EVILMIND: Ne, nevím jestli to bylo upravený ve včerejším patchi, ale to co popisuje
EXI: je situace, kdy už máš plánovaný bloky a spawne se ti jiný. Takto bylo popsáno v "co plánujeme"
"Distant Memories can sometimes spawn on top of or beside planned Memories, which ruins the plan. This is a tricky one because the obvious solution of not having Distant Memories spawn on or next to your plan both introduces something akin to Sextant blocking and also means that you are getting fewer rewards near the path you actually intend to take. We feel that if we made this change that it'd both encourage blocking abuse and also reduce the rewards that players actually receive. Having said that, we know that the current situation of plans being invalidated feels bad. The solution needs more consideration."