OTAVA: trochu mi pripominas me, kdyz jsem v unoru 2014 zacinal, a hned uplne na zacatku jsem dropnul Soultaker, coz tehdy byl zadany drahy equip, ja na nej koukal, prisly mi ty jeho staty jako blbosti, tak jsem ho dal prodavat za chaos. A odlognul jsem se a sel spat. Ale protoze tehdy na sebe byli lide hodnejsi, mel jsem druhej den ve schrance tohle, takze jsem ho neprodal pod cenou, a naopak se za nej vybavil pro celou ligu... :-)
Don't Sell Soul Taker
From: Sindrath on Mar 15, 2014, 2:44:40 AM
To: esevilmindcz
Hi, this is the guy who pm'd you saying "I hope you didn't sell your soul taker yet :o" or something like that. I wanted to make sure you didn't sell it at the 1 chaos you listed it at. I noticed you mentioned that you're new to new to this game, and hence new to pricing some of the gear you're selling, but soul taker is definitely not worth 1 chaos. It is one of the most valuable uniques available in the game at the moment largely due to its mana restriction effect. As in probably somewhere 30+ exalt range. An exalt being around 25 chaos, maybe a little more. Please, please don't sell that item until you get a solid idea on its value.
IGN: Solanacae