OTAVA: Proč zvýšit daně??? Jsem vždycky myslel, že spotřeba se zvýší, když mají lidé k dispozici víc peněz. Ale ty seš tady ekonom, žejo...
OTAVA: Není. Když tě to tak zajímá, což chválím, je celý systém popsán tady:
http://ec.europa.eu/...my_finance/economic_governance/macroeconomic_imbalance_procedure/index_en.htm Co se týče sankcí, platí:
Rigorous enforcement: A new enforcement regime is established for euro area countries. The corrective arm consists of a two-step approach:
An interest-bearing deposit can be imposed after one failure to comply with the recommended corrective action
After a second compliance failure, this interest-bearing deposit can be converted into a fine (up to 0.1% of GDP)
Sanctions can also be imposed for failing twice to submit a sufficient corrective action plan.
The decision-making process in the new regulations is streamlined by prescribing the use of reverse qualified majority voting to take all the relevant decisions leading up to sanctions. This semi-automatic decision-making procedure makes it very difficult for Member States to form a blocking majority.