MYJKA: na strankach kliknes v levo dole na tlacitko "Contact Us", tam vyberes svuj kindle a dole vyberes v Select an issue "Other Kindle Issuee", do specifikace neco jako "special offers" a zvolis kontaktovani pres mail.
Do textu jsem napsal o jake zarizeni se jedna (V mem pripade to byli dve zarizeni) a do popisu toto: "Hello,
could you, please, cancel the special offers in my two Kindle devices? I do not live neither in USA or any other countries, where it would make a sense to show them, because I live in Czech Republic. Thank you.
Petr "
Nevim jak hodne dobre je to anglicky(asi moc ne), ale proslo to. Snad ti to pomuze =)