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    ztracené heslo?
    ROTTWEILERHearthstone : "wild hrajou zas jen loseri co nemaji na standard"
    HS Battlegrounds maji vlastni klub: [ Hearthstone Battlegrounds ]
    HS Mercenaries maji vlastni klub: [ Hearthstone Mercenaries ]

    KAJJAKovy decky davejte na hearthpwn az pote co s nima udela legendu. Diky.

    Říjen 2021 - furt nic
    Leden 2020 - ještě ne

    Jedná se o online sběratelskou karetní hru od Blizzardu, která je dostupná pro Windows, Mac a iPad, iPhone a Android a odehrává se ve světě Warcraftu.

    Chcete si zahrat pratelsky turnaj na semi-competetive urovni?
    Certifikovana NYX liga je tady prave pro vas: [ Hearthstone - Okresni prebor ]
    rozbalit záhlaví
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    KAJJAK: 30.3. s dalsi expanzi rekl bych
    KAJJAK --- ---
    lvl 131, kdy ma byt reset se uz vi?
    WANAH --- ---
    Já to všechno prohrál v duelech :) ale zahrál sem si...
    _DOMINIK_ --- ---
    taky mam osobni rekord, boost jsem nekupoval
    NARKOTIX --- ---
    Ja mam lvl 155 a "jen" 10k goldu... I tak je to nejvic co jsem kdy za sezonu mel...
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    mam level 145 cca, zapomel sem to nez sem to napsal :D
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    tak co mate za level tyden pred resetem ?

    musim uznat, ze po tom reworku mi prijde tenhle system necekane stedrej a s tim koupenym boostem mam skoro 12k goldu pri stale stejnem casual hrani pri kterem sem mival tak 7 v predchozim systemu
    PLECH --- ---
    MATHES: dr. 7 is back? :)
    MATHES --- ---
    ja si myslim,ze si to hrace najde - tady pro nas stary paky, pro ktery je standard moc rychlej a wild moc broken.

    a memeberries uz jsou jen na bonus:)
    PLOMBDENTIST --- ---
    v mtg se ted celkem rozjely formaty oldschool a premodern - s uzavrenym poolem karet a je to kupodivu popularni
    LEDOFREDO --- ---
    by me zajimalo jakou to bude mit zivotnost, me to prijde sranda na tri dny, ale dlouhodobou zabavnost v tom nevidim
    XINDL --- ---
    jako mi to je asi jedno, stejně teď hraju jen wild, standard hrát asi nikdy už nebudu a classic uvidíme :)
    MATHES --- ---
    navic classic je podle vseho nerotujici format, kterej bude uz na furt = udrzba 0
    MATHES --- ---
    XINDL: ty asi nemas zkusenost s MTG vid? 3 formaty opravdu neni tolik:)
    XINDL --- ---
    tyvole, takže budou tři možnosti rankování? Classic, standard a wild? :D
    MATHES --- ---
    na tohle se docela tesim, postavim si oldskul handlocka a miracle rogue:)
    MATHES --- ---
    Introducing the Classic Format
    Craft decks and compete using Hearthstone’s original 240 cards as they were in 2014, the year the game launched!
    We’re excited to share that we’ll be launching the Classic format alongside set rotation and our next expansion! The Classic format invites players to craft decks and compete using Hearthstone’s original 240 cards as they were in 2014, the year that Hearthstone launched!

    When logging in after our patch for the next expansion (before expansion content unlocks), your entire collection of Basic, Classic, and relevant Hall of Fame cards will be mirrored and available for deck building in the Classic format—as they were in the patch of June 2014 (after we made a few important changes), with any and all balance changes since then reverted. Yes, in the Classic format Warsong Commander can give minions Charge, Holy Smite can go face, and Leeroy Jenkins will cost 4 mana! If you want to relive the old-school Hearthstone experience, Classic will be the place for you!
    MATHES --- ---
    Introducing the Core Set and Classic Format - Hearthstone
    MATHES --- ---
    LOJZEE --- ---
    A little bottle of water (Murloc meme)
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