LIQUIDFREAK: Tak predevsim "Monsters give a base experience value depending on their HP/size that linearly scales up with their level."
To, o cem pises ty, je jen tento bonus "A bonus is applied for defeating monsters that are higher level than your character, while a penalty is applied for defeating lower level monsters. These adjustments depend on the level difference between your character and the monster."
Tedy pokud jsi napr. lvl 60, tak za zabiti lvl 70 mas vice EXP nez za zabiti lvl 63. Nicmene bonus k zakladu mas jen 25 %. Jinymi slovy, nejvyssi relativni prirustek EXP mas za zabijeni monster do +3 lvl. Pak uz se nezvysuje ten bonus (stale dostavas vice EXP, ale prirustek je nizsi nez napr. mezi +2 a +3).
"Fighting monsters with a much higher level than your character does not actually grant a higher XP bonus beyond 25%. The only value that scales up after that point is the monster's base XP, which slowly rises with higher levels. This makes farming high level zones ineffective unless you can comfortably defeat enemies at a pace comparable to monsters close to your own level."