KOCOURMIKES: no jeste bych doplnil, jak to delat pres shell za pomoci
Toto predpoklada, ze db credential jsou stejne na obou serverech, pokud ne, tak je treba pred importem db na serveru B.com zmenit tyto ve
wp-config.php. Cely system migrace celeho webu se da resit 6 radky v shellu.
Source = A.com
Destination = B.com
Na serveru A.com user@A.com~/public_html$
wp db export my_db.sql
tar -czf ../mywebsite.tar.gz ./
scp ../mywebsite.tar.gz user@B.com:~/public_html/
The authenticity of host 'B.com (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 49:3d:12:7b:d3:71:49:e5:d3:c4:59:46:ef:e8:43:fb.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'B.com,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
user@B.com password: <tvojeHesloNaServerB>
Na serveru B.com user@B.com~/public_html
tar -xzf mywebsite.tar.gz ./
wp db import my_db.sql
wp search-replace '//A.com' '//B.com' --all-tables