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    ztracené heslo?
    YMLADRISTRANSFORMACE - síť života: o všem, co pomáhá léčení a probuzení člověka,společnosti,Země
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    The Cancer Cure That Worked by Barry Lynes :: Royal Raymond Rife

    ..."In 1934, Mr. Royal Rife and his associates opened 2 small clinics in California and cured sixteen cases of cancer. Sworn affidavits and medical experts testified to the complete remission of "hopeless" cases within four to six weeks. Virtually every patient treated by Rife's Frequency Instrument was cured with no adverse side affects."...

    ..."By 1960, Crane had written and copyrighted a manual which explained how the Frequency Instrument was to be used in the experimental treatment of various diseases and on different parts of the body. By that year, 90 instruments were distributed for research and verification on notarized contracts. And then the medical authorities struck.

    They raided Crane's office, took over $40,000 in machines, frequency instruments, and one large Rife ray tube instrument, along with engineering data, research records and reports, pictures off the wall, private letters, invoices, tape recordings, and electronic parts -- all without a search warrant.

    They smashed all the research which had been put together over 10 laborious years. As in 1939, they visited the doctors who were experimenting with the machines and forced them to abandon them. They also pressured ordinary citizens who had begun experimenting on a personal basis."

    google "Rife machine" ...

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    Otevřený dopis zodpovědným v politice, hospodářství a vědě - czechfreepress.cz
    repost z permakukltury
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    MTO --- ---
    Probuzení: Tomáš Keltner: Děti jsou vtělení andělé

    Transformace vědomí je zabývání se sebou. Jedná se o nesdělitelnou zkušenost ústící v naprostou změnu chápání reality.

    _LEPIK_ --- ---
    ste to privolali ;)
    Dave Gabriele: WHO klasifikovala mobilní telefony jako potenciálně karcinogenní - czechfreepress.cz
    MTO --- ---
    Welcome to Fuck For Forest! ~ Fuck for forest
    MTO --- ---
    Probuzení: Nejčastější příčinou duševního nepohodlí je zablokovaná touha

    Nejčastější příčinou duševního nepohodlí je zablokovaná touha. Tato omezující psychická komplikace je v naší civilizaci pandemicky rozšířena. Lze ji považovat za nejobvyklejší primární duševní problém, z něhož se teprve sekundárně vyvíjejí těžší psychická onemocnění...

    Rozum a kontrola proti touze a citu
    Touhu blokuje rozum a mívá k tomu dobré důvody. Sotva přijde cizinec-duch na svět (viz vysvětlení cizince a domorodce v minulém článku) a chce se tady v souladu se svojí touhou projevit, domorodec-rozum jej okamžitě dramaticky varuje: „Zalez, schovej se, neprojevuj se, nevystrkuj hlavu, tady je to NEBEZPEČNÉ!".
    Domorodec tuto pozemskou džungli zná a ví, že opravdu nebezpečná je. Jeho úkolem je zajistit, aby jemu svěřený cizinec v té džungli pokud možno bez zbytečného nebezpečí přežil, a svoji roli plní velmi zodpovědně. Jenže my jakožto cizinci jsme sem nepřišli proto, abychom tady přežili, ale abychom tady naplnili svůj život, čili splnili svoji misi, což je něco úplně jiného. Uskutečňování naší mise lze jinými slovy popsat jako odvahu a kompetenci jít za tím, co doopravdy milujeme. Pokud ale podlehneme panice rozumu a přestaneme se projevovat v souladu se svojí touhou, naši misi nejspíš nikdy nenaplníme...
    NIKOPOL --- ---
    CONTINUITY: pěkné :-)
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    When you do things from your soul,
    you feel a river moving in you, a joy.
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    WHO: pěkný :)
    gymnastickej míč je taky dobrej :) mění práci sedavou v práci houpavou :)), pánev, stehna atd to rozhodně potěší :))
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    CONTINUITY: za tuto díky Atomovi :)
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    velký, ale zásadní

    dala jsem si práci zadat ručně jedno z těch URL pod obrázkem ;-D, taky dobrej článek
    Phys Ed: The Men Who Stare at Screens - NYTimes.com
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    přišlo mi mailem, krása :)

    Bright Spots
    Insight from Martha

    I'm all blissed out because I just returned from this year's African STAR (Self-Transformation Adventure Retreat) at the Londolozi Game Reserve. It's impossible to describe the joy and enchantment of coaching incredible people at a place devoted to "Restoring Eden."

    Occasionally, people tell me that they don't want to go to Africa because it's a place of such terrible human suffering and poverty. This always makes me think of Chip and Dan Heath's book, Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. In Switch, the Heaths describe how masters of change create miraculously positive results.

    One key is looking for what the authors call "bright spots" in every situation, no matter how difficult. In all the doom and gloom about how the natural world is being destroyed by human activity, Londolozi is a "bright spot" that shows how humans can restore nature even after we've destroyed it. But Africa is full of bright spots. For every terrible atrocity, there are hundreds of thousands of acts of kindness. For every corrupt dictator, there are a million gentle, wise, kind Africans. For every jerk who kills an elephant and puts it on YouTube, there are dozens of conservationists who love the animals and want them to survive.

    Now that I am back from Africa, I want to be even more mindful of bright spots than when I left. Change experts like the Heaths assure me that this, not doom and gloom prognostications, will help me be part of the positive change I want to see in the world.

    Right now, think of something about your life that is troubling you, something you want to change. It might be a child who is not doing well, a business that is in the red, an underwater mortgage. For the next five minutes, instead of worrying about this thing, find a bright spot in the situation. If your child doesn't have a job, or has landed in solitary once again, at least she's off the street. Seriously, think of all the bad things your loved ones might be doing that they have avoided and the positive things, however small, that they may have accomplished: truly loving a pet, being loyal to their friends, getting your jokes.

    As you start to make the list, you'll find the bright spots start to pop out more and your negative judgments fade. I believe that in that very moment, you have begun "feeding" your attention to a situation you want instead of a situation you don't want. Attention is a powerful nutrient. It amplifies and accelerates the situations on which it is focused. Now think of a second problematic situation. Find the bright spots there. Make this a practice whenever you feel yourself growing anxious or angry. Try this for a month. If you don't like the results, go back to looking at the dark spots.

    Shortly after I decided to try this practice, I met a hockey player in an airport. We got to talking and, for some reason, he told me, "When you're trying to score a goal, never ever look at the goalie. Look at the spaces around the goalie, no matter how small they might be. Where your eyes go, the puck goes." I got on the plane and sat down beside a kayaker. As we chatted, he told me, "When you're in the rapids, never look at the rocks. Look at the water around the rocks, no matter how small it may seem. Where your eyes go, the boat goes." I remembered my first embarrassing riding lessons with Koelle Simpson, the master horse whisperer. "Look in the direction you want to go," she said. "Where your eyes go, the horse goes."


    Your life follows your attention. Wherever you look, you end up going.

    That's why I think that as you try the "bright spots" exercise, your life will start heading in happier more productive directions. Your relationships will be more relaxed and less contentious as you stop criticizing your loved ones and begin enjoying their positive attributes. Your customers will be drawn to the energy of a business based on optimism.

    The world really is full of dark spots. Of course, we're aware of them. Of course, we want to change them. But where our attention goes, the world eventually goes. So our task is to keep the negatives in our peripheral vision while focusing our full attention on joy, kindness, love and peace. This is the way to "Restore Eden" in our own hearts, minds and lives so that we become the agents of restoration for everything we hope to change.

    ~ Martha
    TLUSTEI --- ---
    Comets Honda and Elenin fulfill Mayan, Hopi and Christian Prophesies as the Mayan calendar approaches its end on October 28, 2011
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    Jeme aby sme žili alebo žijeme aby sme jedli ?! - Dolezite.sk
    MTO --- ---
    KUATO: oki. davam :-)))
    KUATO --- ---
    MTO: to patri spise do Odpojeni se ze Systemu :o)

    kdyz to tam das, tak tam muzem rozvinout lehce diskuzi o uzitecnych tipech a tricich, ktere jsou uzitecne (nejen) v pripade nejakeho kolapsu. Beztak to tam v poslednich mesicich spi.
    MTO --- ---
    Jak přežít ekonomický kolaps – Část 1: Město nebo venkov? | Free Pub
    YMLADRIS --- ---
    PIZI: jeste k tvoji predstave o moznem prevladnuti jinych hodnot a presunu ke klidnejsimu zpusobu zivota. Cetla jsem ted trochu o mennonitskych komunitach (amishove, ale take hutterite - ti neodmitaji technologii, a dalsi) a je zajimavy ze je to jedna z nejrychleji rostoucich skupin vubec. Myslela jsem ze budou vymirat. Konkretne ti hutterites maji i 10-12 deti. Samozrejme zdaleka ne vsichni zustanou v komunite. Celkem je mennonitu asi 1.5M na celem svete vc. divnych lokaci jako Japonsko, ale taky Nigerie a Kongo - o ty mam vylozene strach protoze je imho jen otazka casu kdy je tamni mainstream vyvrazdi (jsou naprosti pacifisti).

    Jeste mne hodne zaujal mechanismus jak se udrzuje skupinova soudrznost. Ortdoxni vetev huteritu (v Kanade) to ma hozeny takto: spolecne v jednom "ulu" (kolonii) zije cca 60-200 lidi, 10-20 rodin (tzv. dunbarovo cislo, pocet lidi se kterymi jsi schopen udrzovat socialni styky ve smyslu ze se vsichni znaji a vi co od sebe cekat a jak interagovat). Kdyz kolonie prilis naroste, zvoli se misto pro novou a postavi se tam budovy atd. Pak se rodiny rozdeli na dve stejne poloviny (narocny proces kdo bude v ktere polovine) a na zaver se vylosuje, ktera skupina zustane na puvodnim miste a ktera skupina se presune do nove lokace.
    Majetek je kolektivni, funguje genderova separace, minimalni kriminalita, plati dane ale neplati zdravotni a socialni protoze na to neveri a necerpaji ho. Kolonii vedou voleni zastupci. Bohosluzby jsou ve stare nemcine. Deti se vzdelavaji spolecne asi do 15 let, pak farmari. Vali to od 16. stoleti, prvnich 100 let byli na Morave. od prichodu do ameriky narust z 400 na 40 000. Duraz prave na ten klid a naprosty neakcent individualna; dulezity je prospech (stabilita) komunity.

    Mennonite obecne maji asi tretinovou/polovicni sebevrazednost oproti "normalnim" lidem. Coz se dost divim. Jakej maji duvod k sebevrazde :)

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam