a pak jeste byl povinnej test... mrdat!
Dear All,
it is necessary that we, XYZ Czech Republic spol. s r.o. , comply with the provisions of the U.S. Export
Administration Regulations.
Primary features of export compliance are that no transactions contrary to the export regulations,
whatsoever, are to be made, and questions relating to the correctness of a transaction, knowledge
of a violation, or possible violation, must immediately be reported to management, the Export Regulation
Executive and outside legal counsel.
The specific details of our compliance with these regulations have been communicated to you by the Export
Regulation Executive or Export Regulation Coordinator ( ERC - Jana Pichrtova )
and are spelled out in the USERP . It is management's responsibility to communicate this policy to key persons
involved in export compliance activities.
Failure to comply with the regulations can result in significant administrative and monetary burdens to us and
to the XYZ Corporation as a whole, as well as product supply problems.