I empower women to make their own choices.
For the last 15 years or so I have generally had a 'Primary' GF (with whom I would reside) and usually between three and maybe a half-dozen secondary gfs, in slow-rotation, plus an inestimable number of casual playmates, some of whom might join into the pusse* (stet) from time to time.
To understand my situation, it is vital to recognize the distinction between TITLES (Capitalized) and roles (non-capitalized). The Primary is the one who bears the 'title' and role of GIRLFRIEND and may refer to me as her BOYFRIEND, whereas the secondaries all recognize that they can maintain the 'role' of girlfriend, and behave with me and towards me as their boyfriend, but that ours is not an overriding relationship.
I used to manage using what I called 'GITM' rules (Gays In The Military - Don't ask, Don't tell) with my Primary, and the others would respect that they must keep things quiet; but it was always ultimately a losing proposition, because over time the girlfriends would want more, and eventually cattiness and discontent would tear my playhouse down.
About eight years or so ago I recognized the trouble-domain: I didn't want a harem!
I wouldn't have ONE Wife, why in the world would I want many!?
So I vowed to myself I would no-longer permit women to live in denial about their rivals; but this made for very uncomfortable situations of nasty infighting, so it needed to be modified once again.
Finally I developed what I refer to as my TWO RULES: model, which has served me very well (incredibly well, actually) ever since the beginning of the millennium.
For ALL the women in my life, from my Primary (with whom I live, and share a bed in Toronto) to the girls I met and slept with last weekend in Los Angeles, whom I don't know if I'll see again before year's end, the TWO RULES are absolute, intractable, inflexible, and adamantine:
Rule Two: Every girlfriend MUST COMMIT TO DO HER BEST to get along with my other girlfriends
These two, very simple, incredibly elegant pillars keep my home happy, my ladies ecstatic, and my sacs drained.
A little more detail, in case the beauty of this is lost on anyone...
Regarding RULE ONE:
Every woman I am with knows IMMEDIATELY (because I tell her outright) that when I'm not with her, I'm with someone else.
Therefore, I need for her to understand that SHE WILL NOT EVER be entitled to unlimited, unrestricted, nor exclusive access to me, and as such she will need to find ways to keep herself amused when I am elsewhere.
No amount of 'But Baby, I only want to be with YOU!' will ever shake my resolve, as that situation is a SURE FIRE ROAD TO HELL, when the girl's resentment begins to perk-up and she becomes a green-eyed monster....
So, by insisting she has other male playmates, I remove A) her justification for being uptight with me when I'm unavailable to satisfy her cravings, and B) I ensure she continually expands her skillset and her expectations, thereby keeping me on my toes, and preventing my complacency.
Regarding RULE TWO:
Since every girl knows I'm getting around, just as they themselves are, and that there are 'others', they begin to realize there is no such thing as a 'rival' and that cattiness or ganging-up/bashing other girls in the circle won't help anyone, and will in fact necessitate their own removal from the otherwise very comfortable situation.
This second Rule guarantees a fundamentally harmonious and happiness-conducive lifestyle which has been working for me for the better part of a decade, and shows no signs of slowing down or breaking apart.
Johnny Soporno
Worthy Playboy
P.S. I exclusively date bisexual hotties and have been to bed with most of them with at-least some of the rest of them, in some-or-other permutation.
*Pusse is the feminine-form of posse