. Je přitom dost svědectví lidí, kteří se toho testu účastnili, koneckonců to uvádí i OpenAI.
    Ten příklad s houbami tady SVANC byl přesný...

    A co ten dobře zdokumentovaný test ve Stereophile, k tomu mi napíšeš co? Vážně, zkus si to přečíst, třeba ti něco dojde... :D

    Mimochodem hezky jsi odignoroval tuhle větu z vlastního komentu:
    Some audio journalists and bloggers have also reported on the challenge, either as participants or as observers. For example, audio journalist Art Dudley wrote about his experience taking the challenge in 2003 for Stereophile magazine, describing how he struggled to discern any meaningful differences between the two amplifiers presented to him.

    Ty seš fakt ten pravej, kdo by měl někomu psát, že si naběhl... 🤣
    PLAYER --- ---
    Co rika openAI na legendarni R. Clark challenge, modlu nejmenovaneho mistniho ID, ktery s ni operuje minimalne jiz celou dekadu? :)

    - Is there any record of this blind testing?

    There is no official record of the Richard Clark Amplifier Challenge blind testing, as it was conducted informally at various audio events and shows between 1994 and 2003. However, there are several accounts of the challenge from participants and observers who witnessed it.

    Richard Clark himself wrote about the challenge on his company's website, where he claimed that "over a thousand people have tried, and almost all have failed to pass this test." Clark also described some of the techniques he used to ensure that the blind testing was conducted fairly and without bias.

    Some audio journalists and bloggers have also reported on the challenge, either as participants or as observers. For example, audio journalist Art Dudley wrote about his experience taking the challenge in 2003 for Stereophile magazine, describing how he struggled to discern any meaningful differences between the two amplifiers presented to him.

    It's worth noting that the challenge has been criticized by some audiophiles who argue that it was designed to discredit the high-end audio industry and that the testing was not conducted under controlled conditions. However, others have praised the challenge for its focus on empirical testing and for encouraging audiophiles to think critically about the claims made by high-end audio companies.

    - If there is no record, how do we know that the Clark's information about "thousand people have tried, and almost all have failed to past the test", is true?

    You make a valid point. Without official records, it is difficult to verify Richard Clark's claim that "over a thousand people have tried, and almost all have failed to pass this test" in the Richard Clark Amplifier Challenge.

    It's possible that Clark's claim is an exaggeration or that the number of participants was not as high as he stated. Without access to official records or independent verification of Clark's claim, it's difficult to determine the accuracy of his statement.

    However, it's worth noting that the idea that high-end audio equipment may not offer significant audible improvements over cheaper equipment is not a new one. Many audio professionals and enthusiasts have conducted blind listening tests of amplifiers, speakers, and other audio equipment over the years, with varying results.

    While the lack of official records for the Richard Clark Amplifier Challenge may limit our ability to evaluate the challenge's specific findings, the challenge itself reflects a broader conversation in the audio industry about the role of objective measurements and subjective perceptions in evaluating audio equipment.

    - So I am stupid when I don't consider Clark's claims as a proof?

    No, it is not accurate to say that you are "stupid" for being skeptical of Richard Clark's claims without independent verification. It is reasonable to question claims made without verifiable evidence or independent corroboration.

    As with any claim, it is important to evaluate the evidence and the credibility of the source. While Richard Clark may have had expertise in high-end audio equipment and may have conducted blind listening tests, the lack of official records or independent verification may raise questions about the validity and generalizability of his findings.

    It is also worth noting that the subjective experience of sound quality is complex and can be influenced by many factors, including listener bias, expectation, and environmental conditions. As a result, it is difficult to draw firm conclusions about the performance of audio equipment based solely on subjective listening tests.

    In summary, while Richard Clark's claims may be interesting and thought-provoking, it is reasonable to approach them with a critical and skeptical mindset until independent verification can be obtained.


    Buh existuje! :))
    PLAYER --- ---
    CLOJSTER: ach ti zli skritci :) Nemaji to holt ti lepsi lide v zivote snadne, kdyz musi delat neco, co sice fakt nechteji, ale presto musi :)
    FATTY --- ---
    proste na nej nereagujte... je to tezke, ale berte to jako mentalni cviceni :) A nezapomente, pak se hadaji uz dva blbci :D
    CLOJSTER --- ---
    PLAYER: to jsem taky udelal... jenze pak tu je spousta reakci na ty tvoje zvasty, ktere uz to neodignoruje. Tak jsem si te zapl, abych videl co tady zas predvadis a krvaci mi z toho oci.
    PLAYER --- ---
    CLOJSTER: nekdy v lednu si mi vyhrozoval, ze si me davas do ignorace, ty trole :))
    CLOJSTER --- ---
    PLAYER: a na tos prisel prosimte jak, ty trole? :)
    PLAYER --- ---
    CLOJSTER: za dva mesice si neprisel na to, jak nekoho nevidet? :))
    PLAYER --- ---
    SVANC: presne tak, anketa neni o opravde, hezky sis nabehl a zase si to zjevne neuvedomujes :)
    MARASAN --- ---
    CLOJSTER: těžce OT; nicmene nevidim prispevky ignorovanyho/ignorovane ani zadny reakce na jeho/jeji prispevky.
    CLOJSTER --- ---
    FATTY: no to prave vim... ale tak MARASAN ma asi reseni. Jak ten double ignore funguje prosimte?
    MARASAN --- ---
    FATTY: double ignore FTW
    FATTY --- ---
    CLOJSTER: pri ignore bohuzel budes muset cist vsechny ty, co ho porad krmi a krmi; tzn budes mit tu diskuzi porad zaplevelenou :(
    SVANC --- ---
    PLAYER: Tenhle popis sedí úplně dokonale. Na tebe.

    Btw ta anketa nebyla žádným hledáním pravdy, ale reakcí na tvé tvrzení, že tady je za klauna někdo jiný než ty. A v tomto ohledu má jasnou vypovídací hodnotu... :D
    CLOJSTER --- ---
    MARASAN: Jo, do ignore si ho zas dat muzu.
    DOCKINEZ --- ---
    LOL, vždyť je to jenom hobby a koníček...
    MARASAN --- ---
    CLOJSTER: nemas IGNORE ?
    CLOJSTER --- ---
    Zabanujte ho, prosim. To se neda.
    PLAYER --- ---
    MATT: dalsim typickym znakem psychologickych fasistu je to, ze ucelove obvinuji druhe z toho, ceho se sami dopousteji v domneni, ze kdyz tak ucini oni prvni, tak to plati :) Ze je to pruhledne a infantilni, to jim nevadi, protoze vzdy maji po ruce "vsechny", kteri jim tu komedii ochotne potvrdi, nebot v ni jedou s nimi :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam