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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“
    INK_FLO --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: label Andyho Votela Finders Keepers zaměřující se na všemožnou obskurní, zapomenutou, starou, filmovou, béčkovou a jinou hudbu vydal původní soundtrack

    OST - Valerie a týden divů (Luboš Fišer) 1970.rar | Ulož.to

    (link neprověřen, narychlo vygooglován pro aktuální potřebu)

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Jo ma nekdo z vas nejaky plan na Corodky? Nechal bych se nekam ovezt, a tam opit, nebo cokoliv... mozna sam, mozna se zenou, to nedokazu rict [asi ani den dopredu].
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    MMchodem dneska jsem udelal 70 000 scrobbles na Last.fm 1 August, 2007, coz je pry prumer 41 tracku za den...

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    Ti pozornejsi z vas si mozna kdysi vsimli, ze jsem se zamiloval do temer ztraceneho surrealistickeho filmu Valerie a tyden divu,

    Valerie a týden divu (1970) - IMDb

    zda se, ze existuje i jako hudebni projekt, inspirovany prave timhle paradnim filmem: http://www.last.fm/music/The+Valerie+Project/+images/3938696
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    "novy" wokenni manager k prozkoumani: http://sawfish.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
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    World wihout borders je tenhle mesic na tema Sex: http://wordswithoutborders.org/issue/april-2012
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    nekdy se clovek muze citit i takhle, treba ted....

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    Dobry Triko
    American Mcgee's Alice I'm Mad T-shirt - Polyvore
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    Hakim Bey

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    Tak tedka doslo na nejake hadky o urbanistice Zizkova, pokud by nekdo z vas mel nejaky pekny link o tom, jak se stavel Zizkov, kdo realizoval, a kdo navrhoval bezne cinzovni domy [tedy ne jen vyznacna mista na linku, ktery prikladam], tak bych byl vdecny. Ja tvrdim, ze Zizkov co se cinzaku tyce, tak navrhla jedna architektonicka kancelar a cele ulice se realizovaly najednou, tak od 40. let, ale bohuzel nejsem pro sve tvrzeni schopen najit dukaz na internetu... prosim pomoc [klidne me poprete, jen mi ukazte, kde se to da najit]...


    Praha 3 Architecture Guide | architektura | Wix.com
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    zajimavy army shop [anglicky]: http://www.flecktarn.co.uk/jackets.html
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    CTALKEP: dobry tema, takova vesmirna smrt...
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    nemuzu najit audit lisek, tak sem... zajimalo by me, jakou evolucni prednost ma zrzavej kozich, ale v nasich lesich asi docela dobry, v suche trave, za podzimu, za jasneho svetla [neni liska nocni tvor?] ... asi jako nemeckej maskac, kerej ma hnede a oranzove tony

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: autor tohohle webu a autor tech bezvadnejch mixtapes mi napsal neco o svem zivote, je toho vic, zajimave mj. je to, ze kdyz to psal, nevedel o mem tanci na spicce jehly, nicmene vrana k vrane seda, a koukam, ze je to definovane uz i hudebnim vkusem... nebo, ze by bylo pro nektere opiatove uzivatele priznacne, ze maji vkus [poplacat po ramene] nebo talent [poskrabat za ouskem]?
    at tak nebo tak, tady je kus jeho dopisu

    About three years ago I was offered a job that involved tons of unsupervised chemicals. I guess they wanted me to look after them, but after a year of working there, I started supervising oxy up my nose.
    Never saw it coming. After a while my apartment had transformed into little pharmacy and work toilet had become my own personal opium den. I learned to look down on people to hide my bloody nostrils.
    I didn't think I had any problems as long as it didn't affect my work. Sometimes I wondered how in the hell I didn't manage to die from all the drugs and alcohol in my system (I almost did, about five times).
    I build up a high tolerance for every interesting drug in the market. When friends came over I offered them liquid oxy shots, like some enlightened bartender from William Burroughs novel. They really like to come over. I snorted over 400 mg of oxy everyday and took 1-2 g's of pregabalin to triple all the fun. I guess that wasn't enough, because I drank everyday and explored all kinds of pill combos like a little kid in a museum of natural science. At that point I got bit scared I wasn't gonna make it out alive. It took me a ocean of tears, sweat and nightmares to get some control on my using.
    I thought it's gonna be very embarrassing if my clueless country boy boss is gonna find about my little secrets, well he didn't. Onetime he asked my buddy, why my eyes are like saucers (it was the pregabalin),
    he also tried to break into toilet while I was crushing pills. I guess he was onto something. He never confronted me or fired me. What a strange fellow.
    He started calling me Bin Laden because I didn't shave for over a year. Atrocities were committed by both sides. I never had to be away from work and that needle stuff didn't appeal to me.
    I thought to myself I was going to stop everything this spring/summer, only to find myself sucking on whole transdermal fentanyl patches everyday.
    That went on for three months, then all the bone ache got too painfully real and I decided to try out the power of self-suggestion and taper down the fentanyl use.
    You tell yourself a lie and work on that, death and empathy are great mentors. I succeeded and changed the drug into buprenorphine for two weeks and then stopped completely.
    I tried to get professional help once, but their whole ”we wont shake your hand, but we want to watch you pee behind a mirror” method didn't motivate me for too long.
    I didn't need their drugs, just wanted someone to convince me to change my habits.
    Those were interesting two years, but I had enough. I left that job last month, now I gotta new job in my line of business. I've been completely sober for three months now.
    My mind is a grasshopper trapped inside a pop-o-matic bubble. Ejaculation and appetite are back, but I'm turning into Adolf Wölfli. Paper trumpets and imaginary marching bands behind my back, here I come.
    Oh, the folly of youth.
    A kindly ruin.
    This is just the post acute withdrawal talking. I'm relatively happy.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    KAMAR: jj, v pohode, me se libilo, ze chtej osobni, neformalni, rukou psany dopis... 2010 byla jen tresnicka na dortu...

    mmchodem jak Ti je? venku je krasne i kdyz -rekneme- cerstvo, tak uvazuju, ze bych se zastavil na Andelu, hmm?
    KAMAR --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: nutno cist novinky http://www.csap-cz.eu/node/508 ... ale zatim se mi neozvali svine ;)
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    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    uz jsem daval, znova tedy, jen bookmark

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