Integrace šamanských technik v klinické praxi
25. listopad
v 16:30–18:30
Music Lab
Opletalova - Hudební Fakulta JAMU, 60200 Brno, Czech Republic
Psychobraní uvadí další PsyCafé! Tentokrát máme všichni jedinečnou příležitost si vyslechnout přednášku o tomto v poslední době se vynořujícím tématu z úst Susana Bustos, Ph.D, která se k naší velké radosti podělí o své vědomosti těsně před jejím návratem do USA. Celá přednáška a následná diskuse bude v angličtině.
Dr. Bustos will explain the therapeutic work done by Takiwasi, a drug abuse rehabilitation center in the Peruvian Amazon that combines shamanic healing practices with Western psychotherapy and medicine. From there, we will explore possibilities and challenges for the incorporation of these techniques into Western psychotherapeutic contexts.
Dr. Bustos holds degrees in Clinical Psychology (1992) and in Music Therapy (2002) from Chilean universities, as well as a doctorate in East-West Psychology from CIIS, USA (2007), where she presently teaches courses in Entheogenic Shamanism and Research Design. She is certified in Holotropic Breathwork and the Expressive Arts. She currently works as a therapist and clinical trainer at Takiwasi (a Peruvian center for the treatment of drug addiction which integrates indigenous and Western medicine), and also has a private practice in Oakland, California. For further details please visit
We will be looking forrward to see you again! Please come on time, though