"Kvaliita" anglických návodů k čínským výrobkům je asi všeobecně známá, nemohu se nepodělit:
- The users have to take charge of considering: choosing material, possibility of metamorphose in usage and check termly.
- Valve designing only considers negligible corrupt, in the serious corrosive or especial conditions it is not suitable to be installed.
- Valve operating temperature should not excess the provision in table of item 1.2; user will be responsible completely for the results if excess the scope (included instantaneousness).
- Excess maximum or use pressure rating value not according with temperature will result in bad effect. The user is responsible completely for it.
- this valve is double-seat, when it is closed, lumen possibly retain relict liquid, and when rise-temperature in system, relict liquid possibly is heat up resulting in abnormity arise up of lumen pressure. As the valve did not adopt method to relief, user should partly open or close valve during start-up at last system or other ways to discharge remains.
- As the surface temperature of valve operating possibly result in body touch scald, user must in corresponding parts set alert marks.
- At process of valve operating, weld repairing and surface painting are not allowed.
- It is not allowed to take part valve under pressure conditions.
- Valve designing not consider calculating lifespan, test and tiredness intension check. User should be timely check and repair, replace in usage.
- Valve designing not consider earthquake load, the manufacturer will not take charge of any results as it.