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    ztracené heslo?
    FALUCIUSVědecké vtipy
    ZCR --- ---
    CERMI_FOX: jmenuje se to gallium a je to po všech stránkách užitečnější než francium. Francium je na hovno.
    CERMI_FOX --- ---
    QWWERTY: jasne,ale zas na teplotu tani 27C, hezky blizko teplote tela, to by slo, kdyz se odmysli radioaktivita, pouzit treba do kremu misto palmovyho oleje?
    ZCR --- ---
    ZETOR_13: The true exercise in futility: FrAt
    ZETOR_13 --- ---
    ZCR: Ja si predstavil scenku, jak studentik prijde do laborky s tim, ze ho jejich prace fakt zajima, ma pripravenych nekolik temat, jenze kazde mu smetou ze stolu: To uz tu nekdo dela, to je prekonane, to by bylo moc drahe, moc malo narocne, prilis narocne, malo specificke, prilis specificke... No a tak se nesmele zepta, co by tedy navrhovali, ze ma opravdu velky zajem a ze vezme cokoliv. No, v tom pripade, by tu bylo Francium, s tim uz si leta nevime rady, protoze je to fakt svine, ale kdyby se to nekomu podarilo alespon natuknout, tak z toho koukaji granty, mozna i nobelovka...

    Pokud je to vysledek celozivotniho dila, tak doporucuji misto trolleni wiki, tesat jako epitaf na nahrobek...
    ZCR --- ---
    ZETOR_13: že je francium naprostý šit úplně na hovno člověk zjistí dávno před tím, než si vůbec vybírá téma... spíš bych řekl, že jsou to výsledky celoživotního zájmu a napsal to nějaký ubohý profesor, který se tou sračkou zabýval celý život a má o něm papery i v Nature.
    ZETOR_13 --- ---
    QWWERTY: To vypada, ze nejaky ubohy postgrad nekde zjistil, jak blbe tema si vybral pro diplomku... :-D
    QWWERTY --- ---

    HAR4NT --- ---
    HOWKING: jenze baby-neco jeste neumi chodit, vhodnejsi jednotka by tedy byla toddler elephant..
    HOWKING --- ---
    BLACKHEAD: slůně po narození cca 80 kg. Takže 320 kilový ingot kovu může mít rozměry přerostlého Corgiho :D
    BLACKHEAD --- ---
    QWWERTY: A jak muze pulmetrovej sutr vazit tolik jako 4 slunata?
    ... tedy pokud neni ze zlata...
    ATUARFIK --- ---
    QWWERTY: "Corgi-sized"? Odkdy používá NASA britské imperiální jednotky? :)
    QWWERTY --- ---
    KAERO --- ---

    "Same reason proctologists never order rigatoni. "

    A me zas napadlo, ze jazykovedci nemaji radi linguine.

    Never Enough — Bizarro
    QWWERTY --- ---
    KENJIRO: alt: "How to spot a dragon using an illusion spell. "
    KENJIRO --- ---
    SUMIE_DH --- ---
    The electronic song “Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites” reduces host attack and mating success in the dengue vector Aedes aegypti


    Sound and its reception are crucial for reproduction, survival, and population maintenance of many animals. In insects, low-frequency vibrations facilitate sexual interactions, whereas noise disrupts the perception of signals from conspecifics and hosts. Despite evidence that mosquitoes respond to sound frequencies beyond fundamental ranges, including songs, and that males and females need to struggle to harmonize their flight tones, the behavioral impacts of music as control targets remain unexplored. In this study, we examined the effects of electronic music (Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites by Skrillex) on foraging, host attack, and sexual activities of the dengue vector Aedes aegypti. Adults were presented with two sound environments (music-off or music-on). Discrepancies in visitation, blood feeding, and copulation patterns were compared between environments with and without music. Ae. aegypti females maintained in the music-off environment initiated host visits earlier than those in the music-on environment. They visited the host significantly less often in the music-on than the music-off condition. Females exposed to music attacked hosts much later than their non-exposed peers. The occurrence of blood feeding activity was lower when music was being played. Adults exposed to music copulated far less often than their counterparts kept in an environment where there was no music. In addition to providing insight into the auditory sensitivity of Ae. aegypti to sound, our results indicated the vulnerability of its key vectorial capacity traits to electronic music. The observation that such music can delay host attack, reduce blood feeding, and disrupt mating provides new avenues for the development of music-based personal protective and control measures against Aedes-borne diseases.
    PLECH --- ---
    KAMAHL: tl;dr, ale vidim tam ty talíře, yes! ty mě vždycky rozčílej do bíla
    E2E4 --- ---
    QWWERTY --- ---

    KAMAHL --- ---
    Physicist reacts to memes on quantum physics
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