IIIMAGIAG: obavam se, ze se mylis. Dohledej si nekde co znamena pojem royalty free.
Tady nebyla rec o dalsim preprodavani, bavime se o pravu tu fotografii pouzit. A u royalty free zaplatis jednorazovej poplatek a muzes s tim delat co chces - cover od Vogue, vytapetovat Time Square, cokoli.
Royalty-Free, or RF, in photography and the stock photo industry, refers to a copyright license where the user has the one-time right to use the photo WITHOUT RESTRICTIONS. The user can therefore use the image in several projects without having to purchase an additional license. RF licenses can not be given on an exclusive basis. In stock photography RF is one of the four common licenses or business models together with Rights Managed, subscription and micro.[1]