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    ztracené heslo?
    TSOHfree community ☮ & traveller places
    CLOWN --- ---
    Ground Zero Free Party Traveller Sound...On the Road...next party: Orgiva, Ciggarones site, Southern Spain. Saturday 19th December...TBC...Keep Connected - Keep Underground - Keep Free!
    CLOWN --- ---
    KUBALIBRE: A VI NO SYSTEM znam velmi dobře, pár znich je vpohodě pár znich je nafoukanej,D potkal jsem je po celim španělsku kam sem přijel tam někdo onich byl a když sem se vrátil do čech tam tam byli taky,D
    _A5_ --- ---
    ELA: No to taky:)

    dokonce ji mam doma, jen uz je takova polorozpadla:/
    ELA --- ---
    No system se jmenuje knizka od Vinci Peterson
    _A5_ --- ---
    KUBALIBRE: Nejsem si jistej, ale mam pocit, ze ta knizka a banda No system nemaji nic spolecneho...
    KUBALIBRE --- ---
    CLOWN: lidi z NO SYSTEM sou moc fajn, mám mezi nima spoustu suprovejch přátel...pokud někdo budete treveleřit, tak rozhodně doporučuju jet s nima ...opravdu sranda ;)
    ELA --- ---
    hm, akorat skoda, ze je momentalne nemozny tuhle knizku sehnat
    CLOWN --- ---
    No System
    by Vinca Petersen

    Vinca Petersen's life is that of a modern nomad: "Different people's lives are based around different things, ours are based around music." For a couple of years she has been cruising through Europe with a group of young people in convoy, organising illegal music events and raves. She lives with her friends in old vans, buses or caravans. These young nomads are constantly searching for wasteland or abandoned buildings to set up their soundsystems and pump out loud techno. No System is a personal document of this way of life. Petersen has photographed the everyday existence of these communities. The pictures are accompanied by her diary notes and collected ephemera describing the forms of autonomy and self organisation of the "tribes", explaining that these people don't want to rebel as much as to live outside the system.
    This book presents a modern form of tribal life, where young people live together with their own rules. "Welcome to our way of living"

    no coment

    CLOWN --- ---
    No System
    by Vinca Petersen

    Vinca Petersen's life is that of a modern nomad: "Different people's lives are based around different things, ours are based around music." For a couple of years she has been cruising through Europe with a group of young people in convoy, organising illegal music events and raves. She lives with her friends in old vans, buses or caravans. These young nomads are constantly searching for wasteland or abandoned buildings to set up their soundsystems and pump out loud techno. No System is a personal document of this way of life. Petersen has photographed the everyday existence of these communities. The pictures are accompanied by her diary notes and collected ephemera describing the forms of autonomy and self organisation of the "tribes", explaining that these people don't want to rebel as much as to live outside the system.
    This book presents a modern form of tribal life, where young people live together with their own rules. "Welcome to our way of living"

    no coment

    RFK --- ---
    jo to nevim,já jsem se ho na jméno neptal:)
    _A5_ --- ---
    RFK: ten typek o kterym ted byla rec se jmenuje Mira myslim...
    RFK --- ---
    _A5_: kdo?
    _A5_ --- ---
    RFK: Myslim, ze piko bylo ten duvod proc odjel pryc rikal...
    ostatne jako vic zevlaku z cech, co potka clovek na cestach - utek pred drogami nebo zakonem:)

    No Mira je ted zas cistej az moc ..imho
    RFK --- ---
    _A5_: kecy!?,no příběh je ten,že jsem se s nim potkal ve stavu "tři dny na perníku na akci" už bylo skoro po všem a samozřejmě,že jsem měl káru vobleženou ještěrstvem toho nejtěžšího kalibru (foil na tripu,třináctiletej ládik z liberce na tripu a pár dalších zevlantů který si nepamatuju).z dlouhý chvíle jsem jim dával fakt přehnaný filozofický kázání (foil i ládík to brali jako velkou prdel,aůle ti ostatní to žrali jako guláš).načež se tam přifařil i tenhle typ a hrozně jsme si rozuměli.buhehe
    _A5_ --- ---
    RFK: jj, to si vlastne pamatuju, jak o tobe porad basnil...
    RFK --- ---
    KATKA119: já ho taky znám,myslim si že je super ale nikdo z nás nejni dokonalej a každýmu vobčas jebne.mě celkem ovlivnil:)pozdravuj ho i vode mě
    ORLIK --- ---
    KALISON: No to by me taky zajimalo! Meli bychom udelat poradnik, at se chudak klaun jeste nedopousti uprednostnovani veritele!
    CLOWN --- ---
    greace rhodos, za mněsíc spět.......
    KALISON --- ---
    CLOWN: tg co je stebou???kdy zacnes vracet dluhy???uz nas to nebavi.......nebud zmrd a ozvise,ajen tak mimochodem nevite negdo gde bych mohl potkat tadytoho drsnyho trevelera??????dik
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