tak ne, blizz chtel byt zrejme originalni, a tak se ten D1 remake bude kazdorocne otvirat jen vzdycky po novym v roce v lednu. a ten Necro vyjde az nekdy v 2017 na podzim. slibuji taky nejaky novy zony, Shrouded Moors and the Temple of the Firstborn, ale tech se dockame kdovikdy.
- The Anniversary Dungeon recreates the events, monsters, and levels of the original Diablo inside Diablo III.
- Returning Boss Fights are The Butcher, The Skeleton King, Lazarus and Diablo himself.
- The Dungeon will be 16 levels deep and accessible for all existing characters.
- It will feature special visual and audio filters to invoke all that sweet nostalgia.
Here is a little sneak peek of what that will look like. It will, however only use D3 assets (exception: some bosses).
- Inside the dungeon, you'll only be able to move in 8 directions, everything will control and be animated a little more retro-y.
The UI in the dungeon will also be changed to be more reminiscent of the earlier titles.
- You will be able to enter the Dungeon via a teleporter in The Old Ruins of Tristram.
- The Anniversary Dungeon will be included in "The Darkening of Tristram" patch for free. It will be on PTR next week, and live in January.
- It will be a
limited time event, occurring for the month of January every year.
- Completing the Dungeon rewards a Legendary Gem that fits into the Helmet slot, reminiscent of Diablo's Soulstone into which it will transmog your helmet.
Click here for its full stats and look.
- You will also be rewarded with two new portrait frames, a Banner and Sigil, a Butcher pet, as well as two weapon transmogs, the Butcher's Sickle and Wirt's Wooden Leg.