SCHWEPZ: no ten postnutej graf je pekne pochcavaci a manipulativni, protoze to je DISCRETION polozka rozpoctu. tj
Discretionary spending is that part of the U.S. Federal Budget that is negotiated between the President and Congress each year as part of the budget process. It includes everything that is not in the mandatory budget, which are programs required by law to provide certain benefits, such as Social Security and Medicare
co se tyce mandatornich vydaju, ktere se na grafu krci - respektive polozky jako zdravotnictvi etc a ma to zjevne vyvolavat dojem ze na rozpocet jde minimum oproti mil budgetu tak:
Mandatory Spending, at $2.109 trillion in FY 2012. The largest mandatory spending programs were Social Security and Medicare, as follows:
Social Security - $761 billion
Medicare - $468 billion
Medicaid - $269 billion
TARP - $13 billion
All other mandatory programs - $598 billion. These programs include Food Stamps, Unemployment Compensation, Child Nutrition and Tax Credits, Supplemental Security for the Disabled and Student Loans.
to pak ten graf v absolutnic cislech vypada o dost jinak ze,.!!
manipulace neznalky jak hovado..
na armadu jde 553, na social security 761 PLUS ty procenta z vyjednaneho nad ramec mandatornich.. , na zdravotnictvi 468 a 269, plus procenta zase z nad ramec vyjednaneho v ramci legislativniho procesu mezi presidentema kongresem v sekci discretionary budget...