HAVANA: Jsem se nevyjádřil dobře. Na sap ne. Já nereagoval na sap a blind, ale obecně na rogunu. Pomůže ti proti cheap, kidney a mace spec + granáty.
In any kind of WPvP or 1v1 you are way more likely to get stunned than feared, making Orc better for these situations. Your hardest
matchups vs rogue and warrior rely on them getting stuns on you, therefore Orc helps you a lot more in small scale PvP.
In premade BGs you are less likely to get stunned and AoE fears like Psychic Scream are way more impactful than they are in 1v1s, because
they affect multiple targets and are not dispellable. There are still a lot of stuns used in BGs and resisting key abilities like Bash or Hammer of Justice can be just as impactful.
Premade vs Premade PvP is a small part of the game and even there stun resist can be the difference, it being percentage based makes it less
reliable though.
WoTF is only good for Premade vs Premade, which are rare, while stun resist helps in a lot of situations including Premade PvP. My preferred choice is therefore Orc.”