VYWERN: tady odkaz na hate rozborku...
How much did Kimi actually lose behind traffic? A look at data. : formula1
komentar lidi kteri misto kouli pouzili hlavu -
Symonds added: “If Kimi wanted to win then from lap 25 he should have been lapping in the 1:15s. He had a clear track, he didn’t do it, he lost. It was as simple as that.”
“I always felt they would do something like that,” reflected Sky F1’s Martin Brundle. “But l agree with what Pat Symonds said: the fastest driver won. This was Ferrari’s perfect result. From a championship perspective, it worked absolutely perfectly for them. Right now, it’s beginning to look like Ferrari have the upper hand in every respect.”
Wolff taky nevidi v tom co se stalo konspiraci.
“They are finally where we were back in the day where you finish one and two and you have to explain why the right guy won!” joked Wolff.
“I don’t think they saw that coming, but at the end of the day it’s the right result for the team and for the drivers’ championship. But I don’t think it was orchestrated.”
a i clovek co si rad do ferrari obcas kopne Horner, nevidel duvod jet na "hate vlne".
Post Race Interview Christian Horner F1 2017 Monaco
pokud vam ani tohle nepomuze zbavit se pocitu konspirace jen protoze jde o ferrari a zaslepene v argumentech a faktech videt jen Hate *aniz by ona osoba mela poneti jak hate comment vypada* tak uz nevim.
A to rikam jako clovek co roky fandil Barrichellovi protoze to je naprosto pohodovy clovek a ted fandim Kimimu protoze to je "bwoah... i mean" proste ten nas Kimi.
ale proste nebyl dost rychlej kdyz to bylo potreba.
tak doufam ze vam tento hate post poslouzi. defakto bude mi cti pokud budu zdejsimi oznacen za ohaveho Hatera protoze me to priblizi lidem jako je Pat Symonds nebo Toto Wolff a to by bylo od Vas kasne uznani.