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    ztracené heslo?
    MERTLASKomentar k zavodum a F1
    MERTLAS --- ---
    Dame si male opacko...

    Pokud nekdo bude mit potrebu znovu a opet rozebirat, co se stalo tehdy a tehdy, jakou zaclonu kdo z pilotu upletl, kolik bot sampanskyho vypil, nebo jestli nekdo nekoho predjel tak ci onak, tak tady na to ma plne pravo! Zvlast v tyhle dobe, kdy se fakt temer nic nedeje, to absolutne nicemu nevadi a pokud bude komentar v mezich slusnosti, tak ho tu za to rozhodne nikdo nemuze a nesmi, prosim, peskovat! :) (ikdyz DRSHovo povzdech beru spis jako v pohode povzdech, to co nasledovalo uz by mohlo byt kulantnejsi z obou dotcenych stran, tak stale verim v tu svobodu si to ve slusnosti vyrikat mezi sebou.)

    Je to k tematu, ikdyz omylano jiz tolikrat, ze by se za jemnost toho prasku nestydel ani Pablo Escobar, ale od toho tady jsme! :)

    Pokud to nekoho jiz stve, tak se, prosim, i presto klidne zapojte a slusne! komentujte, nebo v poklidu preskocte.

    Diky :)
    ANDR3E --- ---
    DRSH: me prave prijde ze se rozebiralo donekonecna spis to co se stalo v zakulisi, ale Lewisuv podil na tom predjeti Maxem temer vubec
    DRSH --- ---
    SAAYURI: džíz, trochu nadhled.) Snažil jsem se naznačit že rozebírat to poslední kolo sezóny, které tu mělo posledně 500+ a byl to jeden pohled proti druhému, argumentováno furt stejně dokola... zkrátka, že bylo trochu únavné. Ale, ok, abych nebyl "invektivní", prosím, směle do toho!
    ANDR3E --- ---
    SAAYURI: jemu bych to pral uplne nejvic
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    Je toho hlavně plnej internet.

    Hamiltonův letošní start je nejistý. V zákulisí se vyjednává | GPF1
    SAAYURI --- ---
    DRSH: Nech si tu invektivy, kazdej ma pravo na svuj nazor...
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    Já to taky nějak jakoby úplně nepochopil. Ham se prostě nevyjádřil. To dává jednoduše prostor pro spekulace. A protože je okurková sezona, tak se toho novináři chytaj. Nevidim v tom problém i kdyby se nakonec ukázalo, že je to naprosto zbytečný.
    SAAYURI --- ---
    Hulk, Hulk!
    ANDR3E --- ---
    DRSH: tvl co to ma spolecnyho s rozumem....jsem rad ze tohle auditko neni jako vetsina ostatnich, jestli se do me chces navazet kvuli tomu ze jsem to zminil tak muzes jit do p*ci
    DRSH --- ---
    ANDR3E: zdálo se, že máš rozum ale teď si nejsem jistý, vzhledem k tomu, že se tady zase chceš patlat v tom posledním kole...
    ANDR3E --- ---
    DRSH: vzhledem k tomu ze je urazenej mi to prijde bohuzel zase aktualni
    JOHN_LENON --- ---
    ANDR3E: oLOL. Ricciardo v mercedesu <3
    DRSH --- ---
    ANDR3E: not this shit anymore pls
    ANDR3E --- ---
    za me dobry kdyby meli pravdu :)

    If Lewis Hamilton left F1, who could replace him? | Top Gear
    ANDR3E --- ---
    TOM_HOST: ja jsem koukal hodnekrat na to posledni kolo a predjeti Lewise Maxem, a porad mi prijde ze by mel byt nejvic nasranej na sebe, na to jakou zvolil stopu a jak jednoduchy to Max v podstate mel, daleko vic bych uvital kdyby si sam sypal popel na hlavu ze to prohral hlavne sam na trati, a ne ze mu to prohrala FIA, to samy Toto..
    PEPAZZ --- ---

    Bottas v Ausatralii, Charles v Mexicu, Lando v Dubai na 4kolkách, Dan RIC v AU , Gasly v Californii,

    How F1 drivers are spending the winter break | RacingNews365
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Sem netušil že pro 2022je nejen nove aero, "nové" motory(nové palivo) a nové gumy, ale i nové odpružení které v F1 nebylo 10-15let.
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    How Pirelli's new 18-inch tyres could play a key role in the 2022 F1 season | RacingNews365

    he decision to move to low profiles had, though, been taken "five or six years ago in the interests of modernity and (road) relevance", a source with knowledge of the process told RacingNews365.com, adding that introduction was delayed to coincide with a revised technical package as teams had been promised stability until the end of 2020.

    Apart from aesthetics, the advantages of larger rims/lower sidewall heights include more direct response to steering and braking input, greater control over spring rates as the 'jounce' of high sidewalls is reduced, and increased brake disc area and therefore potentially improved stopping power – in turn facilitating ceramic (or other) braking technologies as F1 strives to phase out carbon friction materials.

    During initial technical discussions between all teams, the FIA, F1 and Pirelli it was agreed that tyre diameter would increase marginally (from 660mm to 720mm) with rims incorporating (fixed) wheel covers and finger recesses, last-mentioned to aid grip during fetch-and-carry and pit-stop activities

    "Heat transfer is another important parameter because spacing between the brakes and the rim is much greater," Isola says. "Therefore, we predict there will a lot less heat transfer from the brakes [in turn affecting tyre warm up].

    For teams the biggest challenge is yet to come: translating tyre test data into on-track performance. Ferrari Racing Director Laurent Mekies expects "three massive pillars that are completely new: completely different aerodynamic regulations, different ways to operate the car (due to revised Sporting Regulations) and mechanical suspension, which nobody has had for 10 or 15 years.

    "So, a lot of different limitations, and, in the middle of those, how to 'switch on' the completely new tyres. I think that's going to be the big challenge. There will [initially] be a huge amount of discovery with the 18-inch [wheels]. It's a great challenge as a team to make sure we have the base to get the core understanding we need."
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    hybridy už i ve WRC!
    WRC HYBRID 🔋 EXPLAINED | Puma 🐈‍⬛ Hybrid Rally1 Powertrain ⚙️ Explained | #MSPORTERS
    SAAYURI --- ---

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