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    ztracené heslo?
    ENDERDiablo 4 - puvodni nejsledovanejsi Diablo klub na NYXu.
    NESS --- ---
    JULIAN: Dobre jestli chces videt paragony tak ty mam samozrejme take :-) Ale v tom se asi nevyznas takhle je to ciselne

    4 normal nodes allocated.
    5 magic nodes allocated.
    4 rare nodes allocated: [Raw Power], [Iron Strength], [Tenacity], [Brawn].
    1 glyph socket allocated: [Marshal] — "After casting a Shout Skill, the active Cooldown of every other Shout Skill is reduced by 1.2 seconds."
    4 normal nodes allocated.
    6 magic nodes allocated.
    5 rare nodes allocated: [Cold Conditioned], [Berserker], [Fierce], [Brash], [Enraged].
    1 glyph socket allocated: [Ire] — "While Berserking, you take 10% reduced damage from Elites."

    4 normal nodes allocated.
    8 magic nodes allocated.
    5 rare nodes allocated: [Fire Resilience], [Guarded Advance], [Core Reserve], [Raw Power], [Conditioned].
    1 glyph socket allocated: [Territorial] — "You gain 10% Damage Reduction against Close enemies."
    1 legendary node allocated: "For every 75 Fury you spend, gain 12% of your Maximum Life as Fortify."
    [Weapons Master]:
    4 normal nodes allocated.
    9 magic nodes allocated.
    6 rare nodes allocated: [Raw Power], [Iron Strength], [Hunter Killer], [Brute], [Denial], [Lightning Conditioned].
    1 glyph socket allocated: [Undaunted] — "You gain up to 10% Damage Reduction the more Fortify you have."

    KID_MCHUTT --- ---
    JULIAN: odkud je ten screen?
    JULIAN --- ---
    NESS: praveze planovat paragony, to je to prave planovani!! ten zbytek mi prijde, ze moc moznosti nikde neni.
    Napriklad muj pokus s ice shard sorckou, jeste to ale urcite pujde zoptimalizovat:

    NESS --- ---
    KALTY: Ona stejne snad nekdy v pulce cervence / na zacatku srpna, odstartuje prvni sezona, tak je to dost jedno, tou dobou myslim tak nejak dotahnu tu prvni postavu na 100 a budu moct zacit s jinou znova :-)
    CUZMAN --- ---
    Ja sem drooooid proste vzdy a vsude :-D
    KALTY --- ---
    Já furt přemýšlím jestli Barb B nebo Rogue 😥
    Já dorazím v sobotu nebo v neděli z lodi. Po dovče a dlouhé cestě + práce. Tak to stejně bude takový pomalý start
    SUNBEAM --- ---
    NESS --- ---
    JULIAN: Ciste pro srandu ono to bude stejne uplne jinak :-) hlavne ty unikatky myslim, ale mam dost aspektu v zasobe, takze to je jedno. Jo paragony planovat nebudu, to nema cenu uz vubec :-)

    [Harlequin Crest (Unique Helm)]: Gain {10/20}% Damage Reduction. In addition, gain +4.0 Ranks to all Skills.

    [Aspect of Disobedience (Legendary)]: You gain x{0.25/0.5}% increased Armor for 4.0 seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to x{25/50}%.
    [Razorplate (Unique Chest)]: Gain # Thorns

    [Aspect of Encroaching Wrath (Legendary)]: After spending 100.0 Fury, your next Weapon Mastery Skill deals x{82/100}% increased damage.

    [Temerity (Unique Pants)]: Effects that Heal you beyond 100.0% Life grant you a Barrier up to {40/80}% of your Maximum Life that lasts for 8.0 seconds.

    [Weapon Master's Aspect (Legendary)]: Your Weapon Mastery Skills have an additional Charge. Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy with a Weapon Mastery Skill has up to a {32/50}% chance to Stun them for 2 seconds.

    [Aspect of Limitless Rage (Legendary)]: Each point of Fury you generate while at Maximum Fury grants your next Core Skill x{1/2}% increased damage, up to x{15/30}%.

    [Bold Chieftain's Aspect (Legendary)]: Whenever you cast a Shout Skill, its Cooldown is reduced by {2.7/5.4} seconds per Nearby enemy, up to a maximum of 12.0 seconds.
    [Edgemaster's Aspect (Legendary)]: Skills deal up to x{10/20}% increased damage based on your available Primary Resource when cast, receiving the maximum benefit while you have full Primary Resource.

    2H zbrane
    [Aspect of the Expectant (Legendary)]: Attacking enemies with a Basic Skill increases the damage of your next Core Skill cast by x{5/10}%, up to x30.0%.
    [Hellhammer (Unique 2H Mace)]: Upheaval ignites the ground Burning enemies for an additional #% damage over 3.0 seconds.

    [Aspect of Berserk Ripping (Legendary)]: Whenever you deal direct damage while Berserking, inflict {20/30}% of the Base damage dealt as additional Bleeding damage over 5.0 seconds.
    [Needleflare Aspect (Legendary)]: Thorns damage dealt has a {20/40}% chance to deal damage to all enemies around you.
    NESS --- ---
    JULIAN: Njn, ale ta cast co muzes naplanovat :-) jako muzu ti sem hodit i planovane aspekty a unikatky, ale to uz je uplna teorie, aspekty sice poskladam z dungu, ale unitaky muzu jen odhadovat. :-)
    JULIAN --- ---
    NESS: skilly, to je tak desetina buildu ale jen
    NESS --- ---
    Sem si poskladal barb build zovu ho Bethasaurus :-) Jako zadny top upheaval build to nebude, to bych tam musel dat Flay, vyskrtnout DB a dat tam War cry a asi zmenit pasivky, ale co se meho hraciho stylu tyce tak mi to bude snad vyhovovat :-)

    [Skill Tree]:
    [Frenzy]: 5/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Combat.

    [Upheaval]: 5/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Furious.

    [Challenging Shout]: 5/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Strategic.
    [Outburst]: 1/3 points.
    [Tough as Nails]: 3/3 points.
    [Rallying Cry]: 1/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Strategic.
    [Imposing Presence]: 3/3 points.

    [Booming Voice]: 3/3 points.
    [Raid Leader]: 1/3 points.

    [Weapon Mastery]:
    [Thick Skin]: 1/3 points.
    [Counteroffensive]: 3/3 points.
    [Death Blow]: 5/5 points. Modifiers: Enhanced, Warrior's.
    [Pit Fighter]: 3/3 points.
    [Hamstring]: 1/3 points.

    [Wrath of the Berserker] allocated. Modifiers: Prime, Supreme.
    [Tempered Fury]: 1/3 points.
    [Invigorating Fury]: 3/3 points.

    [Key Passive]:
    [Unconstrained]: allocated.
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    Jinak proste nadstavba chatu, nic vic, zadny hroty. :) Jeste poresime nazev a jiny nuance, nebo treba klidne i leadra esi se na to nekdo "citi" :D
    LIQUIDFREAK --- ---
    CUZMAN: Jo pockej ale, myslis ze nas to pusti a nezmrznem v cekacce? Vyhypovany to je dost :D
    JULIAN --- ---
    NESS: nejvíc lame je to když je to ještě na crit :)
    " lucky hit: critical strikes have up to 10% to do xxx", to je teprve pain.
    NESS --- ---
    Jak jste kdo do buildu zapracovali lucky hit ? Jestli ste to nekdo resil teda :-)
    Ono to sice vypada pekne ze skill ma treba i 50% ale ty navazane akce to procetne tak srazi ze to je dost na prd. Sem si rikal zda je treba u barba dobry brat jako pasivku Pressure point, v maxu (3 body) to dava pri lucky hitu 30% sanci na vulnerable na 2s, jenze kdyz vezmu flay ktery ma 50% na lucky hit tak bez zapocteni bootsu z gearu vychazi realna sance na 15% coz jeste jde, ale treba u frenzy uz je to jen 9%, pokud bych na gearu nabral zvednuti LH treba o 25% (zlaty oci:-) tak to ve vysledku je nejaky 11.25%. Nejak jsem u barba sem po projeti skillu, pasivek a aspectu, nenasel nic moc kde by ten LH nejak zasadne menila hru. Jedna vyjimka je Butcher cleaver, ktery ma 100% ale jen fear a slow. Jinak pokud se clovek s LH dostane pres 30% tak je to spis zazrak, ono i pres 20% je dost. Jako porad je to lepsi nez overpower, ktera je fixne na 3% :-)))
    KORAL --- ---
    NAVARA: prej "zatím". Do budoucna snad i něco víc.
    NAVARA --- ---
    CUZMAN: Jaký starání o clan, vždyť je to jen sdílený chat :)
    NESS --- ---
    Budes se o nas starat :-) Zkusenych rukach :-) Cit pro detail :-)
    CUZMAN --- ---
    INFO: Po dohode s Liquidfreakem se o Vas ve full verzi bude starat on co se tyce clanu ja sem si vas uzil dost po betach ale budu oficir, Liquid pak nahodi svoje nazory a namety takze to necham cele v jeho zkusenych rukach, jinak startujeme 2.6.2023 takze se nebojte ze by clan nebyl na launchi vostre verze ready a myslim si ze Peta ma i vetsi cit pro detail takze to muze byt i sranda... hlaseni konec.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam