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    ztracené heslo?
    HNIZDOnVIDIA - grafické karty, technologie, aplikace, hry
    HNIZDO --- ---
    Neoficiální testy výkonu Radeonu R9 390X i GeForce Titan X – Živě.cz

    Podle dosavadnich testu R390X Titan neprokona, bude to plichta. Finalni ovladace pridaji tak jeste 10% navrch. Cena se odhaduje na $700, neni zcela jasne, jestli se mysli vzduchem chlazena 4GB verze, nebo 8GB verze na vode.

    Nutno poznamenat, ze R390X podle predbeznych testu dosahuje v nekterych rozlisenich DVOJNASOBEK vykonu R290X. To je znacny mezigeneracni krok, i kdyz je vykoupen spotrebou, cenou, a vodnikem.
    HNIZDO --- ---
    GeForce GTX Titan-X: nejvýkonější grafický čip v testu

    Vykon narostl skutecne znatelne. Presto karta nedava nektere soucasne hry na max ve 4k (a zde myslim bez vyfikundaci typu SSAA nebo supersampling). Kupovat tyhle kartu pro fullhd je imho nesmysl, je to zcela jiste prvni pouzitelna single chip karta pro hrani ve 4k, navic s nizkou spotrebou chlazena tichym vzduchem jeste s neobykle vysokym OC potencialem, a za tohle prvenstvi si zaslouzi oceneni.
    HNIZDO --- ---
    Neco o DX12

    D3D12 articles - so much misunderstandings and miscommunications - AnandTech Forums

    I have read many articles about D3D12 and I think many of these are making more questions than answers. I'm tired of these misunderstandings and miscommunications on the hardware support, so here is a summary about the new API. Please understand that even if I'm posting here anonymously I have to keep some information secret. This post is based on public documentations, and these specs are finalized. Sorry to say but most of the tech journalists are lazy now, and they simply don't even do basic search for their articles.

    Here is a simple FAQ:
    - Is D3D12 require new hardware?
    No! The API will works fine with the existing GPUs if the D3D12 driver exist for them. The actual hardware support already announced.
    - What about the features?
    Some feature will go, and some feature will come.
    The low-level APIs will simplify the access to the hardware. In the past, many new features came to the API because the driver actually hid the GPU memory from the application. So every new thing had to be implemented in the API, and then a new driver introduced the support for it. After this the application can access the new feature. D3D12 will allow explicit access to the GPU memory so some earlier features will not accessible in D3D12 in their "traditional D3D11 form". But this is not a problem, because with explicit memory access all of these (and many more) can be implemented in the application. For example tiled resources will be gone in the actual form, but it is possible to write an own implementation for it.
    The resource model will be also advancing, so for example Typed UAV Load will be a new feature.
    - Are these new features will require new hardware?
    The best answer is yes and no. This is a complicated question, and hard to answer it when the specs are not public. But let's say Typed UAV Load will require hardware support. The GCN based Radeons can support it, as well the Maxwell v2 (GM206/GM204) architecture. Maybe more hardware can access the feature from NVIDIA, but I don't know because they don't disclose what possible with Maxwell v1/Kepler/Fermi. Intel might support it, but I'm not familiar with these iGPUs.
    But many of these new features can be... I don't want to say emulated, but some workaround is possible. So even if the hardware support is not present, the actual effect might be executable on all GPUs. Of course, these workarounds will have some performance hit.

    These are the most important things to know.

    There are some other important things like the binding model. I have read frequently that D3D12 is bindless. No it's not. Bindless is only possible with AMD GCN, and NV Kepler/Maxwell. D3D12 is a universal API, so bindless is not suitable for it. But this doesn't mean that the D3D12 binding model is bad. It's actually very nice.

    In this PDF you can see the resource binding tiers at page 39 (if you don't want to download the file than here is an image). This is the D3D12 binding table, and the GPUs must support one of these tiers.
    Most of the GPUs support the first tier or TIER1.
    Maxwellv2 (GM206 and GM204) support the second tier or TIER2.
    All GCN-based Radeons support the third tier or TIER3.
    I'm expect that all future hardware will support TIER3.

    One more thing. We all know that D3D12 is built for efficiency. Yep, this is true, but Microsoft only talk about the batch performance. Everybody knows the advantages, it will mostly! eliminate the limitations on the CPU side.
    There are two other features in D3D12 that will eliminate the limitations on the GPU side! These will help to speed up the rendering even when the application seems to be limited by the GPU.
    These optional features are called asynchronous DMA and asynchronous compute. Simple definitions:
    - Asynchronous DMA will allow data uploads without pausing the whole pipeline. It will need two active DMA engines in the GPU so this feature is supported by all GCN-based Radeons or Maxwellv2(GM206/GM204)-based GeForce. Most modern NVIDIA GPUs use two DMA engines, but one of these disabled on the GeForce product line, so in the past this was a professional feature. On the GM206/GM204 GPUs the two DMA not just present in the hardware but activated as well.
    - Asynchronous compute allow overlapping of compute and graphics workloads. Most GPUs can use this feature, but not all hardware can execute the workloads efficiently. The GCN-based Radeons with 8 ACEs! are very good at this in my own tests.

    I can't tell you more, because there is an embargo for some infos.

    If you want to ask what GPU is the best for D3D12 at present, than I will say go for a GCN-based Radeon (prefer GPUs with 8 ACEs) or a Maxwellv2(GM206/GM204)-based GeForce. These are the most future-proof architectures now, so these will support a higher resource binding tier and most of the optional D3D12 features.
    MCKIDNEY --- ---
    Hmm problémy API a driveru jsou zajímavé. Ten článek mě nutí pochybovat o DX12 jako významnému kroku vpřed.
    Na druhou stranu DX11 bylo velké překvapení a i zde ho zmínil.

    Jsem na to zvědavý.
    HNIZDO --- ---
    Částečné specifikace Titanu X a skóre v 3DMarku. O 40 % rychlejší než GTX 980? | Cnews.cz
    HNIZDO --- ---
    HNIZDO --- ---
    K tem kecum o podpore vicejadrovych procesoru, ktere zpochybnuju uz leta (protoze jednak sam programuju realtime aplikace pro PLC, a jednak znam core programatora z MINDWARE):

    The third lesson: It's unthreadable. The IHVs sat down starting from maybe circa 2005, and built tons of multithreading into the driver internally. They had some of the best kernel/driver engineers in the world to do it, and literally thousands of full blown real world test cases. They squeezed that system dry, and within the existing drivers and APIs it is impossible to get more than trivial gains out of any application side multithreading. If Futuremark can only get 5% in a trivial test case, the rest of us have no chance.
    HNIZDO --- ---
    Totot pise exvyvojar nvidie:

    The first lesson is: Nearly every game ships broken. We're talking major AAA titles from vendors who are everyday names in the industry. In some cases, we're talking about blatant violations of API rules - one D3D9 game never even called BeginFrame/EndFrame. Some are mistakes or oversights - one shipped bad shaders that heavily impacted performance on NV drivers. These things were day to day occurrences that went into a bug tracker. Then somebody would go in, find out what the game screwed up, and patch the driver to deal with it. There are lots of optional patches already in the driver that are simply toggled on or off as per-game settings, and then hacks that are more specific to games - up to and including total replacement of the shipping shaders with custom versions by the driver team. Ever wondered why nearly every major game release is accompanied by a matching driver release from AMD and/or NVIDIA? There you go.

    Ale je tam toho mnohem vic, doporucuju precist cele
    What are your opinions on DX12/Vulkan/Mantle? - Graphics Programming and Theory - GameDev.net
    HNIZDO --- ---
    GeForce GTX Titan X - 1 GHz, 35 procent nad GTX 980

    35-50% na 980ku (referencni), to by byl realisticky odhad.
    HNIZDO --- ---
    NVIDIA Opens PhysX Code to UE4 Developers

    pouze cpu verze a gameworks, samozrejme. gpgpu nema ani smysl uvolnovat (musely by se otevrit i drivery)
    HNIZDO --- ---
    Hands On With The NVIDIA GeForce GTX TITAN X 12GB Video Card - Legit Reviews
    HNIZDO --- ---
    MCKIDNEY --- ---
    HNIZDO: Pravděpodobně ne, je to jenom další forma dodání podpory pro NVIDIA Experience a streamování gameplay do jiných zařízení. Android konzole do jedné umřely - kupodivu nikdo nechce hrat smartphone hry na televizi a nikdo nechce vyvíjet normální hry na mobily :)

    HNIZDO: njn fanATIci už poslední roky nemají moc prostor pro kecání a tak to hezky rozmázli něco co nemá ani stable verzi :)
    HNIZDO --- ---
    nVidia představila Android TV konzoli Shield. Rozběhá Crysis 3 a další počítačové tituly

    Hezky. Ale muze to konkurovat PS/XB? Pokud na tom pojedou i androidi tituly, bude to mit masivni support, mozna
    HNIZDO --- ---
    AMD Mantle asi končí, veřejný SDK nebude | Svět hardware

    Ne, AMD se tu podporu svych projektu proste nenauci, nenauci, a nenauci. To bylo kecu, ze by ucpali LaManche....
    HNIZDO --- ---
    MJUGEN: Tak od akcionaru ne, valna hromada nebyla, ale nejak to vyresit musi. Uprimne receno jsem kvalitou PR managementu nvidie mirne znepokojen, protoze myslet si ze se na to neprijde a ze to projde muze jen naprosty blbec. Viz mavani maketou a podobne. Trosku nam ta nvidia amdeckuje.
    MJUGEN --- ---
    HNIZDO: ode mne čistě spekulace, ale jeho vyjádření je dle mého vynucené, dostal na vybranou od akcionářů - buďto jako šéf firmy přizná chybu (dostane méně peněz na výplatnici) nebo na něj akcionáři podají žalobu za zatajování skutečného stavu jako to udělali při bumpgate...
    TURBO --- ---
    HNIZDO: jj. Navíc příští týden je GDC, tak jsem zvědavej, jestli nás nenamlsaj trochu víc :).
    HNIZDO --- ---
    TURBO: Taky si nejsem jist, Pokud je mi znamo, snad jedine soucasne AFR nevyzaduje hw podporu, tedy jde abstrahovat pres DX. Jedine co je potreba je ten mustek. Na druhou stranu je pravda, ze AFR vznikla v dobe, kdy bylo API daleko mene abstraktnia aoddelene od hw a kernelu nez dnes. V dnesni dobe je vsechno abstrahovano a virtualizovano, takze proc ne.
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam