evžen se rozepsal a popsal celkem standardní/rozumnou pipeline pro vývoj.. build včetně server files maj hotovej za 45 minut.
eugenharton comments on Status Report - 13 Sept 2016
tldr: vyvíjet engine v rámci early access je pakárna.. hlavně protože musej hlídat vazby mezi různejma částma engine, který jsou ve vývoji a občas udržujou zpětnou kompatibilitu apod.
"You cannot have feature teams working on single feature, because the dependencies are far and wide and interconnected. There are base engine modules gettings changed and they are sometimes built with backwards compatibility in mind (when we can, and it can be separated, like sound engine), and sometimes they are part of bigger chunk of engine, because they cannot have the backward compatibility with modules of old engine. And as such can be merged into internal only when all of them are done. Sometimes they are running in tandem with old stuff while we test them.
So you have giant number of variables that change how the game behaves and tons of developer switches to test in the intermittent states of different parts of game. Lot of the work because of how time consuming engine development is, is done before the modules are ready because it would take insane amount of time if we would wait. All that while we change core tech, architecture etc."