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    ztracené heslo?
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    Unveiling the Absolute

    Pure Awareness, as the Absolute Nature, is known when the “my” is dropped from “my awareness”.

    Awareness is not personal, only the addition of “my” makes it seem so.

    Thoughts without the “my” of “my thoughts”, are liberated into their own empty space of meaning and release.

    By releasing the “my” in “my self”, what Self would remain?

    By releasing one’s grip upon the thought “my”, hasn’t grasping lost its grasp thereby? Hasn’t attachment lost its hold?

    Taking away the ”my” in “my suffering”, to whom could suffering pretend to pertain?

    Taking away the “my” in “my life and death” who was ever born? Who is the one who died?

    Taking away the “my” in “my love”, wouldn’t that leave more than enough love for all to share?
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    Buddhistické myšlení fascinuje svět tisíce let  – Novinky.cz
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    Ok... am a lay practitioner with limited benefit of instructions... yet my "assumption" is to stop further accumulation of negativity and cleanse the past karmic debts by only remaining in mind's essence???
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    No Self, No Problem

    Quotes of Tibetan Dzogchen teacher, Anam Thubten:

    “In Buddhism this is called no self. This is the only true awakening.”

    “As we begin to rest and pay attention, we begin to see everything clearly. We see that the self has no basis or solidity. It is a complete mental fabrication. We also realize that everything we believe to be true about our life is nothing but stories, fabricated around false identifications.”

    “Who is the one being angry or disappointed?” In such inquiry, inner serenity can effortlessly manifest.”

    “When all the layers of false identity have been stripped off, there is no longer any version of that old self. What is left behind is pure consciousness.”

    “... we come to this one powerful understanding, that ultimately there is no samsara to be rejected. There is no misery to be transcended. There is not even a self to be liberated. Everything is just our own concepts and nothing more. My misery, my enemy, my life, they are all my concepts. That’s it.”

    “We just get rid of all of our concepts, all of our painful concepts, whatever concepts we are having an affair with. We are always having an affair with concepts and there are plenty of them. Every concept has a story line. Think about it. “I am poor.” That is a concept. “I am stupid.” That is a concept. “I am a woman.” That is a concept. “I am a man.” That is a concept too. They are all concepts. “I don’t have enough money, but if I had a million dollars, then I would be happy.” That is a concept. They are all concepts. Get rid of them in a single moment without even taking the time to meditate, without taking the time to analyze them. Transcend all limiting concepts as soon as they arise.”

    “When the self completely collapses, there is this inexpressible, simple yet profound and ecstatic, compassionate awareness. Nobody is there. “I” is completely nonexistent in that place.”

    “The “I” who doesn’t like what is unfolding is completely gone and that is all that matters in the ultimate sense.”

    “When we try to get rid of it, it doesn’t work. It backfires because who is trying to get rid of it? There is nobody there in the ultimate sense.”

    “I remember a very short quote from a Buddhist teacher: “No self, no problem.” It is really short but true and very effective too.”

    “My ego is struggling. “Well, I want to be enlightened. I want to have that bliss that he is talking about right now. I want to feel good. I want to have rapture but it’s not there. Time is running out.”

    “There is struggle when we are meditating and there is struggle when we are not meditating, as long as the self is being perceived as real. When the self goes away, then we are already in paradise and there is nothing to do.”

    “Karma is actually nothing more than thought.”

    “Buddha taught this wisdom, and in his tradition it is called anatman, or “no self.” “

    “This old version of self is the sense of an “I” that believes that it is inextricably bound to conditions. For example, when we feel that “I am going to die, and it scares the daylights out of me,” that is the old version of self. We know that it seems real to all of us. It seems as real as the sun and moon in the sky, as real as the coffee table in front of us. But remember that we once believed in many things that we no longer believe are real. When we were children Santa Claus was real to many of us. How could anybody dare tell a child that Santa is not real? But one day we figured it out all by ourselves. We simply knew that Santa was not real and that he had never been real. When we realize that this old version of self is no longer real, then we are no longer bound to conditions. Death is no longer a terrorizing threat. We have literally transcended death. Our body might decay and collapse but that is not death to us. This deathlessness has nothing to do with the idea that our soul or mind keeps reincarnating again and again when we lose our body. Rather we know that our true nature is one with everything, so it goes beyond birth and death as well as beyond reincarnation. Does the sky die? Our true nature is one with the sky.”

    “When we suffer it means that we are attached to a thought. When we feel happy that means that we are experiencing another thought. The very sense of “I” is a thought too. The “I” that I believe to be so real and concrete doesn’t exist in the ultimate sense. It is just a thought.”

    “The only thing that we must transcend is our thoughts. Beyond our own thoughts there is no suffering. There is only thought. This is not simply theory. But what does it mean to transcend our thoughts? It simply means not to believe in our thoughts. When we don’t believe in our thoughts we are always awakened. When we believe in our thoughts we are unawakened.”

    “Look. Who is searching for enlightenment? If we bring about awareness in our mind right now, we see that it is the same “I” who searches for everything. Who is searching for fame? Who is searching for pleasure? Who is searching for a way to arrive at the truth? It is the same “I.” The “I” who is searching for enlightenment is the same “I.” This “I” is sometimes very holy and sometimes extremely nasty. You see, this “I” has a big closet filled with all kinds of masks. There are masks of being holy and masks of being quite sinister. The “I” who wants to wring somebody’s neck is the same “I” who is searching for enlightenment. You see, it’s all the business of “I.” There is no good “I.” There is no bad “I.” There is only one “I” and it’s called the ego. Ego is a mental construct, a fabrication. It has nothing to do with who we really are.”

    “In the ancient times, spiritual seekers used various methods to practice meditation. Yet, there is only one meditation. That is a state of nondoing. When we stop trying to get somewhere and let go of all of our inner exertions, surprisingly the ineffable truth reveals itself to us. Then that’s it. There is nothing else to be found. The realization of that truth sets us free from the prison of our imaginary self. When we go deeply into meditation, we always witness the dissolution of self. If the self is still sticking around, we have not gone deep enough.”

    “Trying to acquire enlightenment from the outside, from a very impressive teacher or from an exotic practice, is also an illusion. These are simply other ways ego uses to sustain its illusory reality.”

    “One of our biggest problems is the idea of death. Even that doesn’t exist because there has never been anybody there to die in the first place. This sense of “I” is a grand illusion. Life without this illusion is truly beautiful. Without this illusion we feel that we have much love and joy to share with everyone in the world.”

    Amazon.com: No Self, No Problem: Awakening to Our True Nature (9781559394048): Anam Thubten: Books
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    Therefore, the very impermanency of grass and tree, thicket and forest is the Buddha nature. The very impermanency of men and things, body and mind, is the Buddha nature. Nature and lands, mountains and rivers, are impermanent because they are the Buddha nature. Supreme and complete enlightenment, because it is impermanent, is the Buddha nature.

    – Dogen Zenji
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    “Thoughts and concepts are not the Natural State. This awareness (rig-pa) is self-aware (rang-rig); it is not divided into subject and object. So if we try to do anything in terms of thinking and judging, we bifurcate it into two parts and we are no longer in the Natural State.”
    Lopon Tenzin Namdak

    “We remain in a sense of presence (rig-pa) that is bright and clear, just like a mirror that reflects all of these same things in the world, but is not affected or changed by what it reflects. We become like that mirror. It will be the same whether we are reflecting the human world, as we are doing now, or the hell realms, or the Pretaloka, or the Asuraloka, or the Devaloka, or whatever. All of them are merely reflections and they make no changes or modifications to our Natural State.”
    Bon Lopon Tenzin Namdak
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    "The mind is everything. What you think you become." #buddha
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    Avicii on Instagram: “At The Great Buddha temple in Kamakura. © @sean_eriksson”
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    V pátek 27. dubna startuje nová kampaň Dobrý start do života, jejímž cílem je zajistit dětem narozeným v nejchudších zemích světa potřebnou péči a ochranu pro první týdny života. Každý rok totiž z příčin, kterým lze předejít, umírá během prvních 24 hodin po porodu 1 milion dětí.

    Co všechno se v balíčku pro dobrý start do života skrývá, kolik stojí záchrana jednoho dítěte i první video vzkaz Jitky Čvančarové a odkaz na celosvětovou petici za snížení novorozenecké úmrtnosti najdete už teď na webu dobrystartdozivota.cz!
    OGMIOS --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: and suddenly vsude jsou trpaslici ale nikdo se na ne nediva.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Just finished a session of thogal in the mountains a few minutes ago: the resulting transparency of all penetrating awareness has no self-center. It’s truly a higher wisdom clarity than normal consciousness. Suddenly there are just thigles appearing but with no one seeing them. Sharp visual clarity with no self as a perceiver. Just do it!
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Thogal theory and Practice

    I am writing this as a "quick start" instructional guide that will allow anyone to begin practicing thogal effectively and safely.

    Thogal means "over the skull", "over the crest". It actually means to arrive instantly without jumping to get there, like a quantum leap. Thogal practice makes it very easy to experience, know and differentiate rigpa from all other mind states, in its purest form.

    Rigpa is our primordial Buddha Mind that is intrinsically perfect, permanently. Because it's permanent, it's always present. But it is not our experience, rather our experience is other coarser states of mind as content, which are appearing within the space of changeless rigpa awareness.

    By practicing thogal, rigpa itself becomes its own self-experience. What is experienced is its own penetrating transparency, insightful clarity, wisdoms, and absence of a "me" egoic identity, as well as the absence of the sense of an "external" universe. Eventually the physical body will dissolve into pure Light as the practice comes to perfect fruition.

    Thogal focuses on the visual apparatus. That means we use our eyes as our path.

    Traditionally we use the sun by looking towards the sun in early morning and late afternoon. One does not look directly at the sun but slightly underneath it or off to the side, and with sun glasses on. I find using one eye at a time works best. One squints so that the ball of the sun is no longer visible but only a diffraction pattern of colored rays and a background tapestry of circles as though similar to looking at a peacock's feather. Within that diffraction pattern you can see little round spheres that may have little circular rings within them as well. At first they may just look like this but completely round: @
    Sample images are posted below. They get larger over time with consistent practice. They are called "thigles" in Tibetan. (Pronounced: teeglay)

    One then begins to focus on one little sphere by not moving the eyes. You just gaze at it. So do just this much for several sessions. I recommend a safer and easy way to do thogal:

    Use your iPhone or similar phone with only the black screen. Hold it down toward your waist, angle it so you can look down and see the reflection of the sun. Squint your eyes until the ball disappears into the light refraction and continue as described above. This allows practicing throughout the day, even at noon. But be sure to wear sun glasses. Between the UV absorption in the phone's black glass and your sun glasses, no harmful UV rays should be entering your eyes. It's only the UV rays that damage the eyes. I recommend 20 minute sessions. 10 minutes with each eye. Start with one session per day and add a session later in the day if desired. But practice everyday. The effects will last and are cumulative.

    If sun is not available you can flip the phone around and use the flashlight feature as though looking at the sun, but no sunglasses are necessary. You can also use an ordinary light bulb.

    There are specific recommended postures for during thogal practice but I have not found them necessary and Namkhai Norbu stated that once the practice is working the postures are no longer necessary. I have taught dozens of people this approach in my retreats and it works for everyone without exception.

    Once you are a little familiar wth the inner landscape and can focus on these thigle spheres easily, then while looking at the spheres ask your self "who or what is doing the looking?". "Where exactly is the observer?" Is there a "someone" looking or is there just empty perception?".

    Also from time to time notice the empty space between the thigle and the place from where you are observing. Notice that completely clear and transparent space. Sense that space behind you and all around you and through you.

    Also notice your state of inner empty clarity, transparent and vividly awake; from time to time.

    Pay less attention to the condition of the thigles than to your empty awareness that is looking.

    After you finish, look closely at various textures and surfaces close up and notice the sharpness of detail. Sometimes you can actually feel the textures by sight alone. Vision will become amazingly clear along with a sense of transparency and absence of selfness. It's this transparency (zangthal) and absence of selfing that transforms the mind completely into its own vivid emptiness. There is nothing to think about or workout. The practice does it all automatically.

    There are many more aspects to all of this. To learn more and for additional support please join our thogal group here at FB, Dzogchen Thogal.

    I am posting this on the general Dzogchen group to encourage those interested to practice. There is currently lots of misinformation out there regarding thogal and I would like to keep this technology available in an easy and workable format that can bring infinite benefit to any competent practitioner that wants to learn.

    There are several lineage authorized books on the open public market now that explain thogal in complete detail. Now the traditional lineage Lamas have allowed these thogal teachings to be propagated broadly for everyone's benefit also out of a fear that these precious teachings may disappear eventually.

    I received the thogal transmission and practice instructions privately in 1985 through the Yeshe Lama text as presented to me by a Nyingma Lama who was taught by Dudjum Rinpoche. I later received the detailed Bon transmission of Shardze Rinpoche's text "Heart Drops of the Dharmakaya" trekchod and thogal instructions personally from the Bon Menri Lopon. Shardza Rinpoche attained the "rainbow body of light" in the 1930's. Neither of my teachers asked me to keep these teachings secret, nor have I pledged any samaya regarding not sharing any of the Dzogchen teachings with others.

    Please share your successes and insights in our thogal group as well as your practice issues.

    I recommend reading my book and gaining familiarity with all the practices in the appendix before commencing thogal practice: "The Natural Bliss of Being", as well as attending one of my thogal retreats.

    May all beings benefit! Emaho!
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    PURPUREAL: zda se vubec nectes, co se pise stejne jako Nukso zdroj hned pod tim o dva prispevky KOCOURMIKES: navic uz jsme to resili prece
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    PURPUREAL: uz jsem mu to psala. zda se, ze pokud neuvadi autora, tak je to peterson nebo on sam. takze pokud te neco zaujalo, tak se muzes stat zakem tady Mikese :))
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    IOM_NUKSO: tak to ses ale uplne nesrozumitelne vyjadrila
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: nedelej si srandu, to byl seriozni uplne vazny ontologicky vhled.. :)
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    IOM_NUKSO: psenice na poli a pak semleta mouka a z ni napecene kolace ktere si vsechny snedla ty ? :)
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: moje fantazie si to predstavuje jako pole se psenici. vsichni se muzou najist a psenice, kterou snis, je v tvem tele, neni v tele nekoho jinyho, ale je to stejna psenice, ale ne jedna/jeden kus
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam