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    ztracené heslo?
    MERTLASKomentar k zavodum a F1
    MERTLAS --- ---
    tak se Piquet omluvil a ma zakaz vstupu do paddocku...
    ANDR3E --- ---
    PEPAZZ: :D
    ANDR3E --- ---
    AM chce prodlouzit smlouvu se Sebem, jsem zvedavej co on
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    tohle je skvělý: ))
    F1 Monaco GP Preview... Kind of!
    ANDR3E --- ---
    TOM_HOST: Jüri Vips by o tom mohl vypravet, to je vyhozeni z RB mi prijde trochu pritazeny za vlasy, meli na nej udelat bububu a nejspis uz by nikdy nic takovyho nerekl

    Red Bull ends F1 reserve Vips’ contract after racial slur investigation
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    ANDR3E: No ja myslim ze cerny je dost kdyz je z 50% :))) … my jsme meli na bilboardu skakajici deti … jeden chlapecek na te fotce byl fakt jako vice opaleny ale byl to nejaky spanel takze prirozene lehce snedy … a ty hejty na fb apod jak jsme tabor pro cerny huby a jine srandy bych vam nepral … jsme ho museli zesvetlit a byl klid … lidi jsou fakt nenormalni v tomhle a chapu ze jeste vyrustat jako dite musi byt hnuj jeste kdyz jsi prvni “maly cerny” co se chce dostat do f1 … ja chapu proc je tak na to haklivy a jsem pro at jsme si vsichni rovni ale na druhou stranu nemyslim si ze by nelson byl nejaky extra rarsista a jeste po sve zivotni kariere nevi co ma rikat do medii … jenom se doba zblaznila a uz se o barve vubec nesmi mluvit coz je zas opacny extrem …
    ANDR3E --- ---
    TOM_HOST: navic ani moc cernej neni :)
    TOM_HOST --- ---
    ja mu taky rikam cernoch .. nadavat nekomu do negru je jedna vec ale klabosit o autech a obcas utrousit maly cerny ... to je zas voda na jeho mlejn ...
    ANDR3E --- ---
    Tata pani Verstappenovy oznacujici Hama jako malyho negra je taky slusny :-O
    ANDR3E --- ---
    Lewis Hamilton demands action after Piquet uses racist epithet about him | Formula One | The Guardian
    ANDR3E --- ---
    pseudohistoricke okenko :)

    Bentley postaví tucet nových „veteránů“ Speed Six, všechny už jsou prodané - Novinky.cz

    TOFI --- ---
    ROBIN SHUTE 49 | Full Run Onboard + Driver Interview | 2022 Pikes Peak International Hill Climb
    TOFI --- ---
    sledujete Pikes Peak ?
    ZDENDAK --- ---
    IMSA 6h Watkins Glen, akorát startovali

    IMSA TV: Live | IMSA
    ANDR3E --- ---
    Gasly prodlouzil do konce 2023
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Wolff reveals Red Bull's NEW and effective car trick! Mercedes to copy?!

    The reason why Redbull RB18 is faster than Mercedes W13 is that Redbull RB18’s shape makes it move in an “aerodynamic envelop” whilst Mercedes moves on an “aerodynamic plane”. The reason is the bottleneck formed by the side pods on the Redbull RB18 and on other cars.
    Assuming that models of Redbull RB18 and Mercedes W13 were made of slippery/soapy material, it would be impossible to lift the Mercedes around the side pods due to its triangular cross-section; but one would easily lift the Redbull RB18 below the side pods. This is what aerodynamic flow at high speeds does. Whereas the Mercedes is just pressed down by air but lifted up by mechanical suspension springs. The aerodynamic envelope around the Redbull RB18 gets more effective the faster the car moves, and as such dampens the tendency to porpoise. Thus, the body is pressed down and lifted up by the same aerodynamic flow - but different in magnitudes down and up. The resultant effect is that the car body moves in an aerodynamic equilibrium, shaped like the letter - C - turned over by 90°. If one imagines the way an umbrella can be flipped over in stormy weather, then one can reckon that the aerodynamic envelope around Redbull RB18’s side pods stabilizes the car body to such an extent that porpoising is fully attenuated. The fact that aerodynamic loads pressing the car down and lifting it up around the side pods increase or decrease in equilibrium, engineers simply have to make fine adjustments to get maximum downforce without porpoising. Redbull RB18’s mechanical suspension therefore only dampens the usual track surface vibration and does not cause any oscillatory movement - porpoising. Even if it were to porpoise slightly, the aerodynamic “envelope-” would counteract by proportionately damping the tendency; Mercedes, on the other hand, is simply pressed down 100% aerodynamically but lifted up 100% mechanically – thus the cause of porpoising. Mercedes has no choice but to emulate Redbull RB18 by using the side-pod bottleneck. One cannot go around physics by a “trial and error” approach; one must have an objective that is economically, legally, scientifically, and technically viable.

    Exactly, the RB 18 pods have a bottleneck (undercut) that helps lift the body just enough to avoid stalling of ground effect airflow. At those speeds, airflow makes the difference in 10ths of a second. Put your hand out of a car at 130kph, any difference in shape you form with your hand moves it up or down or sideways.

    "Aerodynamic plane" means the aerodynamic loads act only downwards; "aerodynamic envelope" means some loads act downwards and some upwards. Redbull moves like a suspended train on an overhead rail, where the rail is the air flowing past the car at high velocity, but with wheels contacting the track. Where Mercedes has 100% downforce, Redbull has (100-X) %, where X is the share of upward lift. When you lift something with two fingers, the two fingers make a C-cross-section, flipped through 90° thus hooking the object. If you measured the forces acting through the suspension spring on Redbull and on Mercedes, you would see that the forces in Redbull springs are less than those in Mercedes springs because the aerodynamic envelope modulates the magnitude of forces that the springs experience.

    Decisive is not only the side pods, but the undercut; they lift the car like the wings on an airplane do, just enough to make the desired difference. Newey knew this, that is why RedBull first complained about Mercedes's new side pods, but soon backed down. If Newey does not complain about or copy your design variation, then you have an aerodynamic problem.
    ANDR3E --- ---

    Nikita Mazepin Says He's Suing Haas F1 Team Over Lost Wages
    PEPAZZ --- ---
    Lando Norris around the last time Fernando Alonso was on the front row of the F1 grid.

    ANDR3E --- ---
    Václav Pech: Jak moc rozdílné jsou vozy specifikace WRC od soudobých vozů R5?
    VYWERN --- ---
    Alikovi to vcera dobre posrali tim pozdnim pitem.
    Mercedesu to hezky spadlo do klina, aniz by musel neco moc delat. Uvidime co udela to jejich vyplakane zvednuti monopostu.
    Leclerk to taky projel v boxech, Sainz mi prijde porad takovy vic nervozni v jizde.
    Max super, i kdyz jsem cekal, ze se jim to po Perezovi taky rozpadne :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam