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    ztracené heslo?
    OVERDRIVEOVERDRIVE, nejlepsi pritel sama sebe: „Nech si zdát o spaní“

    Kurvu a intelektualku uz jsem nasel: ja jsem kurva a ona je intelektualka. Ja mam rad takovy, ona zas makovy. Oba mame radi lidi, kytky a zvirata. Ovsem v ruznych pomerech. Ja se jmenuju Tomas ona Adela. A k tomu nam dobomahej -uh.Arrakis učí filozofii nože - uřízneš to, co není dokončené, a řekneš: "A teď už je to dokončené, protože to konči zde." ~ Princezna Irulán : Sebraná rčení Muad´Diba Neávist k duševnímu sebepozorování. Dušespytné analýzy, jako: Včera jsem byl takový, a proto jsem dnes takový, a to proto. Není to pravda, vůbec ne proto, anebo proto, a nebo takový ani makový. Klidně snášet sám sebe a neukvapovat se, žít tak jak je třeba, neobýhat se jako pes. ~ Franz Kafka : Aforismy
    "Není škoda ničeho, co už je pryč. Škoda je nynějška a dneška, všech těch nesčíslných hodin a dní, které jsem ztratil, které jsem jen strpěl, které mi nic nedarovaly, ani mnou neotřásly."
    ~ Hesse: Stepni Vlk
    Proste blazen co si zo sveta aj sam seba robi legraci, zabava ostatnych a neriesi problemy. a par krat to uz bol taky hundrajuci zobrak, mumlajuci si svoje pravdy, sediaci s flaskou jabcaku
    ~ Hiena
    [[CyberPunk]] -- [[ Overdrive’s HomePage ]]

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    Internetová jazyková příručka

    http://prirucka.ujc.cas.cz/ - 62 tisic slov!!
    rozbalit záhlaví
    DISPARITY --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: yep, to tu mam taky a je to taky hodně psycho, Valers rule :-7
    Cryptonomicon už hodně dávno.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    DISPARITY: nazdar nazdar!!! NIce to see all good pidgeons ;]
    A cet jste Anathem? Tam se resi orbitalni fyzika taky + je tam jeste hromada matematiky a astronomie.

    Jinak to " co by clovek cekal, kdyz na zacatku vybuchne mesic, je presne to, cim knizku uvadim taky ;]

    Cryptonomicon jste asi samozrejme cetl, zejo?
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    BURKHAR: tyvoe, odkud to je? Vlastne ani nevim, kdo je ten typek vedle me. MMchodem ta mikina tady ted porad jeste vysi nademnou. Koupil jsem si ji z prvni vyplaty, bylo mi tehda 22, vyplatu jsem dostal Na Palde, jako socialni pracovnik, coz byla moje vubec prvni prace. Tehda jsem dostal 18 tisic cisteho... Jo a spal jsem tehda s jednou pani, kvuli ktere jsem si pak musel rozbit hubu s nejlepsim kamosem... Fotka bude tak odhadem 13 let stara....
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Dame si pisnicku? Ma i lepsi veci, kazdopadne je to i zajimavy pan...

    4 May 1931

    26 September 1988 (aged 57)

    From Alberta to New York (1931-1988)

    Bruce Haack started picking out melodies on his family's piano at age four; by age 12, he gave piano lessons and played piano with the Swing Tones while attending the University of Alberta. The Swing Tones were a popular local band based out of Edmonton, Alberta, and they played in venues in the city and surrounding area. The band played primarily modern and old-time music, and they introduced him to Eastern musical motifs and themes, as they played quite a bit of Ukrainian folk music. While with The Swing Tones, Bruck Haack was known for his uncanny ability to hear music and then play it back immediately from memory, and he could compose innovative riffs while the band was on break during a job. His talent was legendary, and he owned a tremendous record collection of music from around the world prior to moving to New York. In later years, Haack's painting of St. Basil likely is reminiscent of his earlier years with The Swing Tones in Edmonton.
    Haack was also invited by Native Americans to participate in their pow-wows, experimenting with Peyote, which influenced his music for years to come. His upbringing in the isolated town of Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, Canada, gave him plenty of time to develop his musical talents.
    Seeking formal training to hone his ability, Haack applied to the University of Alberta's music program. Though that school rejected him because of his poor notation skills, at Edmonton University he wrote and recorded music for campus theater productions, hosted a radio show, and played in a band. He received a degree in psychology from the university; this influence was felt later in songs that dealt with body language and the computer-like ways children absorb information.
    New York City's Juilliard School offered Haack the opportunity to study with composer Vincent Persichetti; thanks to a scholarship from the Canadian government, he headed to New York upon graduating from Edmonton in 1954. At Juilliard, Haack met a like-minded student, Ted "Praxiteles" Pandel, with whom he developed a lifelong friendship. However, his studies proved less sympathetic, and he dropped out of Juilliard just eight months later, rejecting the school's restrictive approach.
    Throughout the rest of his career, Haack rejected restrictions of any kind, often writing several different kinds of music at one time. He spent the rest of the 1950s scoring dance and theater productions, as well as writing pop songs for record labels like Dot Records and Coral Records. Haack's early scores, like 1955's Les Etapes, suggested the futuristic themes and experimental techniques Haack developed in his later works. Originally commissioned for a Belgian ballet, Les Etapes mixed tape samples, electronics, soprano, and violin; the following year, he finished a musique concrète piece called "Lullaby for a Cat."
    As the 1960s began, the public's interest in electronic music and synthesizers increased, and so did Haack's notoriety. Along with songwriting and scoring, Haack appeared on TV shows like I've Got a Secret and The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson, usually with Pandel in tow. The duo often played the Dermatron, a touch- and heat-sensitive synthesizer, on the foreheads of guests; 1966's appearance on I've Got a Secret featured them playing 12 "chromatically pitched" young women.
    Meanwhile, Haack wrote serious compositions as well, such as 1962's "Mass for Solo Piano," which Pandel performed at Carnegie Hall, and a song for Rocky Mountain House's 50th anniversary. One of his most futuristic pieces, 1963's "Garden of Delights," mixed Gregorian chants and electronic music. This work was never broadcast or released in its complete form.

    From Children's Music to Electric Lucifer (1963-1976)

    Haack found another outlet for his creativity as an accompanist for children's dance teacher Esther Nelson. Perhaps inspired by his own lonely childhood, he and Nelson collaborated on educational, open-minded children's music. With Pandel, they started their own record label, Dimension 5 Records, on which they released 1962's Dance, Sing, & Listen. Two other records followed in the series, 1963's Dance, Sing, & Listen Again and 1965's Dance, Sing, & Listen Again & Again. Though the series included activity and story songs similar to other children's records at the time, the music moves freely between country, medieval, classical, and pop, and mixes instruments like piano, synthesizers, and banjo. The lyrics deal with music history or provide instructions like, "When the music stops, be the sound you hear," resulting in an often surreal collage of sounds and ideas.
    The otherworldly quality of Haack's music was emphasized by the instruments and recording techniques he developed with the Dance, Sing, & Listen series. Though he had little formal training in electronics, he made synthesizers and modulators out of any gadgets and surplus parts he could find, including guitar effects pedals and battery-operated transistor radios. Eschewing diagrams and plans, Haack improvised, creating instruments capable of 12-voice polyphony and random composition. Using these modular synthesizer systems, he then recorded with two two-track reel-to-reel decks, adding a moody tape echo to his already distinctive pieces.
    As the 1960s progressed and the musical climate became more receptive to his kind of whimsical innovation, Haack's friend, collaborator, and business manager Chris Kachulis found mainstream applications for his music. This included scoring commercials for clients like Parker Brothers Games, Goodyear Tires, Kraft Cheese, and Lincoln Life Insurance; in the process, Haack won two awards for his work. He also continued to promote electronic music on television, demonstrating how synthesizers work on The Mister Rogers Show in 1968, and released The Way-Out Record for Children later that year.
    Kachulis did another important favor for his friend by introducing Haack to psychedelic rock. Acid rock's expansive nature was a perfect match for Haack's style, and in 1969 he released his first rock-influenced work, Electric Lucifer. A concept album about the earth being caught in the middle of a war between heaven and hell, Electric Lucifer featured a heavy, driving sound complete with Moogs, Kachulis' singing, and Haack's homegrown electronics including a prototype vocoder and unique lyrics, which deal with "powerlove" — a force so strong and good that it will not only save mankind but Lucifer himself. Kachulis helped out once more by bringing Haack and Lucifer to the attention of Columbia Records, who released it as Haack's major-label debut.
    As the 1970s started, Haack's musical horizons continued to expand. After the release of Electric Lucifer, he struck up a friendship with fellow composer and electronic music pioneer Raymond Scott. They experimented with two of Scott's instruments, the Clavivox and Electronium. Nothing remains of the collaboration, and though Scott gave Haack a Clavivox, he did not record with it on his own. However, he did continue on Lucifer's rock-influenced musical with 1971's Together, an electronic pop album that marked his return to Dimension 5. Perhaps in an attempt to differentiate this work from his children's music, he released it under the name Jackpine Savage, the only time he used this pseudonym.
    Haack continued making children's albums as well, including 1972's Dance to the Music, 1973's Captain Entropy, and 1974's This Old Man, which featured science fiction versions of nursery rhymes and traditional songs. After relocating to Westchester, PA, to spend more time with Pandel, Haack focused on children's music almost exclusively, writing music for Scholastic Press like "The Witches' Vacation" and "Clifford the Small Red Puppy." He also released Funky Doodle and Ebenezer Electric (an electronic version of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol) in 1976, but by the late 1970s, his prolific output slowed; two works, 1978's Haackula and the following year's Electric Lucifer Book II, were never released.

    From Party Machine to Death Machine (1977-1988)

    His darkest album to date, Haackula strikes out on into dark, yet playful territory. Haackula seems to have inspired Haack's final landmark work, 1981's Bite. The albums share several song titles and a dark lyrical tone different from Haack's usually idealistic style. Though Bite is harsher than his other works, it features his innovative, educational touch: a thorough primer on electronics and synthesizers makes up a large portion of the liner notes, and Haack adds a new collaborator for this album, 13-year-old vocalist Ed Harvey.
    Haack's failing health slowed Dimension 5's musical output in the early 1980s, but Nelson and Pandel kept the label alive by publishing songbooks, like Fun to Sing and The World's Best Funny Songs, and re-released selected older albums as cassettes, which are still available today. In 1982, Haack recorded his swan song, a proto-hiphop collaboration with Def Jam's Russell Simmons, entitled Party Machine. Haack died in 1988 from heart failure, but his label and commitment to making creative children's music survives. While Dimension 5's later musical releases — mostly singalong albums featuring Nelson — may lack the iconoclastic spark of the early records, Nelson and Pandel's continued work reveals the depth of their friendship with Haack, a distinctive and pioneering electronic musician.


    Bruce Haack - Program Me
    BURKHAR --- ---
    DISPARITY --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Oh yeah, Seveneves jsem dočetl asi před čtvrt rokem a je to dost mazec - co by tak člověk čekal, když to začíná tím, že jen tak z ničeho nic vybuchne měsíc, že.. Každopádně se tam člověk dozví leccos o orbitální mechanice, pokud má trochu trpělivosti :-D
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Závod o Mars začíná! - Aeroweb.cz
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Aha, on to este nekdo nezna

    Animoterapia - 11 : Sova
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Brainwaves - Series 4 - Urban Mining - BBC Sounds
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Objevil jsem nový keywords jmenuje se to urban mining a rozhodně se chci podívat na nějaký dokumenty

    Urban Mining - Gold in our trash - VPRO documentary - 2015
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    A jo, ctenarsky dennik jde shareovat, z appky to bohuzel nejde... zatim to teprve buduju:

    overdrive23 | Profil uživatele | ČBDB.cz
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Lol, vecerni kviz: Kde jsou Pitche a kde je Badja Kunda?

    CYBERSTORM --- ---
    OVERDRIVE: Já jsem nikdy moc wad souborů nezkoušel. Ale perverz dooma jsem hrál :) hlavně s motorovou pilou.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Ale jo, proc ne ;]

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Kdyz lide rikaji, ze se nudi, tak tvrdi, ze se nemaji co se uci. Potiz spociva v tom, ze se muzete ucit pouze to, co jen mirne presahuje vase aktualni znalosti. Na to, aby bylo mozne se ucit, musite byt pripraveni... -= ? Senk

    Kazdopadne jsem jen tak mmchodem nasel docela zajimavy web... mam dost rad infografiky:

    Nejinfografiky.cz - světové infografiky na jednom místě
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Mate taky malo casu na precteni vseho, co vas zajima? PIZI to dela uz roky, ze posloucha podcasty. Ja no to mam dost malo casu, bohuzel iPODCAST jeste neumi prepnout zvuk 1,5x-2x rychlej, tak jak to umi napriklad youtube, nicmene obcas jsou podcasty idealni pro momenty, kdyz musite chodit se psy na prochazky do deste a vetru, bez moznosti cist si knihu [a podobne]... zvlast pak mam rad podcasty Ceskeho Rozhlasu... Knihy na ktere vam nezbyl cas jsou dobrou propojkou nedostatku casu na cteni a vyplneni prazdnych chvil, kdy clovek nestiha prijimat informace v psane podobe...

    iRadio - audioarchiv a živé vysílání Českého rozhlasu
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Pochybuju, ze do tohohle auditu chodi nekdo, kdo nema, nebo alespon mit nechce, lidskou lebku...

    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    vykradene z jednoho infa... ono se pozna, jinak je to irelevantni zminovat:

    "I have seen the Bird of Paradise. She has spread herself out before me, and I shall never be the same again."
    Často jsem se díval na svého psa a říkal jsem si: "Kdybys byl jen o trochu chytřejší, dokázal bys mi říct, co si myslíš," a on na mně upřel pohled, který jako by vyjadřoval: "Kdybys ty byl o něco chytřejší, nic bych ti říkat nemusel."
    Fred Jungclaus
    "Člověk, jenž zemře dříve, než zemře, nezemře, až zemře."
    Abraham a Sancta Clara
    ‎"Je třeba být připraven na to, že se země bude pod nohama třást - což může být příjemné, pokud je člověk hlavou pevně v oblacích"
    Jack Herer
    Ako najlepšie rozosmejete Boha?
    Keď mu poviete o svojich plánoch.
    OVERDRIVE --- ---
    Jeste k hackovani jidla... nevim jak to mate, ale me se stava, ze nekolik dni nestiham jist a pak bych zas sezral mrtvyho kone. Navic verim v konec sveta, ktery jde prezit, ale aspon ze zacatku je dobry byt pripraveny, nez neco vyroste a podobne, tak tady jsou nejake rychlovky, s kterymi jde prezit uspechanou realitu

    - https://jezhned.cz/ - indicka jidla, clovek by musel sezrat 3-4 denne, aby mel plnou nutricni davku, ale pokud cloveku chutna indie a pokud chcete veganska jidla, tak rozhodne brat. pomer cena vykon dobry. da se to ohrat i tak, ze clovek hodi sacek do rychlovarne konvice s vodou

    - https://mojemana.cz/ - stalice na jidlenicku id JULYZ; chutna to jako slano-sladka krupicova kase, s tim, ze vlastne chut nedokazete popsat. Melo by to obsahovat vsechno, co si clovek predstavi pod pojmem kosmicke jidlo. Tedy jidlo, ktere chutove neotravuje a zaroven po pridani vody se z prasku stane stejk. Docela to fnguje. Jak? Je to vicemene keto-dieta, tedy zadne cukry, veskera energie se do tela dostava olejem [tuky] a samotny prach je pak jen nosic dalsich veci, jako vitaminu,... ale hlavne hmoty. Lidke telo totiz nema rado, ze i kdyz je najedene, nema v zaludku zadnou hmotu, coz vede k tomu, ze clovek citi hlad. Da se tomu predejit tak, ze krom pika si date take vatu, coz delaji modelky. Ale Mana je DOST jedla a Julie, ktera jinak ji tak maximalne pizzu z DameJidlo, tak nevypada, ze by nejak trpela hladem [zrovna dneska si beztak dala manu, predtim nez se sla venovat kurzu freedivingu]. VEGANSKE

    https://www.masohere.cz/ - tak tohle deti veganske rozhodne neni. Je to UPLNE NORMALNI CISTE MASO. Dostal jsem toho krabici od ID Julyz k vanocum a musim rict, ze to ma nejake plus a nejake minus:
    + asi se toho clovek naji vazne hodne
    - zjisti to az pozde - jak je to bez vody a koncentrovane, snite sacek nebo dva, a telo ma porad pocit hladu
    - dik tomu, ze je to ciste maso, tak me konkretne to dela to co psum kosti - snim to, a 2 dny se nejdu vysrat
    + je to VELICE chutne - nevim presne, zda je to plus nebo minus, v tom smyslu, ze se to ji jako chipsy, proste nechces prestat, dokud nedoslo
    + dobra priloha k veganskym vecem, az nastane konec sveta - v mojich urbex/survival batozich je pak kombinace: Indicke jidlo [obsahuje vodu], Mana [potrebuje vodu], MasoHere [prinejhorsim si bez vody poradi a pokryva veskerou potrebu "neceho, co nechutna indicky nebo jako kosmicke jidlo, i kdyz oboji je dobry"... takovej kitch na chut]

    MMchodem, zkousel jsem ten levnejsi filtr na vodu:
    - udelal jsem roztok soli, pepre, chilli [pri poslednim testu i cigaretoveho popela] a napil jsem se toho pres filtr - vysledek: voda zustala slana, coz jsem cekal

    Melo by to nyt schopne odfiltrovat tifus, coleru, zlutou zimnici a uplavici. Kazdopadne samozrejme pocitejte s tim, ze homogennin roztoky zustanou homegennimi roztoky, tzn. chemicke zneciste nivs stejne zabije.

    Jeste uvazuju, ze zkusim do dalsiho testu dat olej, jen abych vedel jak se to chova k roztoky ve kterych jsou ropne pozustatky...

    Jo vlastne jeste jedno jidlo, ktery je FAKT zajimavy, pokud hrajete "na vykon":

    - kvalitni olej - olivovy, konopny, dynovy, lneny...
    - cerny kafe - idealne cim lepsu, tim lepsi budete mit kafe
    - pokud radi mliko, tak mandlove "mleko", za me vedou neslazene varianty z Alberta

    Da se to uslehat jako frape, da se to ale pit i jen jako normalni kade.
    Pointa je ze 1kg zeleniny odpivida cca 300g oleje, co se vyzivne hodnoty tyce. A cloveku staci na den cca prave 800g az 1kg zeleniny, pri normalnim provozu.
    S cukry je trosku problem, ze je to rychla enegrie, ale taky ponekud nestabilni stavebni kameny, treba pro mozkove bunky, co se obnovuji malo, tak je to docela zasadni.

    Tzn, udelas si kafe, s mlikem nebo bez mlika, a do nej nalejes olej. Muzes umixkovat, nebo jinak post-produkovat, nebo nechat olej plavat na horke hladine kavy. Chut to nijak zvlast nekazi [pokud ti chutna chut daneho oleje, tak spis vylepsuje] a da se tak po ranu nakopnout sebe sama daleko efektivnej nez jen kafen, nebo kafem s cukrem.

    Existuji i specialni oleje, ktere jsou fortifikovane o kde-co, veganum se hodi b12, vsem ostatnim kde co dalsiho. uz jsem videl i fortifikaci *racetamy... coz je ponekud extrem. Kazdopadne se tomu rika BULLET PROOF COFFEE a je to moc uzitecny piti.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam