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    KAILASHWikileaks - Assange - Revolution now! + Anonymous + Bradley Manning a Snowden
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    CN LIVE! Mark Davis Wikileaks Revelations

    CN LIVE! Mark Davis Wikileaks Revelations

    Consortium News
    2,428 subscribers
    Published on Aug 10, 2019
    Mark Davis is a multi-award winning Australian journalist who was an eye-witness to the entire preparation of the Afghan War Logs, submitted in 2010 to Wikileaks by the whistle-blower Chelsea Manning. Davis had documented the process in a film called 'Inside Wikileaks', which showed the Wikileaks editor-in-chief, Julian Assange, working alongside journalists from the New York Times, Guardian & Der Spiegel. At a recent Sydney event entitled 'Julian Assange & the Alliance against the US Culture of Revenge', Davis revealed details of the interactions he had never spoken of publicly before.

    With the aid of his own archival footage from inside the Guardian's "bunker", Davis describes the high level participation of the collaborating news outlets in the creation of the publication the New York Times described as "a six-year archive of classified military documents [that] offers an unvarnished and grim picture of the Afghan war". It was the Guardian technical team, Davis informs us, that built the searchable database and graphic user interface. His images of Julian Assange and Guardian journalist Nick Davis working together to analyse the "impenetrable data" support his assertion that there was no professional distance whatsoever between the journalists.

    With disdain, Davis reveals how the New York Times, presumably to avoid blowback, set Julian Assange up as the unwitting lightening rod by urging his small start-up to "scoop them" and publish first. This would enable the NYT (we hear the late Gavin MacFadyen comment in an exchange with Assange) to simply report on what Wikileaks had published.

    Most shocking in these revelations is Mark Davis's account of how the Guardian journalists neglected and appeared to care little about redacting the documents. They had a "graveyard humour" about people being harmed and no one, he stated emphatically, expressed concern about civilian casualties except Julian Assange. He recalls that Nick Davis, a long-time critic of Assange, had only expressed concern to David Leigh about the the Guardian mentioning a particular name, and being deeply disturbed when Leigh replied: "But we are not publishing this". Julian Assange had subsequently requested that the release of the Afghan War Logs be delayed for the purpose of redaction, but the Guardian not only insisted on the agreed date, they abandoned him to redact 10,000 documents alone.

    The Wikileaks publication was delayed however, due to a technical problem. That is why it came to pass, Davis explains, that the MSN media partners collectively lied for two days to the public about the War Logs having already been published. As it turned out, the New York Times and then the Guardian, were the first to break the story. Of the 91,000 documents submitted by Manning, some 17,000 were withheld from publication to minimise harm to individuals, largely due to the redaction effectuated by Assange.

    Davis paints a picture of a "naive" Assange being set up to "walk the plank" and then "fall off the plank". The second phase of the plan was to condemn him, very much in line with the US's claim that Wikileaks "had blood on their hands". It was soon seen to be a false claim however, since no individual had been harmed, and Wikileaks went on to publish Cablegate.

    What happened next beggars belief. In January 2011, the Guardian journalists David Leigh and Luke Harding published a book entitled: "Julian Assange's War on Secrecy", which contained the password to the entire database of un-redacted material. Realising that harm was now certainly on the way, particularly to US informants in Afghanistan, Wikileaks responded by publishing the lot in a manner that would not only be accessible to governments and intelligence agencies. It would give people a chance to escape. The Guardian lashed out again in condemnation of Wikileaks, but the result is that no one to date has been harmed by the publication.
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    Bivol targeted by government for exposing corruption - International Press Institute

    The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and journalists, today criticized the government of Bulgaria for issuing a European investigation order against the editor-in-chief of Bivol Bulgaria, an investigative news website.The prosecutor general of Bulgaria issued the order in an attempt to bring the editor-in-chief of Bivol, Atanas Tchobanov, back to Bulgaria from France and question him as a witness regarding cases of hacking. According to Bivol, the prosecutor general is investigating a secret chat with alleged ‘cyberterrorists’ who committed data breaches and planned to hack the irrigation system of the Parliament.


    The investigation order is clearly a pretext to silence Bivol, which has published several investigative reports exposing misuse of EU funds and corruption in the government”, IPI Director of Advocacy Ravi R. Prasad said. “The government should immediately withdraw the investigation order, stop intimidating journalists and allow the media to function independently

    Over the past year Bivol Bulgaria has published several reports of corruption and one of its reports deals with acquisition of a posh villa by the prosecutor general at half the price. On August 1, the chief of the anti-corruption body of Bulgaria resigned following Bivol’s investigative report.
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    Edward Snowden’s Memoir Is Coming in September
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    Ecuador's government under Lenin Moreno has subjected WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange to psychological torture, says damning UN report released today.

    https://t.co/32fE1bcYMR https://t.co/67iDme4uYc
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    A fact seemingly lost on #RussiaGate Conspiracy Truthers:
    _ "the alleged common goal of the [Russia Gate Conspirators] -- to get Donald Trump elected -- is not an unlawful or fraudulent goal"
    _ pg 55, Court Opinion in SDNY filed yesterday (link in thread) https://t.co/2f3qb5rRlO
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    "If WikiLeaks could be held liable for publishing documents
    concerning the political financial & voter-engagement strategies simply because the DNC labels them "secret" and trade secrets, then so could any newspaper or other media outlet."
    - page 48 (thread) #RussiaGate
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    DNC vs @Wikileaks Court Opinion
    "It is sufficient for this case to find that the privacy interest in the alleged trade secrets is insufficient to overcome the strong public interest in the publication of matters of paramount public concern" (pg 47 thread)
    #RussiaGate #FreeAssange https://t.co/JF2MKeMVi2

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    Court opinion from SDNY on alleged #RussiaGate conspiracy against DNC:
    - "DNC provides no evidence that Trump Campaign and @Wikileaks (1) participated in theft of DNC emails (2) helped the Russian Federation (3) were even aware of the hack beforehand"
    - (paraphrase - link below) https://t.co/v1Q1pyo2b1

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    An important win for free speech: we have won our motion to dismiss for @wikileaks in the @DNC lawsuit against #Assange, WikiLeaks et al over the 2016 US election publications on First Amendment grounds. Full judgment: https://t.co/SZmyLd1Z83

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    National strike against Ecuadorian government demands Assange’s freedom - World Socialist Web Site
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    Assange stál za únikem e-mailů před volbami v USA. Byl ve spojení s Ruskem, píše CNN — ČT24 — Česká televize

    Záběry ze skrytých kamer a záznamy bezpečnostních agentů mají dokazovat, že velvyslanectví proměnil v řídící centrum WikiLeaks a místo, odkud otřásl prezidentskou kampaní ve Spojených státech.

    fakt konec tohle

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    A new low from US journalism:@CNN gained access to logs gathered by spies ( hence professionals in disinfo ops),“verified” the logs by asking intel people who have an obvious interest to smear Julian #Assange,and published them as “ factual information “. https://t.co/JT5IZXdf4X

    How Julian Assange turned an embassy into a command post for election meddling - CNNPolitics
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    United Nations: demasking the Torture of Julian Assange. Rico Brouwer and Nils Melzer
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    In Defense of Julian Assange - Edited by Tariq Ali & Margaret Kunstler
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    Video: Folter gegen Julian Assange - ttt – titel, thesen, temperamente - ARD | Das Erste
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    The Guardian’s direct collusion with media censorship by secret services exposed - World Socialist Web Site
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    Wanted for espionage - the hunt for Wikileaks | Das Erste - Panorama
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