Scientists investigate unidentified radio sources
A team of researchers led by Andrea Maselli of the Institute of Space Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics of Palermo, Italy, has conducted
an observational campaign of a group of unassociated radio sources with NASA's Swift space observatory. The observations were aimed at
revealing the true nature of these so far unidentified sources. The results were published Sept. 23 in a paper on
The Swift spacecraft, scanning the universe in the gamma-ray, X-ray, ultraviolet, and optical wavebands, is an invaluable tool when it
comes to studying gamma-ray bursts and other electromagnetic events. It has already proved its scientific importance in many ways, for
example by performing the first sensitive hard X-ray survey of the sky.
Recently, Maselli and his team employed Swift to observe 21 bright radio sources included in the revised Third Cambridge Catalogue (3CR)
of radio sources. The catalog contains celestial radio sources detected at 178 MHz that could advance our knowledge about the nature and
evolution of powerful radio galaxies and quasars.