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    ztracené heslo?
    ROTTWEILERHearthstone : "wild hrajou zas jen loseri co nemaji na standard"
    MATHES --- ---
    LEDOFREDO: ja sem rad, ze se konecne neco stalo
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    Tak ja nevim, asi to jako trochu pomuze od grindu, ale tohle vymysleli ten posledni rok, nebo jak dlouho se o tom remaku ladderu zminujou, rly?
    MPEGYNA --- ---
    MATHES: videl jsem jen video Vesleho drevorubce, hlavy HS, na socialnich sitich.
    MATHES --- ---
    Hearthstone Official Game Site

    Here are the upcoming changes you can look forward to:
    You’ll earn card backs by winning five Ranked games during the season, regardless of what rank you achieve. It will no longer be necessary to reach Rank 20 to earn these card backs.
    After each game, the UI will let you know how many wins you still need to earn the Ranked season card back. You can check your progress between games by visiting the Quest Log.

    All Ranks will now have 5 stars.
    Player ranks will reset to exactly 4 ranks below your current standing, including the number of stars in that rank you earned. Here are some examples:
    Rank 14, 2 stars resets to Rank 18, 2 stars
    Rank 1, 3 stars resets to Rank 5, 3 stars
    Rank 10, 0 stars resets to Rank 14, 0 stars
    Players at Legend reset to Rank 4, 0 stars

    Moving to the New System
    Some elements of the old and new systems will exist simultaneously when we first make the transition:

    During the February Ranked Play Season, you’ll still need to reach Rank 20 to receive your Ranked season card back. At the season’s end, your rank will reset to four ranks below your current standing.
    Starting with the March Ranked Play Season, you’ll only be required to win 5 games to receive your seasonal card back. At the season’s end, your rank will reset to four ranks your current standing.
    The update should allow players at the top of the ladder to jump into the action immediately by matching them against similarly-ranked opponents, providing more engaging matches while reducing the time it will take for them to climb to a rank appropriate for their skill-level each season. This in turn should improve matchmaking for everyone who plays Hearthstone, including those climbing the ladder for the first time. Since players will be more evenly matched at the start of each season, they can make immediately meaningful progress toward their ladder ranking against players of similar caliber. We want the experience of climbing the Hearthstone Ranked Play ladder to be fun, challenging, and satisfying for everyone.

    sauce: https://us.battle.net/forums/en/hearthstone/topic/20761107564
    MATHES --- ---
    MPEGYNA: a ze by si sem hodil i link ty vejlupku?
    MPEGYNA --- ---
    lol ty zmeny v ranked: "a nebudou se vam v tom legend ranku hromadit hraci?"
    J4C0B1M --- ---
    Jsem si dal po měsíci ranked, že udělam R5 a hned 1. hra rakazus co měl v prvních 11-12 kartách SWD,SWP, Kazakuse, Razu i Anduina, bb čau zas jindy čůráku :D
    J4C0B1M --- ---
    CUZMAN: běžim a jestli si to už udal, tak si tě mažu z přátel
    CUZMAN --- ---
    Mam challenge a friend kdyby nekdo chtel sem online, sem na nastence, tak si me klidne pridejte :-)
    FLAD --- ---
    Tak jsem zkousel Weasel Priesta a mam zajimavy postreh: Ta mucka z Priest questu + 3/2 vraceni na ruku je docela smrtici, kdyz vam Crystalline oracle da Rogue Death Kinga. Takze se za 9 many kazdy kolo dilecite na 40 :)
    ONDRA_PATA --- ---
    MATHES: no LK se svym ucten napoprvy,diky navodu tedy.ale s jejich ucty nejdou potrebny karty,to je proste unreal.uz jsem zkousel i mill/heal verze,ale proste ne dokud nebudou potrebny karty.
    jinak tedy dungeon mnohem zabavnejsi,nutno dodat.uz jen to,ze pokazdy muzes zkusit jiny kombinace pasivek a karet.je to tezsi,ale aspon zabavnejsi :)
    ONDRA_PATA --- ---
    ONDRA_PATA: pardon, osmy boss (finalni)
    MATHES --- ---
    ONDRA_PATA: dohral jsem oboje.

    dohrat DR za vsechny classy bylo rozhodne tezsi, nez LK battle.

    LK je jedna hra, kterou hrajes vicemene furt dokola. tady hrajes pul hodiny a pak dostanes debilniho bosse a dikycau:)
    ONDRA_PATA --- ---
    jdete nekam,ja se vsema vzdycky shorel na 7. bossovi. za ten cardback mi to nestoji.
    spis musim dat mlady a brachovi posranyho lich kinga,to je teprve vyzva!!!!
    BARTOK --- ---
    Já jakožto velkej HS lempl jsem ten dung dal s warriorem napoprve, zatimco s rogunou 3x ne, z toho 2x ve finale a s druidem taky tak.
    KAJJAK --- ---
    hehe, passive power 2x hp kdyz clovek veme 2x + reno https://image.prntscr.com/image/rKgsMlr7TqC8zFB4goYxbQ.png
    MATHES --- ---
    btw v tom poslednim runu se mi povedlo zabit nightmare na fatigue diky double reno (zkopirovanej pres echo of medivh) + DK jaina. (mel jsem +1/+1 permanent buff, takze 4/7 elementalove fungovali proti 5/5 nightmares velmi dobre:D)
    MATHES --- ---
    ZAPPO: QUARATH: jojo je hrozne easy, pokud pokazdy, kdyz tohle zkousite tak nepotkate blba, co dela kazdy kolo counterspell a kdyz to nahodou vite, tak pak potkate toho typka, co po kazdym vasem spellu lizne kartu co ma cost 1. potkal jsem ho pokazdy, kdyz jsem mel spell heavy deck.

    QUARATH: jo lock byl taky docela pain. jedina class se kterou se mi podarilo prohrat v prvnich 3 kolech

    ARANIUS: u warra jsem mel kliku na "zlevni drahy miniony na 5" + triple Wrynn a byla to docela pohodicka:D
    ARANIUS --- ---
    UNCLE_JIMBO: Je to ozaj podarený mód, ja som sa u neho úžasne bavil...
    UNCLE_JIMBO --- ---
    DOCKINEZ: já to pro jistotu ještě ani nezkusil, pořád mi tam překáží ten quest na dungeon :D
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