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    ztracené heslo?
    MAHISHGame culture, art and studies & ludology... a tak
    MAHISH --- ---
    KHALAVERA: jj, je zajímavý si to dát do kontextu [ KHALAVERA @ Game culture, art and studies & ludology... a tak ] toho rozhovoru s Markem Essenem
    MAHISH --- ---
    Audio in all its forms - music, sound effects, dialog - holds tremendous potential to engage, convey narrative, inform, dramatize and enthrall. However, in computer-based environments, for example games, nowadays the interaction abilities through and with sound are still underrepresented.
    The Audio Mostly Conference provide a venue to explore the unexploited potential of audio in computer-based environments, for example game contexts, and aim to help open up this area of thinking by bringing together game designers, audio experts, content creators, and technology and behavioral researchers. Through this forum, varied experts could discuss developments and new potentials for audio in many areas such as entertainment, health and fitness, education, industrial training, serious gaming, etc. This is also a venue to present sonic solutions to development and design challenges in low resolutions scenarios or environments where screens are unavailable.

    MAHISH --- ---
    Game Research 2.0 (beta)
    This site attempts to bring together the art, science and business of computer games.
    We have a collection of game research articles, game book reviews and information pages on game topics. In particular the info pages need updating/revision and we’re looking for editors who would like to take charge of one or more pages.

    MAHISH --- ---
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    MAHISH: to bola reakcia na "Why Games Are Not Art by Tom Newman" blog
    MAHISH --- ---
    KHALAVERA: pokud myslíš knihu tak nasdílej;)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MAHISH: j, tohle je btw dobrý text
    MAHISH --- ---
    01 - Best of Digital Art
    Group exhibition on the occasion of the launch of the book Digital Art from Wolf Lieser including essays from Tilman Baumgärtel, Hans Dehlinger, Wulf Herzogenrath, Susanne Jaschko, Susanne Massmann, Manfred Mohr, Frieder Nake, Domenico Quaranta, Mark Tribe and Mitchell Whitelaw

    Exhibition: April 4th - May 23rd, 2009

    Software, NetArt, prints, projections

    We show mostly works from artists who are represented in the book but have not been shown in Berlin yet - including amongst others Gazira Babeli (Second Life), Vuk Cosic (Slowenia), Eva und Franco Mattes aka 0100101110101101.org (Italy), Olia Lialina & Dragan Espenschied (Russia, Germany), Jodi (Belgium, Netherlands) and Joseph Nechvatal (USA). Furthermore artworks of Frieder Nake (Germany), Mark Wilson (USA), Marius Watz (Norway) und James Faure Walker (United Kingdom).

    The exhibition gives you the possibility to inform yourself of the variety and the bandwith of Digital Art.
    The artworks range from NetArt over ASCII-Art and performances in Second Life to animations and prints.

    ORCHID --- ---
    ALERT --- ---
    Pandemie v počítačové hře se stala předobrazem chování lidí ve skutečném světě
    Pandemie, ke které došlo v roce 2005 ve virtuálním světě počítačové hry, poskytuje v současnosti epidemiologům cenné údaje potřebné k předpovědi vývoje skutečné epidemie. Píše o tom agentura Reuters.
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    furtherfield review - Play on Meaning? - Computer games as art
    IWAN --- ---
    AZRAEL --- ---
    davesade: tim schaefer, ten tam nemal chybat, imo najlepsi scenarista v branzi. samozrejme je aj gamedesigner, aj ked nie revolucny, ako iny spomenuti, ale napriklad sa snazi uz dlho posunut adventury na iny stupen.
    MAHISH --- ---
    Digital Culture, Play, and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader
    MAHISH --- ---
    Jsem na to zapomněl a to jsme to dal do kalendáře!:X Od teďka to budu psát na nástěnku. Hlavně že to mělo úspěch, gratuluju!
    DAVESADE --- ---
    Vida! To jsem nevěděl, že dělal Rez a Lumines.
    BTW Yu Suzukiho jsem tam měl původně, místo Kazunoriho. Ale pak jsem to viděl - VF a nedodělané Shenmue... víšjak.
    MBR --- ---
    DAVESADE: jo jako, prednaska to byla super, to vsechna cest. jestli teda muzu dat jeden tip co by mi tam chybelo z her co me hodne bavi, tak bych jmenoval Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Sega Rally, Rez, Lumines, Every Extend Extra).
    DAVESADE --- ---
    _ELPH_: Jasně, pak to dává logiku. Jestli z cca 40ti let bereš v potaz cca 20% produkce, tak máš k tomuhle jasnej postoj.
    Každopádně jaké gamedesignéry bys doporučil ty?
    a) Z těch, co ještě dneska aktivně dělají hry?
    b) Obecně?
    Díky za názor.
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    DAVESADE: ja nove hry uz len pozrem a nemam ani potrebu hrat a to z toho duvodu, ze v tych novych hrach nic nove nenachadzam. vidim v tom dokola tie iste stare zname koncepty + vacsinou sa mi nepaci design novych hier. to si radsej zahram nieco z 80s 90s co som ako mlady nestihol (egger land mystery a pengiun adventure momentalne, alebo chaos strikes back sa tiez chystam), no vacsinou ani na to nemam cas . . .
    z novych hier ma po velmi dlhej dobe zaujala snad len ta meta-time strategia co sem niekto nalinkoval. to si asi s kamaratmi zahram ked to bude hotove.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam