ZUZKAOU: Ne nemyslím Mongolsko. Čína, Vietnam, Thajsko, Indie, Japonsko. To, že se Čínani cpou sojou a rýží je rozšířený mýtus a kdo někdy byl v Číně nebo s nějakým číňanem jedl tak ví, že to tak není.
Nejdřív jsem si říkal, že na Tebe kašlu a ten čas mi za to nestojí, ale pak mi to stejně nedalo. Přikládám tedy výňatek z knihy Primal Body, Primal Mind a tím končím tuhle diskusi, poněvadž já mám svou pravdu a Ty též. Jednak se neshodnem a druhak je mi to úplně jedno. Nemám zapotřebí nikoho přesvědčovat.
Celiac desease (CD) and gluten sensitivity are generally defined as states of heightened immunologic responsiveness to ingested gluten in genetically predisposed individuals. All celiac desease is a form of gluten sensitivity but not all gluten sensitivity is celiac desease. They are differentiated by their genetic markers - though the presence of genetic markers is not essential for gluten-induced enteropathy (intestinal damage) or "silent celiac desease" to occur, nor is the absence of these makers somehow "proof" that gluten isn't a problem. It was once believed that the genetic markers were necessary. Current studies have refuted this assumption, however. (...)
A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity, whether diagnosed or undiagnosed, had significantly higher risk of death, particularly from heart disease and cancer (Ludvigsson et al. 2009). It has been estimated (conservatively) that one in every two hundred people has full blown celiac disease ("full blown" being the only manner by which it is actually diagnosed).(...)
There has been a 400 percent increase in the incidence of full blown celiac disease (Rubio-Tapia et al. 2009). (...) According to the same study, fully 30-50 percent of all people carry the gene for celiac disease (HLA-DQ8 or HLA-DQ2) and eight times more people with celiac disease have no gastrointestinal symptoms than do.(...)
For every symptomatic patient with celiac disease there are 8 patients with celiac disease with no gastrointestinal symptoms. (Fasano and Catassi 2001).
Je toho samozřejmě mnohem, mnohem víc, ale půlku knížky Ti sem fakt přeposovat nebudu. Pokud hledáš super paleo a chceš odpovědi na otázky, proč brambory ne a batáty jo, přečti si ji ;)