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    ztracené heslo?
    MATHESMAGIC THE GATHERING : Vrazda v salonnim kupe
    ELEMENT_LEAD --- ---
    je to trochu se zpozdenim, ale nesledoval nahodou nekdo nejak bliz to halo ohledne wotc banu Jeremy Hambla? nahodou jsem na to vcera narazil a zajimalo by me, jestli na to ma nekdo nejaky nazor.
    JULIAN --- ---
    tohle tez splnuje kriteria, ne?
    VESPER_INDIGO --- ---
    Díky všem, nn neznal jsem to.
    ASYD --- ---
    A scryfall abysme to meli kompletni
    HRADECAK --- ---
    magiccards.info je fajn, popř. ja jsem přešel na ofiko:
    Gatherer - Magic: The Gathering
    _DOMINIK_ --- ---
    _DOMINIK_: v tom dotazu jsem zapomnel zaskrtnout "colorless" barvu, takze to nevratilo ten decimator web. pak je tech vysledku 10
    _DOMINIK_ --- ---
    VESPER_INDIGO: znas magiccards.info (-> advanced search) ? na takovyhle mirne slozitejsi dotazy sice uplne nestaci jen jedna vyhledavaci "query" a musis pak prochazet vysledky rucne, ale kdyz to spravne zformulujes, tak najdes celkem snadno skoro vsechno...

    o:gets o:"poison counter" c!wurg
    VESPER_INDIGO --- ---
    KUTAS: díky
    KUTAS --- ---
    VESPER_INDIGO: sry nevšimnul jsem si, že jsi chtěl ne-černé :)

    VESPER_INDIGO --- ---
    KUTAS: tjn. ale ty jsou právě černý. No, je to asi i nesmysl, aby to dělaly jiný než černý karty. Půjdu na to celé asi jinak. Díky za rady a tak.
    KUTAS --- ---
    VESPER_INDIGO: co třeba tyhle...

    VESPER_INDIGO --- ---
    Teda, chtěl jsem říct jinak než přes combat, vlastně.
    VESPER_INDIGO --- ---
    NECRO_BUTCHER: tak o to mi právě jde. Ale nejdřív, jak ho tam dostat jinak než přes creatures.
    NECRO_BUTCHER --- ---
    VESPER_INDIGO: jestli už nějakej má, tak to můžeš proliferovat..
    VESPER_INDIGO --- ---
    Existuje nějaká levná ne-černá karta, která dává protihráči poison counter rovnou? Asi ne co...
    CROCO --- ---
    MTG Vault, Online Magic: The Gathering Deck Builder
    ASYD --- ---
    "Why does Nicol Bolas want an artifact that imprisons Planeswalkers?" she asked in hushed fear.

    Jace's lips were a stern line, and he looked at her with dread.

    "Vraska," he said, his voice wavering, "you need to know who you're working for."
    ASYD --- ---
    Azor: "As caretaker and arbiter of law for the entirety of the Multiverse, it was my duty to collaborate for the greater good. The Immortal Sun was built to imprison one specific enemy. It amplifies the magical abilities of whoever touches it, and it prevents planeswalkers from leaving a plane. The perfect cage for a diabolical Planeswalker! I gave up my spark to help create the Immortal Sun, the lock of my prison, my greatest gift to all living things."

    "What evil were you trying to imprison?" Vraska asked.

    "A fiend who was a danger to all the Multiverse. Our plan, naturally, was perfect. But my friend failed."

    "Our plan? So you made it with someone else?"

    Azor growled. "He was my friend. He was supposed to help me get back my spark after our plan worked, which it did not—"

    "So your friend helped make the Immortal Sun and then abandoned you?" Vraska clarified, desperate for more information from the slightly batty and clearly bitter sphinx.

    "He was to lure our foe to a faraway plane and I was to use the Immortal Sun to enhance my hieromancy and summon that foe here, to Ixalan. But I never received the signal to activate the Immortal Sun. I do not know my associate's fate," Azor said with a flick of his tail. "We devised the plan over a thousand years ago, and I came to Ixalan a little over a hundred years after that. He failed. I do not know what happened, but my execution was perfect—"

    Vraska resisted the urge to hurl herself out the nearest window. He's been cooped up on this plane for a thousand years.
    RASTASHAMAN --- ---
    na tappedout ses nemusel nikdy prihlasovat, ted se musíš lognout i když si chces jen prohlížet decky...
    CHOBOT --- ---
    CHOBOT: tim chcí říct, že tappedout používám už léta a kromě toho, že jim to občas spadne, tak nemam výhrady.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam