CROSS: Můj názor celkem dobře shrnuje tahle reakce:
Because generally speaking, if you're going to display books with faux physical book-like covers, then they belong on an appropriate background, like a virtual bookshelf of some kind. Not floating on a bland featureless background.
Similarly, if you're going to keep the page turning animation in iBooks then why not also keep an option to make the page look like an actual book? Why one and not the other?
At the moment it's a confusing mish-mash of design philosophies, and what's more, it completely ignores what users actually want at the expense of dogmatically following this alleged "design philosophy". Most of the recent reviews of iBooks are now 1 or 2 stars, which reflects people's anger at the loss of a look they found desirable. And with good cause. There's no overwhelming functional reason for the change, it's just change for the sake of change.