DUBAS_: Defakto to vystihl pěkně. Je to jenom jiná složenina předchozích status reportů. Novej Engine ..bla..bla...bla..latest technology....bla..bla, its so hard...bla...bla bla.... and complicated...ctrl+c ctrl + V...bla...bla...bla
Zaujali mě zejména stěžejní body současného developmentu :
Reworked Pile of (shit) tyres
Reworked Blast covers
Radar tower rework (6th time, estimated cost - 1 Mio USD)
Weapons rework (104th time EC - 20 Mio Juanů)
Reworked male heads to suit the lgbtq movements (13th time EC 600000 USD)
Taky je super , ze to hraje asi 5k hracu top a furt se zvetsuje mapa. To se nikdy uz nepotkame (krom Berezina)
Completely re-done North West Airfield (NWAF) along with surrounding landscape
200 kilometres of tourist trails
New locations on the western border of Chernarus
New points of interest across the map
New models for bushes and rocks (15th time EC 200000 USD)
New textures for roads and road damage decals (At least 4th time - Franta has no workload so we insist on making the textures again and again - no EC can be calculated - Golden Czech hand)
Dál jsem to nečetl , poslintal jsem si málem klávesnici z toho obsahu , který bude avl. v roce 2029.