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    ztracené heslo?
    LITTLEBOYAnonymita na internetu :: TOR - FREENET - FREEPROXY - ...
    JDEE --- ---
    Vhodnych telefonu na trhu v CR je ted ke 140. Mnohe jsou velmi levne.
    Proc neveris bezpeci SMS007?
    DANYSEK --- ---
    JDEE: on je i pro spoustu lidi nedostupny (svazanost s Java MIDP-2.0) - on ne kazdy ma na to, aby si kazdy rok kupoval novy pristroj :) Duvody proc to tak je chapu... ale radeji duverne informace budu prenaset jinak... ;)
    JDEE --- ---
    SMS007 je pro spoustu lidi snadno a kdekoliv dostupny bezpecny kanal.
    Vzhledem k tomu, co delame bych treba velice nerad posilal rootovske heslo na webshop obycejnou smskou ;) . Zrovna dnes jsem tento problem resil, kolega jel do Plzne, zmenil vcera heslo a zapomel mi ho rici :( . Obcas potrebuji provest nejaky obchod s velmi pohyblivymi obchodniky, kteri se maji proc obavat, protoze bohuzel nezijeme v libertarianske spolecnosti.
    Verim ve svobodu a rad Velkeho Bratra potrapim.
    REDTIME --- ---
    JDEE: Ne nepouzivam ho, protoze na sve sms komunikaci nemam co skryvat a navic nemam ani telefon, kterej by SMS007 zvladnul :) Pokud si poridim novej telefon a opravdu zacnu resit choulostive veci cez sms, tak urcite.
    JDEE --- ---
    Jake vylepseni by si system SMS007 zaslouzil?
    Pouzivate ho?
    Bude ho pouzivat?
    JDEE --- ---
    V nejblizsi dobe (pristi tyden) bude uvolnena verze SMS007 pro komunikatory Nokia 9300,9300i a 9500.
    JDEE --- ---
    Zviratko: Voice bude a nebude se jednat o push-to-talk, ale plnohodnotny hovor. Reseni bude urceno pro telefony se Symbianem vcetne tech zcela prvnich, ktere jdou nyni v bazaru koupit okolo 2500,-Kc. Nicmene, kdy bude, zalezi i na Vas, protoze na vyvoj potrebujeme penize, a proto kupujte SMS007 :)
    ZVIRATKO --- ---
    hehe :)) se jim nedivim :)
    btw co voice? premysleli jste? push-to-talk kryptovanej by byl zajimavej... ale asi na to jsou ty telefony jeste moc pomaly co?
    JDEE --- ---
    ADM:Systemem myslim statni subjekt. Nektere bezpecnostni firmy se citi zneklidnene nebot prodavaji podstatne drazsi a mene jista reseni.
    ADM --- ---
    JDEE: ehhmm ... mohl bys to prosim vice upresnit? systemem myslis statni nebo soukromopravni subjekt? a nizka cena ceho zneklidnuje bezpecnostni firmy, sms007? pokud ano, cim se citi zneklidneni?
    JDEE --- ---
    Petval: Zatim o zadne nevim. Kdysi nam system (presnejsi nebudu) neco podobneho navrhoval,
    pozadoval jsem castku. o ktere jsem si byl jist, ze ji nebudou ochotni zaplatit (20M) :) .
    Mame reakci od nekterych velkych bezpecnostnich firem, ktere zneklidnuje nizka cena :) .
    PETVAL --- ---
    me by zajimalo, jestli uz mate nejakou zpetnou vazbu od 'systemu' (BIS, Policie, atd..)
    JDEE --- ---
    Zvazuji novou anketu.Nejake napady?
    Kam by melo nase auditko smerovat? Jaka temata by vas zajimala?
    JDEE --- ---
    Před týdnem se poprvé v ČR předávaly v divadle Na Zabradli ceny BigBrotherAwards.
    Párty to byla pěkná :) . Ceremonial předávání cen trošku divadelně pojatý.
    Akci pořádalo občanské sdružení Iuridicum remedium.
    Přidávám odkaz na výsledky:
    JDEE --- ---
    O SM007 v Hospodarskych novinach od Premysla Soucka:

    JDEE --- ---
    Prevzato z mailu:

    Cracking down on crime in a cellular era

    By Chris Oakes International Herald Tribune
    MONDAY,OCTOBER 31,2005

    When soccer fans rioted in Rotterdam last April - this time
    targeting the police, not just rival fans - they might have expected
    a fierce chase. There was no way to foresee, however, the unique
    wireless wrinkle used in the pursuit by prosecutors determined to
    round up as many of the offenders as possible.

    After the initial phase of the investigation left many of more than
    200 suspects on the loose, the Dutch authorities turned to a kind of
    cellular door-to-door search - mass text messaging in search of
    criminal information.

    The cellular-era tactic has appeared in a growing number of cities
    since early last year, as the police seek to turn cellphones into
    direct lines to potential witnesses.

    "We were really determined to arrest everybody involved," said
    Jeichien Degraaff, spokeswoman for the Rotterdam public prosecutor's

    The clash was a uniquely bloody event for the department, with 50
    officers badly hurt, according to Degraaff. Approximately 40 people
    were arrested on the scene.

    Video images taken by the police during the melee were used to add
    250 suspects, Degraaff said. Permission to show the image grabs on
    Dutch television and a police Web site was granted by the

    Unsatisfied with the results of those efforts, prosecutors decided
    to try using SMS for the first time in search of more witnesses.

    Investigators sent the SMS to 17,000 cellular subscribers, telling
    recipients that their phones were known to have been near the riot
    and to call the police with any information. The numbers were
    obtained from regional mobile carriers, whose records showed which
    phones were present in the riot area.

    Since the message was sent out in July, Degraaff said, arrests in
    the case have surpassed 130, with 100 suspects having begun court
    proceedings. Degraaff said her office believed the SMS effort played
    a role in leading to the additional arrests.

    The agency has dubbed the tactic "digital door-to-door," a reference
    to the door-to-door search for witness information police officers
    typically conduct in the area of a crime.

    The use of individual cellphone location data has become a routine
    component of prosecutions in the Netherlands and around the world.
    Signals received by area transmission "masts" can contain specific
    time, date, and general positioning information for a handset.

    It has also become more common for the police to establish SMS
    contact numbers for local precincts, which can receive information
    from the public by SMS - an alternative to a police station's local
    call-in number for submitting information on a crime.

    But the tactic of using SMS in mass reverse - where the police
    blanket a local area with an outgoing message to the public - was a
    first for Rotterdam.

    The police elsewhere also have begun similar experimentation with
    the technique, including agencies in other cities in the
    Netherlands, Britain and the United States.

    In the case of mass SMS, Degraaff said prosecutors obtained the
    numbers without any names, broadcasting the message without having
    any data about the identity of the recipients, a function of Dutch
    privacy laws.

    The issue of privacy has advocacy organizations concerned about law
    enforcement use of cellphone location data. When a system in Germany
    was announced, critics in the government denounced it for
    encouraging spying, saying participants could misuse the technology.

    Normally, police use of cellphone numbers has to be linked to a
    particular investigation and preferably linked to a suspect,
    Degraaff said. "That's why in this case we only asked for the
    numbers of the phones," she said. "And we didn't ask the owners, the
    names, or the identities of the owners of those numbers. We were
    looking for witnesses."

    Somewhat surprisingly, five or so suspects responded directly to the
    SMS by turning themselves in, Degraaff said, adding that it was
    possible such suspects believed, incorrectly, the message meant they
    had been identified.


    My comment:

    Obviously police have ilegally obtained 17000 data-records
    from the GSM network providers...both are in violation since
    these records can not be given without a court-order (wiretap)
    for each and evey phone...for each phone their should be at least
    some little evidence that it was involved in a crime

    Saying: "Yes but we have only asked for numbers and not the names"
    is not relevant. that would be the same as robbing a bank and
    taking just 1000 $ while leaving behind 50000 $...you will agree
    that such a robbery is still a crime.

    Any evidence resulting from above cannot be used in a court
    of law since it was obtained ilegally (no wiretap-permits)

    What can we learn from this ?

    Information and Data on cellphones is sometimes issued/given
    without a court-order and the laws are set a side.
    Even in a "sophisticated" country like the Netherlands.

    We have a privacy-watching organisation here...and it's
    government-subsidised...they have reacted very slowly and
    powerless...therefore government-subsidised should read as
    "on the payroll" ...wich explains it all.

    Also it shows that GSM-providers can't be trusted to not give out
    your data without a court-order.

    The Netherlands

    INGLOR2 --- ---
    REDTIME --- --- 14.26:28 27.10.2005 Nejde jen o Itálii. Velkými uchy jsou rovněž Nizozemí a Německo.

    Co se anglosaských zemí týče, spolupráce USA, GB, Kanady a Austrálie na konstrukci Echelonu je bohužel docela známá. Všem zemím to vyhovuje, neboť pokud např. Britové mají legislativní problém odposlouchávat nějakého svého občana, požádají o tuto službičku Američany nebo Australany, a naopak.

    Echelon - Wikipedia

    Potíž s Echelonem je ta, že je nepříjemné podezření, že se používá i pro průmyslovou špionáž. Což už se třeba v oblasti software týká kdekoho, třeba naší firmy.

    Proto šifrujte, šifrujte :-)
    JDEE --- ---
    Jeste mala poznamka, nase sidlo je az na konci Pernerove (blize Invalidovne).
    Na domu je velika cedule "Cepro", nejkratsi cesta ze zastavky tram Urxova.
    Vetsina lidi, ktera nas hleda ma problem to najit, a proto si radeji poznacte telefon a pripadne zavolejte :)

    602 344 594
    (cislo funguje jen v dobe, kdy jsme pritomni ve firme)
    JDEE --- ---
    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPECIALNI AKCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tento tyden jsme ochotni kazdemu, kdo dorazi k nam do firmy CircleTech, Pernerova 48, Praha - Karlin nainstalovat i verzi CzechTek a Huli (tj. za cenu CzechTek a Huli poskytnout servis ekvivalentni verzi Profi).
    Ve firme se nachazime zpravidla mezi 10 az 21 hod. .
    Budeme radi, kdyz nas dopredu kontaktujete (mame hodne prace):
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam