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    ztracené heslo?
    MATHESMAGIC THE GATHERING : Vrazda v salonnim kupe
    WRATA --- ---
    Jeste stesti ze MaRo uz ohlasil ze tam tech fearies bude jen par ;)
    MATHES --- ---
    CHOBOT: US mtg trh uz neni horska draha, to uz je proste generator nahodnejch cisel
    CHOBOT --- ---
    ASYD: mtg komunita je prostě hysterická, a ono se upřímně neni co divit, když na včerejší halířovou kartu potřebuješ dneska tři kila.
    Plus každej chce zažít ten hřejivej pocit z úspěšný "spekulace"

    A to buď rád, že jsme v evropě, US mtg trh je mnohem horší horská dráha
    MATHES --- ---
    ASYD: "neskutecne zajimavy a docela i ballsy move" a co by s tim meli lidi resit? nikdo nevi presne jak to bude fungovat.

    na druhou stranu vsichni vi, ze kdyz do tier 2.5 archetypu prijde spoustu novych possible karet, tak se z nej muze dost snadno stat tier 1 deck.
    WIRUSS --- ---
    JOHNNYCAGE: Tak ono se není co divit, když WotC se rozhodli, že tohle bude to hlavní co představí, proto to bylo na pozvánce...
    JOHNNYCAGE --- ---
    ASYD: to je snad jedno jeslti je to stylizovanej stojan nebo karta vyfocená tajně někde na hajzlu, je jasný že se vrací nějakej archetyp tak je lehká mánie na místě, pokud to chceš hrát a nechceš kupovat všchno za milion jako nedávno ten nesmysl se sliverama :)
    ASYD: co je podle tebe neskutečně zajímavý move, ty divný collector boostery nebo pokemoni design katrret?
    ASYD --- ---
    no me spis trochu triggeruje, jak Wotc ohlasili neskutecne zajimavy a docela i ballsy move... a siroka verejnost stejne vidi jen podelane faeries
    MATHES --- ---
    ASYD: je to archetyp, kterej je na hranici playability. imo jim staci dost malo na to, aby prorazili na modernu
    WIRUSS --- ---
    CATHACK: Ty jo až v malém náhledu jsem si všiml znaku MTG ;-)
    ASYD: ono stačí se podívat, jak zase šli nahoru ceny karet s vílama ;-)
    ASYD --- ---
    NECRO_BUTCHER: nejsme na llorwynu

    apropo ta manie z faeries z jednoho stylizovaneho stojanu na konferenci je lollable
    NECRO_BUTCHER --- ---
    hehe, jsem zaslechl, že v příští sadě budou Víle.. :-)

    budou i Kithkini? :-)
    CATHACK --- ---
    Luxusní ilustrace od Seb McKinnona k nové expanzi Throne of Eldraine.

    ICARUS --- ---
    Ale hlavne brawl na arene!!!
    ACHERON --- ---
    MATHES: jo, me to cely pripada ze klasicky boo budou v aréně za gold a zbytek za gold plus gemy ...
    ICARUS --- ---
    WRATA: Zase v tech boosterech jsou jen alt arty, ne?
    WRATA --- ---
    Jako ty collector boostery sou dobrej dickpunch. Jako taktika “prestaneme vydavat masters sady aby jsme nevyvarili kednou rocne pred vanocema ale prubezne celej rok” je z financnihi hlediska dost v pohode ale pro consumer pristip to porad neni...
    MATHES --- ---
    MATEEJ: ASYD: vypada to, ze to nebude saga, ale nejaka "fairytale" karta
    MATHES --- ---
    Nothing has changed about the Planeswalker Decks other than the mechanically unique content can now also be found in the Collector Booster.

    aneb jak dostat vic karet do areny
    MATHES --- ---
    Let's begin with what you can expect from each of the three booster types I listed above.

    Draft Booster

    Number of Cards: 15 and 1 ad card/token card
    Number of Versions: 1

    1 rare/mythic rare
    3 uncommons
    10 commons
    1 land
    1 ad card/token card
    The booster contents are as you would expect. The Draft Booster has the possibility of containing borderless planeswalkers or showcase cards. In Throne of Eldraine specifically, there are no non-foil common showcase cards in booster packs. Those appear only in the Collector Booster.

    Theme Booster

    Number of Cards: 35 cards and 1 reference card
    Number of Versions: Varies (Throne of Eldraine has 5, one of each color)

    1.1 rares/mythic rares
    33–34 commons/uncommons
    1 reference card
    Nine out of ten Theme Boosters will have one rare, but one out of ten will have two rares. That's what "1.1 rares" means. The number of commons and uncommons in theme boosters varies between boosters, unlike Draft Boosters where the number of each rarity mostly remains constant. You'll always get more commons than uncommons, however. The reference card is new-player information on a card to help expose newer players to different aspects of the game.

    Collector Booster

    Number of Cards: 15 cards and 1 foil token card
    Number of Versions: 1

    1 rare/mythic rare with extended art
    1 foil rare/mythic rare
    9 foil commons/uncommons
    3 special-frame cards (showcase or borderless planeswalkers)
    1 ancillary card
    1 foil token
    This booster is a little more complex, so I'm going to walk through each slot:

    1 Rare/Mythic Rare with Extended Art
    This slot is a rare or mythic rare with extended art. Every rare or mythic rare from the set that doesn't already have a variant frame (meaning that it doesn't exist as a borderless planeswalker card or showcase card) will be available as extended-art cards. The extended-art cards are all rares and mythic rares and are only found in the Collector Booster.

    1 Foil Rare/Mythic Rare
    This slot is a foil of any rare or mythic rare from the set, including variant versions such as borderless planeswalker, extended-art, or showcase cards.

    9 Foil Commons/Uncommons
    These slots are for foils of any common or uncommon from the set, including variant versions such as showcase cards. (Commons and uncommons don't have borderless planeswalker or extended-art cards.)

    3 Special-Frame Cards (Borderless Planeswalkers or Showcase Cards)
    These three slots will be non-foil variant cards, but not extended art. They'll be borderless planeswalker or showcase cards. These cards will all be non-foil. For Throne of Eldraine specifically, the non-foil common showcase cards will only be found in the Collector Boosters in one of these slots.

    1 Ancillary Card (Non-foil)
    This slot is for new cards that are connected to the set but don't appear in Draft Boosters. The card pool for this slot can vary from set to set. For Throne of Eldraine, this will be the Buy-a-Box card, the new cards from the Planeswalker Decks, and the new cards from the Brawl Decks (more on this in a moment). This slot is going to be the catch-all for mechanically unique cards associated with the set, allowing collectors to get them here without having to purchase other products or participate in other promotions. These cards will be in non-foil.

    1 Foil Token
    This slot is a foil version of a token card found in the Draft Booster. The Collector Booster is the only place these token cards will appear in foil in boosters. Note that this slot is only tokens and not any other type of card, such as emblems, that also shows up in the token slot in Draft Boosters.

    Those aren't all the products that are going to be associated with Throne of Eldraine, though. Let me walk you through some more.

    MATHES --- ---
    vsechno info by CR
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