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    ztracené heslo?
    DANYSEKCo vam prave prislo za dementni maily?
    LEXXA --- ---
    DEIKSAC: ja takhle prisel dvakrat o job.
    ted si vazne davam pozor.
    DEIKSAC --- ---
    ja ho neabsolvoval a proslo i to :)
    STEVEN --- ---
    LOOKASH_II: tak to musel byt ohromne zajimavy kurz :))
    LOOKASH_II --- ---
    U nas v praci mame povinny 'sexual harrasment kurz' a nikdo kdo tim kurzem prosel, si takovyhle mejl nedovoli napsat aby ho nevyhodili :))
    VANEK --- ---
    Od: RNDr. Oto Svach
    Komu: (113 adres včetně skupinových ze začátku abecedy, takže to asi ještě pokračuje)
    Věc: Re: Zrušení zájezdu 19. 6. 2004 - ing. Ziegenfuss

    !!! NECHCI SPAN !!!

    >>> Odborova organizace 4.6.2004 10:38:17 >>>
    Vlastivědný zájezd, nazvaný "Za relikviářem sv. Maura" , se pro nedostatečný počet zájemců nekoná a bude zařazen do plánu zájezdů roku 2005.
    Málková Pavla
    STEVEN --- ---
    a ja uplne cuze? ;)

    From: [sekretariat@xxxx.cz]
    Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2004 12:20 PM
    To: 'Steven'

    máš ihned volat Báru-spadl jí


    LOOKASH_II --- ---

    please review the plan.

    VANEK --- ---
    Sice spam, ale myslím pozoruhodně dementní:

    Předmět (Subject): Gouranga
    Od (From): "NitaiGouranga" nitaigouranga@aol.com

    Call out Gouranga be happy!!!
    Gouranga Gouranga Gouranga ....
    That which brings the highest happiness!!

    To chce - jako v reklamních kampaních - vyvolat zvědavost, abych odepsal, oč jde, a on na mě ty milióny vybalí až potom, nebo co?
    EFHA --- ---
    odpoved z japonskeho webshopu psana nefalsovanou engrish:

    From: "JET SET ONLINE SHOP" (jetset_en@jetsetrecords.net)
    Subject: We accepted your order(JET SET)

    Dear Mr.

    We appreciate purchasing at JET SET ONLINESHOP.

    We accepted your order the following.
    We will notify the result confirmed the stock by e-mail.

    We will accept the cancellation of your all order
    when there is out of stock in your order
    and you notify us about the cancellation within 48 hours
    after we send e-mail of the result confirmed the stock.

    We will not accept the cancellation of order
    when we can completed all stock you ordered.

    We will accept an additional order only at once within 48 hours
    after we send e-mail about the result confirmed the stock.
    DEIKSAC --- ---
    lexxa :)
    DEIKSAC --- ---
    mui - koukam mas stesti na super kolegy :)
    LEXXA --- ---
    sem si trosku hral u otce v praci a nechtene sem se dostal do posty generalnyho reditele pan X Y. v inboxu byla sprava od ekonomickeho reditele pan Z Y [jeho otec]. predavam to jak si to pamatuji.

    Prosimte mi nekdo o poledni pauze osukal sekretarku. Nevis o tom neco? uz dve hodiny mi dela kafe a citim sperma.....
    Sme preci jen chlapi. Sme preci jen chlapi muzes mi to rict.

    Ing. Blah blah
    odchozi zprava blah blah blah....

    docela me to rozsekalo
    EFHA --- ---
    (ok, je to spam, ale fakt dementni. viagra, penis enlargement, nigeria scam, to chapu. ale stolni tenis!?)

    Organization: Sweden Table Table AB
    From: "STIGA Table Tennis" (info@tabletennis.se)
    To: fh@kotelna.sk
    Subject: STIGA e-NEWS no4-2004

    STIGA e-NEWS no: 4-2004
    Welcome to STIGA e-NEWS No: 4-2004

    Win great prizes in our new STIGA QUIZ
    Don't miss the opportunity to win great STIGA prizes in our new STIGA Quiz.

    French Champions 2003/2004!
    Elan Nevers has become the French Team Champions in the prestigious Super Division.

    New product 2004 - Titanium 5.4 blade

    Training Tips from Jens Lundquist!
    VANEK --- ---
    Subj: povinná desinfekce záchodů

    Obsah už tak dobrý není:
    Upozornění všem zaměstnancům objektu ***
    Dnes 12.5.2004 v odpoledních hodinách bude provedena desinfekce sociálních zařízení. Žádáme všechny zaměstnance o opatrnost při vstupu do těchto prostor, protože podlahy mohou být kluzké.
    S pozdravem
    provozní oddělení
    VANEK --- ---
    Pokud obsahují kameňáky o siru Thompsonovi, tak jo.
    HONZAF --- ---
    ja nevim lidi .. vam fakt prijdou spamy jako dementni? to jsou spamy dementi mail ma podle me hlavu a patu a zaroven to neni spam ..
    JAEGER --- ---
    ??? Co to kurva...?!

    Od: "wilmer aronstein" <legidley@yahoo.co.uk> přidat do adresáře

    Předmět: Oikbw Rx informati0n

    Datum: Dnes 12:48

    Komu: "lynwood otis" <jaeger@xxxxxxxxx.cz>

    ayxx ashadowstruc acas

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    Stop the pain, here's how: vico*din

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    No thanks: http://dixie-info.net/wdj/rm.html
    Sir William Thompson was very deaf but he did not like people to know
    One evening he had invited several friends to dinner, and while they
    sitting at the table, one of the friends told a funny story. Everyone
    laughed, and Sir William, who had laughed as loud as anyone, said,
    "That was
    a very funny joke, but I know a funnier one. Would you like to hear
    They all said they would, so Sir William began his story. When it
    everyone laughed louder than ever and Sir William smiled happily. But
    didn't know the reason for their laughter. He had told the very same
    that his friend had just told.
    On the first day of college, the Dean addressed the students, pointing
    some of the rules: "The female dormitory will be out-of-bounds
    for all male
    students, and the male dormitory to the female students. Anybody
    breaking this rule will be fined $20 the first time." He
    continued, "Anybody
    caught breaking this rule the second time will be fined $60. Being
    caught a
    third time will cost you a fine of $180. Are there any
    questions?"At this
    point, a male student in the crowd inquired: "How much for a
    season pass?"
    katuko5hanshaon02kouhoute,douitsuk funanish.
    VANEK --- ---
    Závěrečný antibayesovský text ze sopamu se subj. This summer, why not look better: The quality of included studies was poor overall We did not detect bias induced by any of the measures assessed We could not obtain data on all cause fatality for 33% of studies It is unlikely that missing results would shift the results for studies comparing the same lactam relative risk 1 02 0 76 to 1 38 but it is of concern that studies comparing different lactams 0 85 0 69 to 1 05 may not detect important harm to patients Our assessment of treatment effects for patients with P aeruginosa Gram negative and blood infections relies on subgroup analysis We did not detect an advantage for combination therapy among these patients Only few patients with documented P aeruginosa infections could be evaluated As the Tatars poured through the gateway in a compact mass they were met by a hail of bullets, spears and arrows, which did fearful execution among them
    Many were killed outright, while others fell wounded to be trampled upon by those who pressed on from the rear
    BETSABE --- ---
    ....vas email se tyka rozvozu exponatu, navrhujete mi jinou moznost jak prepravit "dreveny kopec" do naseho skladu? Nedisponujete vozem, ktery ho na Prahu 4 dovezl? a dvema silnymi muzi, kteri by jej slozili?

    dekuji za zpravu.

    SKID --- ---
    Sex jen o dnech zacinajicich na "P": Mel bys mit sex kazdy den, zacinajici na P: Pondeli, Patek, Prave dnes, Predevcirem, Pozitri, Pobotu, Pedeli, kazdy Pitomy den. Sex je jako Nokia (spojuje lidi), jako Nike (proste to udelej), jako Pepsi (chtej vic) a jako Coca Cola (poteseni). Posli tuhle hlasku alespon 5ti lidem, nebo budes mit 5 let fakt mizernej sex!!! P.S.: Sorry, ale nektery veci se nevyplaci riskovat;))))
    000333 --- ---
    od sefa:

    zajimalo by me, ktery prase vysedava u me v kancelari, klepe mi popel do sklenicky s vodou!!!!,
    kterou ja potom, netuse, ze je na dne popel, vypiju na ex.

    fakt diky moc.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam