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    ztracené heslo?
    LIQUIDFREAKPath of Exile
    ORBIT --- ---
    GORDHART: Maličko se změní křivka jak to dělá dmg.
    Když máš míň než 15 aktivních BV tak je dmg o maličko nižší, nad 18 je dmg vyšší a na 20 BV je to cca 15% víc.

    Imho je to tak zanedbatelné že to je fuk.

    Vlastně je to buff, protože jsou mnohem efektivnější supportky. Třeba s Chaos dmg a poison to bude genialni :)
    GORDHART --- ---
    SKUNK23: Tak ten blade vortex asi ani neni nerf, na redditu proběhly nějaký matematiky a vypadá to, že to zůstane minimálně při starym.

    Blade Flurry to potřeboval. Imho i po nerfu bude úplně v pohodě hratelnej, fakt bych se toho nebál :)

    A ten warchief je smutnej, no, to jo :D
    SKUNK23 --- ---
    GORDHART: z mého pohledu hodně, jelikož to co sem chtěl ozkoušet za buildy v nové lize, tak sou vsechny nerfli..... ach jo
    EVILMIND --- ---
    ja se toho bojim
    ok, budu hrat permafreeze templare, a pak se uvidi :)
    MARSHUS --- ---
    ale fakt. to jsou idioti, ještě že na standardu neobchoduju :D
    MARSHUS --- ---
    EVILMIND: toho se nebojim, mi padaj pořád :D
    EVILMIND --- ---
    MARSHUS: i ta odpadni palice za alch, co je k tomu treba, okamzite znasobila cenu na asi 50c na standardu :-) Kazdopadne i ted se hraly multiple golem buildy, bez tech jewu, takze to muze bejt minimalne trochu pouzitelny, nez se ukazou ceny no.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    EVILMIND: jj tak nejak, jestli to bude jak grand spectrum tak nic moc. ale jako druhej treti build bych to zkusil :]
    GORDHART --- ---
    SKUNK23: Co je na tom špatnýho?
    EVILMIND --- ---
    EVILMIND: i kdyz mozna jsem podcenil ty uniq jewy, ty by mohly neco stat :-(
    EVILMIND --- ---
    navic tam neni nic drahyho, tak by to nemel postihnout tradicni ziggyd efekt znasobeni ceny :-) plus jsem jeste nikdy nehral summonera, teda krome SRS
    EVILMIND --- ---
    Path of Exile: The Primordial GOLEMANCER Build - 2.5 Breach League (Spoilers)
    EVILMIND --- ---
    nahodou, to me docela laka zkusit golem build :-))
    SKUNK23 --- ---
    At jdou s tema nerfama dopr......
    Blade Vortex has been refactored. Instead of separate hits for each active blade, the blades now increase the frequency at which all enemies in the radius take damage, and the amount of damage they take. The skill now has a base hit frequency of 600ms and has 10% increased hit rate per active blade. Its damage has been reduced by 30% at all levels and it deals 30% more damage per active blade.
    Reduced the maximum number of Summoned Raging Spirits to 20, but we have also increased damage as the gem levels up to compensate. It's intended to be a similar damage output but with less casting needed and less effective area of effect.
    Ancestral Warchief now does 10% less damage at all levels. Fixed behaviour with the center of the slam being significantly further away than the totem's melee range. The skill now has +10 melee range at all levels, and the slam will always be centered at melee range away from the totem.
    Scorching Ray now deals 10% more damage at gem level 20, tapered down to no change at gem level 1.
    Raise Spectre now grants +30% elemental resistances to its minions.
    Decoy Totem can no longer evade and has a 4 second cooldown at all levels.
    Blade Flurry's "More attack speed" modifier has been reduced from 65% more to 60% more attack speed at all levels. Blade Flurry's targeting range has been reduced by 16.6%, and the damage radius of slashes has been reduced by 14.2%.
    Blight's damage has been increased by 5% damage at level 1 of the gem, up to 35% more damage at level 20 of the gem.
    Totems and all other minions now have 40% elemental resistance and 20% chaos resistance. This also includes minions that didn't have resistances previously, like wolves.
    Fire, Cold, and Lightning Golems now have 70% resistance to their respective element. Chaos Golems now have 60% resistance to Chaos.
    Flame Golem's damage has been increased by 200%.
    Ice Golem's damage has been increased by 75%.
    Lightning Golem's damage has been increased by 75%.
    Stone Golem's damage has been increased by 100%. Its chance to taunt on slam has been lowered. Its melee attack range has been increased.
    Chaos Golem's damage has been increased by 65%.
    Melee Skeletons from the Summon Skeletons skill now deal 25% more damage. Summon Skeletons and Vaal Summon Skeletons skills now have a cast time of 0.8 seconds, down from 1 second.
    Some triggered skills can now find targets that are farther away than they could before.
    Reduced the damage penalty on Ranged Attack Totem to match Spell Totem. At gem level 1, it has changed from -50% to -35%. At gem level 20, it has changed from -31% to -26%.
    The Minion and Totem Elemental Resistance support gem now has a multiplicative minion and totem elemental damage stat on it, scaling from 10% at level 1 to 19% more elemental damage at gem level 20.
    MARSHUS --- ---
    tak jsem nasel zabavnej build :] lightning warp mines :D
    GORDHART --- ---
    No a jako vždy když hraju v PoE něco, s čím to chic fakt někam dotáhnout, tak to dostane nějakej zásadní buff o ligu později.

    Předminule to byl fireball a blade vortex (předtím než byl cool!), v týhle lize raider.

    Co mám hrát teď, abyste si to v další lize užili? :))
    MARSHUS --- ---
    ja moc ne. zjevne uz jen dojizdi setrvacnosti nez prijde 3.0
    EVILMIND --- ---
    HRAFNAIN: odmeny docela bozi, a ten portal jen za tak malo challu! Navic mi chally prijdou vyznamne lehci nez kdykoliv predtim, kdyz nepocitam ty nove co neni jasne co obnaseji. Jsem motivovan! :)
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
    Forum - Announcements - Breach League Challenges and Rewards - Path of Exile
    HRAFNAIN --- ---
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