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    TADEAS --- ---
    uryvek z jedny knizky o bandhach (sorry za dlouhej anglickej text:)

    Whenever any cultural intention underlies movement or action it imposes external requirements on the body, and the relationships between all of its parts. In yoga posture practice this should not be the case, otherwise the postures lose their intrinsic power to nourish and integrate. The physical intention, in every one of the different shapes, must only be to establish integrity in the relationships between the body parts and therefore in the body as a whole: or funtional integration. This is sarvangabandha and includes all the other bandhas because it requires the integrated muscular activation of the whole body. Every part of the body is contributing directly to the integrity of the body as a whole, and each of its component parts. Each body part is supporting every other body part. This necessarily engages all the bandhas, even if they are niether named nor thought of. The individual bandhas can be functionally separated, but not within the integrity of yoga posture practice. Their active unity is Sarvangabandha: the bandha of the whole body.

    That the mind can and does divide and fragment the body into separable parts does not render the body a composite association of distinct parts. The human body is an organic and intrinsic unity derived from a single cell through replication, differentiation, specialisation and organisation. This inherent unity is what provides the body with its remarkable intelligence and yoga posture practice with its remarkable power. The different parts of the body do not exist or act in isolation, they are each part of the structural and functional unity of the whole body. This is expressed directly in the ways that the muscles and body- parts collectively reorganise themselves simultaneously in even the simplest of movements, through the agency of the connective tissue matrix which not only organises but communicates almost instantaneously.

    It is only by accessing and expressing this organic interdependence that yoga posture practice becomes more than stretch and strengthening exercise. By honouring in action the inherent integrity of the body we are able to encounter its inherent unity with mind and spirit, and our inherent unity with life in its indivisible wholeness. We express this deeper wholeness when we act from the indivisible wholeness that our body is by nature and design. To do this we must activate it as a single unit, with each part contributing directly to the activity of the whole. We must support the spine with the whole body. We must release the breath with each part of the body. This of course takes time and training to become possible, and this is what yoga posture practice must make possible if its deepr fruits are to become available.

    (The Little Book of the Bandhas - Godfrey Devereux)
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---
    MYJKA --- ---
    Moc sa mi to paci. :)
    Aerojoga » Jóga - dům jógy v Praze
    AIM_FREEMAN --- ---

    MASOO --- ---
    BERUSKA_CA --- ---
    HONZIK_HAPPY: diky, nahlasim to a poradim se. Nejak jsem myslela, ze krk hlavu unese, kdyz ji nosi porad. Fakt jsme tam neprovozovali zadnou divocinu.
    HONZIK_HAPPY --- ---
    BERUSKA_CA: .. asi by to chtelo nejaky posilovaci cviky na krcni svaly ... tezko rict ... pokud se ti to deje a s touto diagnozou je to jasny , ze neco neni uplne ok
    BERUSKA_CA --- ---
    HONZIK_HAPPY: kdysi jsem mela uraz, zhmozdenou krcni pater. Ale Dr. pravil, ze to je dobry. Hybnost v poradku, kontrolni rtg bez nalezu a yogu mi povolil. Tak chodim tam, kde se dava na lidi pozor. Pred kazdou hodinou musi lidi nahlasit nova zraneni (nebo v jakem stavu jsou ta stara), jestli damy nejsou v ocekavani a podobne. Proto je mi to divne - mam to povolene, je to hlidane a stejne si tohle privodim.
    HONZIK_HAPPY --- ---
    BERUSKA_CA: bych si tipla , ze to nebude jogou jako takovou ,ale nejspis s tou krcni pateri nebude neco v poradku ... ono pokud neco neudelas spatne tak ,ze si toho vsimnes i ty, tak si krk takhle nepochroumas ...
    SAGUS --- ---
    BERUSKA_CA: neodpovedel pretoze to neviem :). Ja riesim podobne veci s mojim mistrom, pricin moze byt vela. Ale mozno ti tu niekto poradi, su tu sikovni ludia :)
    BERUSKA_CA --- ---
    SAGUS: kdybych delala neco blbe, tak je mi to hned receno. Zeptam se, ale z principu se ptam vice lidi. Nicmene jsi mi neodpovedel na to, proc se to deje nebo ceho se mam vyvarovat.
    SAGUS --- ---
    BERUSKA_CA: ja by som sa to radsej spytal svojho skuseneho instruktora ;)
    BERUSKA_CA --- ---
    Uz podruhe jsem si na joze nejak hnula krkem. Naposledy vcera a dneska me celej den priserne boli hlava (nejvic to citim pri otoceni krkem). Nestala jsem na hlave a ten co to vede je zkuseny instruktor (na kazde hodine jsou dva, jeden chodi a "narovnava" lidi). Netusi nekdo proc a jak tomu predejit?
    URZA --- ---
    KAREN: Ja tady bohuzel nebudu (kryje se to s jinym workshopem v Italli na ktery jedu:) ale rozhodne doporucuji.. jestli je ashtanga tvoji jogovou zakladnou, tak Andrew Ti toho muze fakt hodne dat.. ja jsem s nim cvicil dvakrat a i kdyz mam ashtangu jen jako takovy doplnek k iyengarovce (ono se to umi docela dobre doplnit kdyz clovek posloucha intuici a ma rozum:) tak jsem u neho hodne veci pochopil..
    KAREN --- ---
    URZA: taky po nem pokukuju.))
    MAHUTA --- ---
    VYKUTALENA: Ahoj,doporučuji tuhle knihu -- B.K.S. Iyengar, "Illustrated Light on Yoga"-- Obsahuje celkem podrobné popisy ,učinky na zdraví a mnoho fotek asán. Podle mého dostačující a ucelený materiál. http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/personality/health_healthcare_fitness/81722360695.html
    Je tedy v angličtině. Je prodejna jen na indickém subkontinentu,ale před par lety se dala bez problemu stahnout v pdf a vytisknout. Pokud se nezdaří mohu poslat.
    DARJEEL --- ---
    URZA: jo no, jsem zrovna na víkend v práci :/
    FLUMO --- ---
    URZA: ja uz na nej dneska koukal, to je uplne jina liga :) pro me nic, ale uzijte
    URZA --- ---
    Koukám, že bude workshop s Andrew Epplerem 22.-24.6.


    ..Andrew je moc fajn člověk i učitel..
    URZA --- ---
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