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    ztracené heslo?
    MESKPeak Oil - zlom ropy
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Last week, at a public meeting, I was asked several times if this famed "peak oil" has arrived or not. People who have heard of peak oil seem to be becoming impatient, but I am afraid we'll have to wait a little longer. Peak oil is not here yet, at least if we intend it as a significant decline in the production of combustible liquids. Does that mean that the predictions based on the Hubbert model were wrong? In a sense, yes: you should know that all models are wrong by definition. Some, however, can be useful if you know how to use them. That's the case of the Hubbert model: it had given us a useful warning that, however, we chose to ignore. Let me explain this point by means of a summary
    of a talk that I gave at the conference on the future of energy organized in Basel by the Club of Rome on 16-17 october 2011. A few months have passed since I gave that talk, but things haven't changed much from then.


    We don't see a peak for the year 2000, nor we see it for 2005. If the peak had been in 2000 or 2005, we should be already seeing a significant production decline. What we see, instead, is a plateau that has been lasting for the past five years or so, interrupting the growth trend that had been the rule from 1983. So, no peak so far, but clearly "something" has been happening with oil production starting with the first decade of the 21st century, considering also the remarkable increase in oil prices of that period. But what's happening, exactly? Where is the peak? Should we expect it soon, or is it delayed for a long time?

    I think that at this point we need to pause for a moment. What is exactly a model and what can it be used for? Models come in a variety of forms: formal, informal, complex, simple, aggregated, multiparameter and more. But, no matter what model you are using, one thing that can be said is that if you think it can predict the future, I am afraid that you are going to be sorely disappointed. Complex mathematical models may not be any better than the crystal ball that is part of the toolbox of any self respecting magician. Models are no magic. Models are just tools. And, just as with any tool, you need to know how to use them, otherwise you risk to hurt yourself.


    What should we expect now? Well, we don't need a formal model to understand that the oil industry can keep extracting oil as long as there are customers able to pay for it. The problem is that, with progressive of depletion, extraction costs can only increase as we tackle more and more difficult, dirty, and remote resources. That will be continue to generate high prices. So, we'll have peak oil when we won't be able to pay these prices any longer.

    Peak oil: has it arrived? | Energy Bulletin

    A komentář: It is disappointing to read an article that indicates it is discussing peak oil and shows instead a graph that includes natural gas liquids. Why not show oil plus field condensate?
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    The Oil Drum | The European Refining Blues
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    BBC News - Shortages: Is 'peak oil' idea dead?
    MESK --- ---
    Transněfť: Rusko bude dodávky ropy do ČR asi dál omezovat - Patria.cz
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Navigating through a Room full of Elephants - Nate Hagens - YouTube
    BORDIGA --- ---
    Obnova Iráku mění rovnováhu sil v OPEC. Růst těžby by mohl rozvrátit systém kvót - Patria.cz
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    kecy jsou s y, vopičáku:)
    MESK --- ---
    trochu jsem tu promazal keci, keci, kecicky...
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Na tomto materiálu MMF se podíleli i dva zaměstnanci ČNB. :-)

    The Future of Oil: Geology versus Technology

    "We discuss and reconcile two diametrically opposed views concerning the future of world oil production and prices. The geological view expects that physical constraints will dominate the future evolution of oil output and prices. It is supported by the fact that world oil production has plateaued since 2005 despite historically high prices, and that spare capacity has been near historic lows. The technological view of oil expects that higher oil prices must eventually have a decisive effect on oil output, by encouraging technological solutions. It is supported by the fact that high prices have, since 2003, led to upward revisions in production forecasts based on a purely geological view. We present a nonlinear econometric model of the world oil market that encompasses both views. The model performs far better than existing empirical models in forecasting oil prices and oil output out of sample. Its point forecast is for a near doubling of the real price of oil over the coming decade. The error bands are wide, and reflect sharply differing judgments on ultimately recoverable reserves, and on future price elasticities of oil demand and supply."

    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    BIDAK: Cesta kam? Že to je bublina, není rozhodně jen můj názor. Ale někteří to říkali už dávno, stačí sledovat a nečíst pr články českých a amerických žumpálistů a manažerů firem.

    Polsko spoléhá na plyn z břidlic, zásoby ale možná zklamou - E15.cz / zprávy

    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    BIDAK: Psal jsem dlouhodobě, takže co je za problém? A k rozkladu cen ropy jsem Tě dvakrát odkazoval na Staniforda, že jsi to nezaznamenal, nebo nečetl, není můj problém. Toto jsem tu taky dával před časem.

    Nic není nemožné, ani barel ropy za 200 dolarů | EnergyBulletin
    BIDAK --- ---
    VSOUKOLOHLOR: Ještě pořád jsou podle tebe ceny na historických maximech? Já jenom, že bych v mém světě nakoupil nějakou ropu a vyvážel jí do toho tvého. :)
    BIDAK --- ---
    VSOUKOLOHLOR: Čili tvůj názor je, že břidličný plyn se bublina/slepá cesta?
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Jo, tak prosím.

    Exxon vycouval z Polska. A břidličný plyn je v USA tak levný, poněvadž se prodává výrazně pod cenou, poněvadž bylo polí roztěženo příliš a firmám se více vyplácí udržovat cenu než ji dočasně přerušit. Výtěžnost klesá často o více než 10% ročně.

    After The Gold Rush: Conclusions
    • Shale gas has compensated for decline in conventional gas production.
    • Most analysts forecast that the future will be much like the present and that natural gas will be abundant and cheap for decades.
    • Demand is increasing and production is beginning to decrease.
    • Government is now on the natural gas band wagon: regulation & legislation will effectively mandate increased gas demand.
    • Price matters and many companies are now in trouble.
    • Beware of what you read and hear: the change in supply & price may occur faster than many now forecast!

    After The Gold Rush: A Perspective on Future U.S. Natural Gas Supply and Price Arthur E. Berman Labyrinth Consulting Services, Inc.
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    I have, however, in previous posts, given my reasons for anticipating that the surge in both Russian production and that in the United States are at near peak, and will soon decline. Saudi Arabia’s fall will be less dramatic and a little later, but the combination does not bode well for the international supply in the next presidential term.

    The big question with Saudi Arabian production has been, to date, more focused on the production from Ghawar, which at 5 mbd has been the rock on which the overall production builds. But that rock is continuously eroding under the long production periods that its different regions have seen.

    The Oil Drum | Tech Talk - Current oil production and the future of Ghawar
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
    Tady něco pro E2E4.

    Seven Myths Used To Debunk Peak Oil, Debunked By Andrew McKay
    VSOUKOLOHLOR --- ---
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