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    VIRGOCosmos In Brief - Aktualní novinky vesmírného výzkumu v kostce
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    NSN Webinar: Exploring Exoplanet Biosignatures
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    New Eyes on Space: James Webb Space Telescope
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    ESA’s new Mars orbiter prepares for first science / ExoMars / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    The ExoMars orbiter is preparing to make its first scientific observations at Mars during two orbits of the planet starting next week.

    The Trace Gas Orbiter, or TGO, a joint endeavour between ESA and Roscosmos, arrived at Mars on 19 October. It entered orbit, as planned,
    on a highly elliptical path that takes it from between 230 and 310 km above the surface to around 98 000 km every 4.2 days.

    The main science mission will only begin once it reaches a near-circular orbit about 400 km above the planet’s surface after a year of
    ‘aerobraking’ – using the atmosphere to gradually brake and change its orbit. Full science operations are expected to begin by March 2018.
    VIRGO --- ---
    X-ray pulsars fade as propeller effect sets in | EurekAlert! Science News
    Astrophysicists catch a glimpse of rapidly spinning neutron stars that 'black out'

    An international team of astrophysicists including Russian scientists from the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS),
    MIPT, and Pulkovo Observatory of RAS has detected an abrupt decrease of pulsar luminosity following giant outbursts. The phenomenon is associated
    with the so-called "propeller effect," which was predicted more than 40 years ago. However, this is the first study to reliably observe the transition
    of the two X-ray pulsars 4U 0115+63 and V 0332+53 to the "propeller regime." The results of the observations, the conclusions reached by the researchers,
    and the relevant calculations were published in Astronomy & Astrophysics.

    The two sources studied, 4U 0115+63 and V 0332+53, belong to a rather special class of transient X-ray pulsars. These stars alternately act as weak X-ray
    sources, undergo giant outbursts, and disappear from sight completely. The transitions of pulsars between different states provide valuable information
    about their magnetic field and the temperature of the surrounding matter. Such information is indispensable, as the immensely strong magnetic fields and
    extremely high temperatures make direct measurements impossible in a laboratory on Earth.
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    Rock core from dinosaur-killing impact reveals how enormous craters form : Nature News & Comment
    Drilling into Mexico’s Chicxulub basin also finds shattered rock where underground life could thrive.

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    Solar Superstorms, Illustrated - Scientific American Blog Network
    An executive order calling for more preparedness and better forecasting for space weather is creating a buzz about electromagnetic storms. What are they?

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    Icy surprises at Rosetta's comet / Rosetta / Space Science / Our Activities / ESA

    As Rosetta’s comet approached its most active period last year, the spacecraft spotted carbon dioxide ice –
    never before seen on a comet – followed by the emergence of two unusually large patches of water ice.

    The carbon dioxide ice layer covered an area comparable to the size of a football pitch, while the two water
    ice patches were each larger than an Olympic swimming pool and much larger than any signs of water ice
    previously spotted at the comet.

    The three icy layers were all found in the same region, on the comet’s southern hemisphere.

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    In this long exposure photograph, the Soyuz MS-03 spacecraft is seen launching from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with Expedition 50
    crewmembers NASA astronaut Peggy Whitson, Russian cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy of Roscosmos, and ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet from
    the Baikonur Cosmodrome on Nov 17, 2016. Whitson, Novitskiy, and Pesquet will spend approximately six months on the orbital complex.

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    Cosmos on Nautilus: Is Dark Matter Hiding Aliens?
    Alien life could be so advanced it becomes indistinguishable from physics.

    By Caleb Scharf
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    JAYME: Tak to ses trefil! :) Na Lemově rané tvorbě jsem vyrůstal, tedy vynechal
    jsem některé ty "budovatelské" začátky, jinak to jsou skvosty. Snad mi vyjde Arrival tento víkend...
    JAYME --- ---
    VIRGO: dneska jsem na tom byl v kine (po letech!) a jsem nadsenej. neni to dokonalej film, ale to, co mi tam vadilo, proste beru jako nutnou ulitbu, aby to vubec nekdo natocil s mainstreamovou vypravou pro mainstreamovyho divaka. ale kdyby byla nejaka reziserska verze, s vetsim durazem na ty prvni komunikacni krucky a ne na drama a romantiku okolo, tak bych to bral vsema deseti.

    mimochodem, vzpomnel jsem si na tuhle novelu, tam je to tedy pojato daleko daleko pesimistictejc, vzajemna komunikace je vlastne nemozna, napr. mimozemstan vyzaruje nejaky smrtici zareni a lidi ani nemaji jak zjistit, jestli tim zpusobem komunikuje, utoci, anebo to dela bezdeky. je to Lemova rana tvorba, ale stoji za precteni.
    Marťan (Stanisław Lem) – Wikipedie
    VIRGO --- ---
    Scientists discover a nearby superearth

    Ph.D. student Alejandro Suárez Mascareño, of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the University of La Laguna (ULL),
    and his thesis director, Rafael Rebolo and Jonay Isaí González Hernández, have discovered a "superearth"-type planet, GJ 536 b,
    whose mass is around 5.4 Earth masses, in orbit around a nearby very bright star. The study has been accepted for publication in
    the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics; researchers from several countries are involved.

    The planet has been detected in a joint effort between the IAC and the Geneva Observatory, using the HARPS (High Accuracy Radial
    velocity Planet Seeker) spectrograph on the 3.6M ESO Telescope at La Silla (Chile) and HARPS North, on the Telescopio Nacional
    Galileo (TNG) at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, Garafia (La Palma).

    VIRGO --- ---
    SPS se nám také podařilo navštívit. :)
    Heavy ions and quark-gluon plasma | CERN

    Tomorrow we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of the heavy ions research in colliders. Indeed, on 18 November 1986, the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS)
    delivered its first heavy ion beam at CERN in order to study the possibility that quark-gluon plasma was more than just a theory. The aim was to “deconfine”
    quarks by smashing the heavy ions into targets. This image shows an oxygen ion collision in a lead target at an energy of 3.2 TeV. The photograph was taken
    in a detector known as a streamer chamber.

    Nowadays, heavy ion research continues at CERN. To recreate conditions similar to those of the very early universe, the LHC makes head-on collisions between
    massive ions travelling with velocities close to the velocity of light. The extreme temperature and density at the point of collision of hundreds of protons
    and neutrons smashing into one another forms a minuscule fireball in which everything “melts” into a quark-gluon plasma.

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    Incredible Spinning Star Rotates At A Million Miles Per Hour! - Universe Today
    160 000 light years away, a star named VFTS 102 is spinning at a mind-numbing speed of 2 million km per hour (Sun
    spins at 2 km/s at its equator), this hot blue giant has reached the edge where centrifugal forces could tear it apart.

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    Did the Spirit Mars Rover Find a Biosignature of Past Life?

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    Walking the Snow Line | astrobites
    Time evolution of snow regions and planet traps in an evolving protoplanetary disk

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    NGC 2207 & IC 2163 are sprinkled with many star systems known as X-ray binaries
    Montage of images of NGC~2207/IC~2163 taken with HST, Galex (FUV), and Spitzer (3.6 and 24 μμm). The distance to these galaxies is ∼∼39 Mpc.
    Spatially resolved star formation image and the ULX population in NGC2207/IC2163 - INSPIRE-HEP

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    Leonids Meteor Shower Peak today

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    Photographer Snaps Streaking Meteor Above an Erupting Volcano
    While shooting recently in Kamchatka, Russia, Dutch photographer Tomas van der Weijden
    captured this remarkable photo of an erupting volcano and a streaking meteor being reflected in a lake.

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