TLDR - Jak Bill Gates podporuje zabíjení půdy
The Tragedy of Well Intentioned Money Lacking Information
The application of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer (SNF) is causing significant improvements in yield for the first year, but it also deprives soil organic matter of access to nutrients from photosynthesis. Over some very few years, soil organic matter dies off completely, which leaves crops exposed to predation from weeds and insects, which leads to an ever increasing application of pesticides. Which leads to genetic manipulation of crops to withstand such concentrated pesticides, which leads to toxins bleeding into the food supply, which leads to inflammatory diseases.
The lack of soil organic matter deprives insects and worms of their food, which deprives birds and small mammals of their food, which then goes up the food chain.
SNF washing off into rivers, lakes, and oceans is disrupting the ocean’s ecosystem, causing dead zones leading fish to die off. Pesticides also washing off is killing water insects that feed small fish, which deprives the food supply for larger fish.
Hence we can argue that SNF is root cause for the extinction of a complex web of life. The phase out of SNF should become a core objective of regenerative organic agriculture.
Why-I-love-fertilizer | Bill Gates