A jak se jim to podarilo? Maji poradnou ustavu s mechanismy umoznujici odvolatelnost presidenta a rozpusteni poslanecke snemovny primo obcany. Neni divu ze pak zastupitele opravdu zastupuji. Asi take dost pomaha ze na Islandu zije mene lidi nez v Ostrave ;)
Constitution | Government Offices | Constitution | How Iceland is governed | Government Offices
(Althingi = parlament)
Article 3
The President of Iceland shall be
elected by the people.
Article 5
The President shall be elected by direct, secret ballot of those who are eligible to vote in elections to Althingi. A presidential candidate shall be proposed by not less than 1500 voters and not more than 3000. The candidate, if there is more than one, who receives the most votes is duly elected President. If there is only one candidate, he is duly elected without a vote.
Article 11
The President of the Republic may not be held accountable for executive acts. The same applies to those who exercise presidential authority.
The President may not be prosecuted on a criminal charge except with the consent of Althingi.
The President may be
removed from office before his term expires if approved by a majority in a plebiscite called pursuant to a
resolution adopted by three-fourths of the Members of Althingi. This plebiscite shall be held within two months from the date of adoption by Althingi of the resolution. The President shall not perform his duties from the time the resolution is adopted by Althingi until the results of the plebiscite are known.
If the resolution by Althingi is not approved in the plebiscite, Althingi shall be immediately dissolved and new elections called.
Article 13
The President entrusts his authority to Ministers.
Article 15
The President appoints Ministers and discharges them. He determines their number and assignments.
Article 20
The President appoints public officials as provided by law.
The President may remove from office any official whom he has appointed.
Article 21
The President of the Republic concludes treaties with other States. Unless approved by Althingi, he may not make such treaties if they entail renouncement of, or servitude on, territory or territorial waters, or if they require changes in the State system.
Article 24
The President of the Republic may dissolve Althingi. A new election must take place within 45 days from the announcement of the dissolution. Althingi shall convene not later than ten weeks after its dissolution. Members of Althingi shall retain their mandate until Election Day.
Article 25
The President of the Republic may have bills and draft resolutions submitted to Althingi.
Article 26
If Althingi has passed a bill, it shall be submitted to the President of the Republic for confirmation not later than two weeks after it has been passed. Such confirmation gives it the force of law.
If the President rejects a bill, it shall nevertheless become valid but shall, as soon as circumstances permit, be submitted to a vote by secret
ballot of all those eligible to vote, for approval or rejection.
The law shall become void if rejected, but otherwise retains its force.