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    ztracené heslo?
    SGNLRSITUACIONISMUS- život/umění/politika
    SGNLR --- ---
    4.2. 2013 Dům umění města Brna/ performance
    SGNLR --- ---
    Documentation HOLY SWEAT Mathieu Tremblin (2013)
    SGNLR --- ---
    GUMAGUAR: vedome ne, ale tak tenhle zpusob vyjadreni je tomu podobnej asi.i kdyz tady neslo o nic promyslenyho.ty ofiko vystupy z rezidence(vic angazovany a konkretni) sem jeste nezpracoval..
    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    SGNLR: takovej trochu Kovanda, ne? .)
    MIRA_KA --- ---
    This book, written by Raoul Vaneigem in 1970, offers a Situationist perspective on the history of the Surrealist movement and its relationship to revolutionary politics.
    A cavalier history of surrealism - Raoul Vaneigem | libcom.org
    SGNLR --- ---
    a dalsi hratky, ktere jsme zacli nazyvat "furtive gestures" coz jsme si mezi sebou zavedli pro popisovani jeste vetsich picovin nez "spontaneous sculptures" hojne vyuzivaneho to pojmu Bradem Downeym

    vse vyrobeno na miste behem prochazek mestem z bordelu nalezenyho na ulicich

    Surprise surprise







    Fountain of wisdom

    My lawn



    Toulouse/ 2013
    SGNLR --- ---
    par improvizaci z Toulouse z takovy mensi residence v dost SI duchu.jiz linkovany umelec Mathieu Tremblin vymyslel projekt http://officedelacreativite.com/ . v Toulouse maji tzv office de la tranqulite, kam maji lide volat, pokud nekdo rusi nocni klid-tzn vidi nejake graffiti(proti tomu to pry bylo namireno predevsim, kdy je Toulouse krome celostatni pokuty jeste jedna dalsi za sprejovani, kterou inkasuje primo mesto a od devadesatek, kdy to byla kolebka grafacu, se centrum uplne vycistilo, tvrdy represe...), nebo jiny druhy nocnich "radovanek".

    http://officedelacreativite.com/ funguje tak, ze v tydnehc, kdy jsou do mesta pozvani umelci, aby delali intervence, je na lince nahran vzkaz ve schrance-kdyz se tam dovolate, zni to jakobyste mluvili s operatorkou a ta vas chladnym robohlasem informuje ve stylu "den xy udela(l) ten a ten intervencei tam a tam" popripade to upozornuje presne na cas nejake performance, zaroven to sdeluje ruzne slovni hricky(u me to byla napriklad hra s ceskymi a francouzskymi prirovnanimi viz:)

    zaroven tam byla druha "infolinka" kam lide muzou volat a ve schrance nechavat vzkazy o tom dke ve meste videli nejaky "neobvykly" jev-tzn se ceka od lidi jista iniciativa a sdileni zajimavych zazitku z mesta.snad to bdeu pokracovat i pristi rok..je teda potreba rict, coz je schyza, s kterou ja sam nevim jak se mam vyrovnat, ze to mimojine podporuje samotna radnice Toulouse

    PORTALS (spontaneous performance in Toulouse)
    SGNLR --- ---
    prima zivotni performance:)

    Guelph family lives like it's 1986 |Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
    SGNLR --- ---
    v pondeli je uzaverka Szpilman Award.ceny pro efemerni umeni

    Szpilman Award
    RUDOLF --- ---
    Nevšiml jsem si zde slabikáře!

    Society of the Spectacle
    BRKOUS --- ---
    Kdyz jsme u toho zurnalu, pred 30 lety vysel pekny rozhovor s Henri Lefebvrem o jeho vztahu k situacionismu, situacionistum a hlavne k Debordovi...
    Lefebvre on the Situationists: An Interview
    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    On Easter Sunday, 9 April 1950, Michel Mourre (22 years old) and three other comrades (Serge Berna, Ghislain Desnoyers de Marbaix and Jean Rullier), climbed the rostrum at Notre Dame and read aloud the following declaration, which was co-written by Mourre and Berna.

    Today, Easter Sunday of the Holy Year
    Here, inside the notorious Basilica of Notre Dame of Paris,
    I accuse
    The Universal Catholic Church of the mortal diversion of our living forces in favor of an empty sky;
    I accuse
    The Catholic Church of cheating;
    I accuse
    The Catholic Church of infecting the world with its mortuary morality,
    Of being the chancre of the decomposed West.
    In truth I tell you: God is dead.
    We vomit out the agonizing insipidity of your priests,
    because your priests have generously manured the battlefields of our Europe.
    Go to the tragic and exalted desert of a world in which God is dead
    and brew anew this world with your bare hands,
    your proud hands,
    your prayerless hands.
    Today, Easter Sunday in the Holy Year,
    Here, in the notorious Basilica of Notre Dame of France,
    we proclaim the death of the Christ-God so that finally Man can live.
    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    Excerpts from Malgre Le Blaspheme, written by Michel Mourre, and first published in French in 1951.

    Michel Mourre
    GUMAGUAR --- ---

    NOT BORED! is an autonomous, situationist-inspired,
    low-budget, irregularly published, photocopied journal.
    FIDEL --- ---
    pokud me kanaly nelzou, tak pan Pechar k svemu prekladu Freuda pridal jeste preklad Lacanovych Ecrits (mozna i Seminaru, to bych kecal) a jelikoz lacaniste se o dilo sveho zakladatele velmi boji az to pripomina nutkavou, uzkostlivou neurozu(viz jejich sileny sefik Jacquaes Alain Miller), tak dovoluji vydavat preklady jen, kdyz jsou dodrzeny prisne podminky a jednou z tech podminek ma byt existence lacanitsicke pobocky v danne zemi.. cili sem maji snad ted nekdy na podzim prijet, a pak si to snad vsichni konecne budeme moci precist v cestine a jiste kongenialnim prekladu od stareho panaPechara (jenz mj. prave ted vydal tenhle hezky a kupodivu pomerne srozumitelny uvod do Lacana - http://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/183977/lacan-a-freud/ )
    SGNLR --- ---
    to klidne rozvedte tady!,)
    FIDEL --- ---
    tak pocta
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- ---
    FIDEL: taky myslim, ze to ustal vyborne. v jakym smyslu ofico lacanisty? asi zde OT, tak prosim pripadne do posty, to me zajima
    FIDEL --- ---
    ha, to sem neznal, ale rekl bych, ze Lacan to skvele ustal... brzy pry budeme mit lacanisty ofico uz i v Cesku;)
    WYNDMYLL_238 --- ---
    Excerpt from Lacan Parle (1972).mp4 - YouTube

    This is fascinating to watch.

    On October 13, 1972, the charismatic and controversial French theorist and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan is giving a lecture at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, when a young man with long hair and a chip on his shoulder walks up to the front of the lecture hall and begins making trouble. He spills water and what appears to be flour all over Lacan’s lecture notes and then stammers his way into a strange speech that sounds as if it were taken straight out of Guy Debord’s The Society of the Spectacle:

    “The composite body which up to fifty years ago could be called ‘culture’– that is, people expressing in fragmented ways what they feel — is now a lie, and can only be called a ‘spectacle,’ the backdrop of which is tied to, and serves as, a link between all alienated individual activities. If all the people here now were to join together and, freely and authentically, wanted to communicate, it’d be on a different basis, with a different perspective. Of course this can’t be expected of students who by definition will one day become the managers of our system, with their justifications, and who are also the public who with a guilty conscience will pick up the remains of the avant-garde and the decaying ‘spectacle.’”

    The 71-year-old Lacan never loses his composure. (His cigar appears bent out of shape, but it was that way from the beginning.) The audience, too, retains a certain Gallic nonchalance. Dangerous Minds sums it up in the headline “The Single Most ‘French’ Moment in all of 1972: Jacques Lacan Accosted, But No One Stops Smoking.” The scene is from Jacques Lacan Speaks, a one-hour documentary by Belgian filmmaker Françoise Wolff. You can watch the complete film, which includes Lacan’s extended and rather cryptic response to the incident and other excerpts from the lecture, followed by Wolff’s interview with Lacan the following day, in our post: “Charismatic Psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan Gives Public Lecture (1972).”

    Jacques Lacan’s Confrontation with a Young Rebel: Classic Moment, 1972 | Open Culture
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