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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
    VIRGO --- ---
    Space in Images - 2016 - 07 - Mars navigation
    In order to precisely deliver the Schiaparelli landing demonstrator module to the martian surface and then insert
    ExoMars/TGO into orbit around the Red Planet, it’s necessary to pin down the spacecraft’s location to within just
    a few hundred metres at a distance of more than 150 million km.

    To achieve this amazing level of accuracy, ESA experts are making use of ‘quasars’ – the most luminous objects
    in the Universe – as ‘calibrators’ in a technique known as Delta-Differential One-Way Ranging, or delta-DOR.

    On Wednesday this week, ESA ground stations began the first of many delta-DOR observations that will be used to
    precisely locate ExoMars/TGO, using quasar P1514-24, seen inset in an image of ESA's deep-space tracking station
    at Malargüe, Argentina, above.

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA may build replacement instrument for Japanese astronomy mission - SpaceNews.com
    NASA is considering building a replacement for an instrument lost on a Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite
    earlier this year that could fly on another Japanese spacecraft.

    In a presentation to the astrophysics subcommittee of the NASA Advisory Council’s science committee July 20,
    Paul Hertz, director of NASA’s astrophysics division, said the Japanese space agency JAXA has approached NASA
    about contributing a copy of its Soft X-Ray Spectrometer (SXS) for a new version of Japan’s Hitomi spacecraft.
    VIRGO --- ---
    The Bedrock Beneath Antarctica

    Our understanding of what lies beneath the world's biggest ice sheet has taken another leap forward.
    This video strips away Antarctic ice to reveal a new, and much more detailed, map of the bedrock below.
    This map, called Bedmap2, was compiled by the British Antarctic Survey and incorporates millions of new
    measurements, including substantial data sets from NASA's ICESat satellite and an airborne mission
    called Operation IceBridge.
    VIRGO --- ---
    Giant impact crater on Charon

    L4MA --- ---
    NEBULA: to je paradni!
    VIRGO --- ---
    NEBULA: jj, výborné! Před pár měsíci udělala i ESA interaktivního průvodce
    dobývání Měsíce, doporučuji, také skvěle uděláno:

    NEBULA: Tu stanici bohužel nevidím vůbec reálně, ale hrozně rád bych se mýlil...
    Píseň a klip je parádní, psal kámoš, že maj dokonce celé album v podobném duchu "kosmosamplů".
    NEBULA --- ---
    k tomu včerejšku: (asi všichni znají, tak kdyby ne :)
    The First Men on the Moon: The Apollo 11 Lunar Landing
    NEBULA --- ---
    VIRGO: paráda
    VIRGO: no je výborná! :)
    VIRGO --- ---
    Update k dnešnímu dni:
    This Chart Shows the Planets Most Likely to Support Life | Mic
    NASA's Kepler space telescope has already found thousands of planets outside our solar system. Some of these "exoplanets"
    are huge gas giants like Jupiter or small hellholes like Venus, but a few might have environments similar to Earth. And
    where we find Earth-like conditions, we just might find life.

    Here are illustrations of the nine most likely planets to support life, based on data compiled by the Planetary
    Habitability Laboratory. Earth, Mars and Neptune are shown for scale:

    VIRGO --- ---
    NASA's Mars rover Curiosity is now selecting rock targets for its laser spectrometer -- the first time
    autonomous target selection is available for an instrument of this kind on any robotic planetary mission.

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    Getting lined up for the line-up burn | Rocket Science
    On 28 July, ExoMars/TGO will perform one of the most important activities during its voyage to Mars:
    a powerful engine burn in deep space that will change the craft’s direction and velocity by some 334 m/second.

    This mid-course trajectory correction – dubbed DSM-1 (for deep-space manoeuvre 1) – will line the spacecraft up
    to intersect the Red Planet on 19 October, targeting the landing site chosen for the Schiaparelli mission: Meridiani Planum.

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    Hubble Explores the Final Frontier
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    Tak už je to ofiko. Touchdown lokace a čas Rosetty: 30 září ve 12:30 SELČ v oblasti Ma’at
    Final destination: Ma’at region | Rosetta - ESA's comet chaser

    VIRGO --- ---
    MAVEN recently performed a maneuver to raise s/c periapsis by 7.4 km; mean density of Mars' atmosphere reduced from 0.15 to 0.06 kg/km³.
    Current periapsis (lowest) altitude of MAVEN is near 148 km above the Martian surface.

    VIRGO --- ---
    50 years of Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy | Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
    German Research Institute was founded in 1966 in Bonn

    The establishment of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany, was closely connected with the construction
    of the 100-m radio telescope near Effelsberg, a small village in the Eifel mountains which is part of Bad Münstereifel, a town
    approximately 40 km southwest of Bonn. After the completion of the site selection process, Prof. Otto Hachenberg from Bonn
    University became the founding director of the new institute of the Max Planck Society which started operations in September
    1966. The institute grew out of the Bonn University Astronomy Department to become one of the leading institutes for radio
    astronomy in the world.

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    Venus, Mercury & Earth are visible in the latest images from HI-1 camera on STEREO-A.

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    Sol 1401 14:08 Site 55/2444
    Jul 15, 2016, 4:44:11 PM UTC (approx.)
    Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech

    VIRGO --- ---
    Setting up & wiring for Bluedot Festival tomorrow 5:30 PM

    VIRGO --- ---
    Space... the final frontier | ESA/Hubble
    The newest target of Hubble’s mission is the distant galaxy cluster Abell S1063, potentially home to billions of strange new worlds.

    This view of the cluster, which can be seen in the centre of the image, shows it as it was four billion years ago. But Abell S1063
    allows us to explore a time even earlier than this, where no telescope has really looked before. The huge mass of the cluster distorts
    and magnifies the light from galaxies that lie behind it due to an effect called gravitational lensing. This allows Hubble to see
    galaxies that would otherwise be too faint to observe and makes it possible to search for, and study, the very first generation of
    galaxies in the Universe. “Fascinating”, as a famous Vulcan might say.

    The first results from the data on Abell S1063 promise some remarkable new discoveries. Already, a galaxy has been found that is
    observed as it was just a billion years after the Big Bang.

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    Newly discovered solar system objects resonate with Neptune
    The search for distant solar system objects has found two more small worlds far outside the orbit of Neptune.
    The new objects are located beyond the Kuiper Belt, which is a belt of small icy objects just beyond Neptune,
    of which Pluto is a member. They have the third and fourth most-distant perihelia, which is when an object
    has its closest approach distance to the Sun, of any known solar system objects.

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