S tím Trumpem a českými novináři si ještě užijeme…
Trumpovým ministrem obrany by se mohl stát 'generál generálů' Mattis | Svět
Oba muži se setkali rovněž v sobotu. Společná konverzace byla podle Trumpa dalekosáhlá a týkala se různých mezinárodních témat. "Mají za sebou vřelé a věcné jednání. A mohu potvrdit, že je Romney mezi několika dalšími, velmi kultivovanými Američany, kteří by mohli vést naší diplomacii," komentoval setkání Pence.
WTF? Aha,
Vice president-elect Mike Pence talks transition; Sen. Schumer on working with Trump administration | Fox News
Governor Mitt Romney came in. They had a good meeting. It was a warm and substantive exchange. I know he's under active consideration to be the secretary of state of the United States along with other distinguished Americans.
. The Trump team characterizing the conversation as extremely positive and productive.
MITT ROMNEY, FORMER REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We had a far-reaching conversation with regards to the various theaters in the world where there are interests of the United States of real significant. We discussed those areas and exchanged our views on those topics.