PHAILO: ale to je prave ten rozdiel a aj dovod preco su akcie take nafuknute, lebo vsetky peniaze tesly idu do vyvoja a teda do buducich ziskov, vacsina ludi si pod pojmom investicia predstavuju navratnost do roka, ale investicie su aj s navratnostou 5-10 rokov a niekde tu si myslim je aj tesla, ja napr. mam investicny fond s najdlhsou navratnostou 25 rokov
jednym z muskovych planov bolo prave podnietit ostatnych vyrobcov aut, aby zacali vyvoj elektromobilov, sam tvrdi, ze nova automobilka ako biznis je v dnesnej dobe ciste sialenstvo, ale aj keby do 5 rokov skrachovali, ale medzitym rozhybali ostatne automobilky k vyrobe EV, tak ciel tesla motors bude splneny viz. z jeho interview:
"The overarching mission wasn’t to build the biggest car company in the world. It was to solve a bunch of long-standing EV shortcomings and build such an insanely great car that it could change everyone’s perception of what an EV could be and force the world’s big car companies to have to develop their own line of great EVs. Their end goal, and the company’s official mission, was “to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing compelling mass market electric cars to market as soon as possible.” In other words, EVs are gonna happen, but we’re gonna make them happen a lot sooner. Sooner, in this case, is important, because it means carbon emissions decrease earlier and the long term effects of them are much less damaging."
podla mna prave konvencne automobilky strasne dlho otalali a preto doteraz nemaju realne auta porovnatelne s tm3, jedine co je tak najblizsie (dojazdovo) je hyundai ioniq