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    ztracené heslo?
    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    je to spatne, vsechny intoxikanty narusuji mysl - misto narusovani mysli, zacni pouzivat mysl - bdela pritomnost, ostrost vedomi..

    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    SKATEMURAI: nehul..
    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    Buddhism, Meditation, Yoga and Nirvana-Interview with Ven Dhammadipa

    Buddhism, Meditation, Yoga and Nirvana-Interview with Ven Dhammadipa

    This is a very illuminating interview with Venerable Dhammadipa, who came to Chuang Yen Monastery in New York. He speaks with clarity, deep knowledge and understanding about the most important aspects of meditation and yoga as part of the teachings in Buddhism. This interview is to be on Public Access Television.
    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    super, Bhikhu Boddhi mi pomohl si to ujasnit

    Arahants, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas

    In the final analysis, I have to confess my inability to provide a perfectly cogent solution to this problem. In view of the fact that in later times so many Buddhists, in Theravāda lands as well as in the Mahāyāna world, have been inspired by the bodhisattva ideal, it is perplexing that no teachings about a bodhisattva path or bodhisattva practices are included in the discourses regarded as coming down from the most archaic period of Buddhist literary history. This remains a puzzle – for me personally, and also, I believe, a puzzle for Buddhist historiography. In any case, the texts that we inherit do not show as steep a difference between the Buddha's "other-regarding" functions and the so-called "self-enlightenment" of the arahants as later tradition makes them out to be. The Nikāyas show sufficient emphasis on altruistic activity aimed at sharing the Dhamma with others; admittedly, though, most of this emphasis comes from the Buddha himself in the form of injunctions to his disciples. Thus, several texts distinguish people into four types: those concerned only with self-good, those concerned only with others' good, those concerned with the good of neither, and those concerned with the good of both; these texts praise as best those who are devoted to the good of both. And what is meant by being devoted to the good of both is practicing the noble eightfold path and teaching others to practice it; observing the five precepts and encouraging others to observe them; working to eliminate greed, aversion, and delusion and encouraging others to eliminate them (AN 4:96-99). In other suttas the Buddha urges all those who know the four foundations of mindfulness to teach their relatives and friends about them; and the same is said about the four factors of stream-entry and the four noble truths (SN 47:48, 55:16-17, 56:26). In the beginning of his ministry, he exhorts his disciples to go forth and preach the Dharma "out of compassion for the world, for the good, welfare, and happiness of devas and human beings" (Vin I 21). Among the important qualities of an outstanding monk are abundant learning and skill in expounding the Dharma, two qualities that are directly relevant to the benefit of others. Also, we must remember that the Buddha established a monastic order bound by rules and regulations designed to make it function as a harmonious community, and these rules often demand the renouncing of self-interest for the sake of the larger whole. Regarding the lay followers, the Buddha praises those who practice for their own good, for the good of others, and for the good of the whole world. Many prominent lay followers converted their colleagues and neighbors to the Dharma and guided them in right practice.
    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    An experience of unfulfilled religious longing. Groups of people are striving to cross treacherous, swampy waters in imperfect boats in order to reach a deity on the horizon. However, they all sink and drown before reaching their desired goal. (LSD Psychotherapy)

    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    Aging and Suffering « Daily Buddhism
    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    JUNIPETRUS: je to tak, soteriologie.. ovsem je to ve shode i s anatman pristupem k tomu, to co zustava, je nezrozene, a tak i bezsmrtne..
    JUNIPETRUS --- ---
    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    Nelpeni, neulpivani na nicem.. a soucit
    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    GLOBALSPIRIT --- ---
    I am the owner of my karma .
    I inherit my karma.
    I am born of my karma.
    I am related to my karma.
    I live supported by my karma.
    Whatever karma I create, whether good or evil, that I shall inherit.

    The Buddha, Anguttara Nikaya V.57 - Upajjhatthana Sutta
    STINGERS --- ---
    chtěl jsem se vás zeptat na váš názor využívání buddhismu jako jungovského symbolu mírumilovnosti a dobroty/čistoty v reklamně.

    Viděl jsem už pár reklam v indii kde buddhisty využívaly jako symbol dobroty u svého produktu. Nyní v době sociálního marketingu, kdy jednotlivec prodává své služby pod svým jménem a napíše u sebe že je buddhista, není to zneužívání a poskvrňování buddhismu?
    Vždyt jestli je buddhista, žid nebo muslim nijak nesouvisí s kvalitou těch služeb které nabízí. Podle mě je to jen vykořisťování posledního nezneužitého archetypu / sociální hodnoty.

    Nadruhou stranu, nechi být policajtem. Je dost možné že je buddhista začátečník a že tak činní z čisté nevědomosti. A v rámci respektu všech lidí měli bychom to respektovat? Nebo měli bychom to respektovat v urovni mediální, nikoliv však v urovni osobní?
    OKBOY --- ---
    Formy Tathagaty jsou nekonecne a nekonecne je jeho uvedomeni.

    Nekonecne ruznosti forem vyvstavaji v Mysli..
    OKBOY --- ---
    At that time, Vaccha, when a being has laid down this body,
    and that being (satto) has not yet taken up another (annataram) body
    (kayam) in rebirth (anupapanno); therein I declare [that beings]
    fuel to be thirstfulness (tanhupadanam). At that time, Vaccha, I
    declare [the beings] fuel to be thirstfulness.

    SN 4.400
    OKBOY --- ---
    SKATEMURAI: v Praze byl 1991-2001
    OKBOY --- ---
    Zivot je utrpeni, pro vsechny bytosti, zivot je utrpeni.
    OKBOY --- ---
    SEZA: Otevíráme dojo v Plzni.

    15. července otevíráme nové dojo v Plzni na adrese Němejcova 6.
    Denní praxe bude probíhat pod vedením zenového mistra Seï Yu Debailly.

    Zazeny budou probíhat každý všední den ráno od 6:30 do 7:30 a večer od 18:00 do 19:00.
    OKBOY --- ---
    "Pohodlny zivot se stane vecnosti utrpeni."

    - Mahajanove rceni ( nejaky cinsky dhjanovy buddhisticky mistr linie)
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